Parentpacke: Consultingwerk

The Consultingwerk.OERA package contains core data access functionality that follows the principles of the OpenEdge Reference Architecture. The following table lists the main classes of this package:

Class name Description
BusinessEntity The base class for business entities. Business Entities manage a ProDataset and provide methods to read and update data from and to the database as well as additional (custom) operations related to the data.
DataAccess The DataAccess class is the base class for Data Access Objects. Data Access objects are used by BusinessEntities to actually read from and write to the database.
ServiceAdapter The ServiceAdapter provides access to the backend services from the client. The ServiceAdapter is referenced on the client using Consultingwerk.Framework.FrameworkSettings:ServiceAdapter reference.
ServiceInterface The ServiceInterface provides access to the backend services from the backend.


IBufferDataSource Describes a dynamic buffer
IBufferSpec Describes a dynamic buffer
IBusinessEntity Provides Access and Business Logik for a ProDataset
IBusinessService Non functional Interace for Business Services (no methods required to implement IBusinessService)
ICountRecordsRequest Interface for classes extending IFetchDataRequest with the ability to count result records of a query
IDataAccess Interface definition for OERA Data Access objects
IDataAccessCanFind Interface for DataAccess implemementation that support the CanFind method
IDataAccessCountRecords Interface for Data Access classes that do support the CountResultRecords method
IDataAccessFactory Factory of IDataAccess classes
IDataSourceQueryInfo Interface for Holder Classes that may receive information about the data source queries executed by the DataAccess
IDataSourceQueryInfoProvider Interface for classes that provide data source query information (for tracing purposes)
IDSQueryString Interface for Data-Source Query Manipulation routine
IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter Parameter object for the FetchDataByKey method of the BusinessEntity and DataAccess class
IFetchDataBySkip Interface for IFetchDataRequest implementations that do provide the "Skip" parameter as required for the server side batching/paging with JSDO/Kendo UI
IFetchDataRequest Parameter object for FetchData requests
IHasContextID Interface for Business Services (e.g. Business Entities) that support multiple instances in the ServiceManager (ServiceInterface) distinguished by a ContextID
INamedQueryParameter Interface for parameters provided as named queries
IProvidesSmartRecordInformation Interface for Data Access classes that provide the SmartRecordKey
IServiceAdapter Interface allowing customized implementations of the OERA ServiceAdapter (client side)
IServiceAdapterWithContextDataset Interface to be implemented by ServiceAdapter implementations that support a custom context dataset
IServiceAdapterWithContextEvents Declares events that may be used to collect the Context for the AppServer
IServiceAdapterWithInvokeTask Interface to be implemented by ServiceAdapter implementations that support the InvokeTask methods
IServiceAdapterWithInvokeTaskAsync Interface to be implemented by ServiceAdapter implementations that support the InvokeTask methods
IServiceAdapterWithSubmitDataParameter Interface to be implemented by ServiceAdapter implementations that support the SubmitData calls with on additional parameter object instance
IServiceManager Service Interface for classes that manages Business Entity or Business Task instances (IBusinessService interface) for the Service Interface
IServiceManagerClient Service Interface for classes that can shut down business tasks on the server (client for the ServiceManager)
IServiceManagerLifeCycleProvider Interface for services that provide service life cycle definition to the ServiceManagerImpl class
IServiceNameMappingService Interface for services that support the mapping of the business service name (e.g. Business Entity or Business Task) to the actual class name
IValidateDataContext Interface for parameter objects for the invokable version of the ValidateData method in the Business Entity

AsyncTaskCompletedEventArgs Event argument for the AsyncTaskCompleted event of the ServiceAdapter
BufferDataSource Encapsulates a dynamic data-source handle
BufferSpec Describes a dynamic buffer
BusinessEntity Provides Access and Business Logik for a ProDataset
BusinessEntityResultsetMapper Allows mapping a Business Entity Resultset (ProDataset) into a Temp-Table
BusinessServiceTypeEnum Enum for types of Business Service to be queried from ServiceManager:IsRunning
CanFindParameter Parameter object to the BusinessEntity:CanFind method
ContextWrapper Wraps access to the context dataset
CountRecordsRequest Parameter object for count record requests
DataAccess Abstract base class for OERA Data Access objects
DataAccessFactory Default Factory of IDataAccess classes
DatasetModel Model base class for a Dataset
DatasetModelPerformer Performs the backend requests of the Dataset Model class
DataSourceQueryInfo Holder class for data source query information
DataSourceQueryInfoProvider Provides data source query information (for tracing purposes) to the DataAccess:FetchData method
FetchDataAccessRequest Extension to FetchDataRequest with specific instructions for the Data Access class. It is only expected to be used from within a Business Entity
FetchDataException Exception thrown from the DataAccess:FetchData method
FetchDataRequest Parameter object for FetchData requests
FieldValidationError Performs formatting of field validation errors
FilterParameter JSON serializable class that can be used to deserialize the complex filter parameter used by Rollbase, DataDirect OpenAccess SDK for OpenEdge etc.
FindRecordResult Result class for the Consultingwerk.OERA.DataAccess FindRecord method
HandleCommitErrorEventArgs Event Argument for the HandleCommitError event and HandleCommitSysError of the Data Access class
ListTableModel Generic List for the TableModel class
NamedQueryParameter Parameter class for named queries
NamedQueryParameterEntry Entry of the NamedQueryParameter list
NamedQueryParameterList List of parameters to named queries
NotRunningServiceEnum Enum as a parameter to Consultingwerk.OERA.ServiceManager:StopBusinessService
QueryJoinEnum Enum with possible values for the QueryJoin property of the IBufferSpec interface, see BufferDataSource
QueryPurposeEnum Enumeration for the values of the DataAccess:QueryPurpose property; enumaration of the possible usage purposes of the SourceDefaultQuery callback
ResultsetQueryBuilder Creates and prepares the query used to join (in case multiple the tables have been chosen) the resultset before returning it to the caller
ResultsetTempTableFactory Creates the temp-table that is returned to the caller when multiple ProDataset tables will be joined into a single resultset
ServiceAdapter Default OERA ServiceAdapter implementation
ServiceInterface The OERA ServiceInterface which is the suggested method of accessing business logic
ServiceInterfaceLogger Logs requests to the ServiceInface
ServiceManager Manages running Service (Business Services) instances Typically Business Entities and Business Tasks
ServiceManagerClient Default IServiceManagerClient implementation
ServiceManagerClientTask Business Task used by the Consultingwerk.OERA.ServiceManagerClient
ServiceManagerImpl Default IServiceManager implementation that manages Business Entity or Business Task instances (IBusinessService interface) for the Service Interface
ServiceManagerLifeCycleProvider Services that provide service life cycle definition to the ServiceManagerImpl class
ServiceNameMappingService Default implementation of IServiceNameMappingService Interface. Supports the mapping of the business service name (e.g. Business Entity or Business Task) to the actual class name
TableModel Abstract base class for Temp-Table Models
TableModelEnumerator Enumerator for TableModel instances
TableModelTypeEnum Enum describing the kind of a table model: TableModel or ViewModel
UseInterfaceEnum Enum describing the type of Interface to use for a Business Entity Request: ServiceAdapter or ServiceInterface
Validate Provides Assertion-Style validation routines for ProDataset buffers
ValidateDataContext Parameter object for the invokable version of the ValidateData method in the Business Entity
ValidationHelper Provides Assertion-Style validation routines for ProDataset buffers

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