Namespace: Consultingwerk.OERA
DataAccess Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implements: Consultingwerk.OERA.IDataAccess, Consultingwerk.OERA.IDataAccessCanFind, Consultingwerk.OERA.IDataAccessCountRecords, Consultingwerk.OERA.Query.IDSQueryStringSource
Inherited by: Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Localization.UserInterfaceCultureDataAccess, Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Services.BusinessEntityDataAccess, Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Services.DatabaseSchemaDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.SmartDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authentication.UserDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.FieldSecurityItemDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.GroupDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.MenuGroupDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.SecurityAssignmentDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.SecurityRealmDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.SecurityTokenDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.ToolbarSecurityItemDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Authorization.UserGroupDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Context.ContextStoreDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.SchedulerJobStatusDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.AttachmentDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.AttachmentRoleDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.CommentRoleDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.DeletionDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.KeyFieldAssignmentTypeDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.LanguageDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.LoginCompanyDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.MessageDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.RelationDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.SmartBusinessEntityDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.TableDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.TranslationDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.UiTranslationDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.System.ValueListDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Menu.MenuDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Menu.MenuStyleDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Menu.ModuleDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Menu.ProductDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.AttributeDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.AttributeGroupDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.AttributeValueDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.ClassTypeDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.LinkTypeDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.ObjectTypeDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Class.SupportedLinkDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Customization.CustomizationDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Customization.CustomizationTypeDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.Object.ObjectMasterDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.SchedulerJobDataAccess, Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Scheduler.SchedulerJobPlanDataAccess

Purpose:Abstract base class for OERA Data Access objects
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Wed Feb 24 22:19:03 CET 2010

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
# AssignKeyFieldValues (handle) Invoked by DataAccess:CommitChanges within the database transaction to optionally assign key field values for new records
# LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, handle, character) Attaches a data-source object to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet object
# LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, handle, character, character) Attaches a data-source object to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet object
# LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, handle, character, character, character) Attaches a data-source object to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet object
# LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, IBufferDataSource) Attaches a data-source object generated by an BufferDataSource instance to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet object
# LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, IBufferDataSource, character) Attaches a data-source object generated by an BufferDataSource instance to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet object
# A AttachDataSources () Attaches the DATA-SOURCE objects to the ProDataset Buffers
# CHARACTER BuildDataSourceQueryString (handle, IFetchDataRequest, character) Returns the Query String to be used for the DATA-SOURCE of a ProDataset member buffer
+ CanFind (CanFindParameter) Returns a TRUE value if a record is found that meets the specified FIND criteria; otherwise it returns FALSE. CAN-FIND does not make the record available to the Business Entity or it's caller.
# CommitChanges (handle) This method is called from SaveChanges in the DA to do the actual database commit and any transaction-related validation logic for a buffer.
+ CountResultRecords (ICountRecordsRequest) Counts the number of result records in the data source query
# LOGICAL DatasetBufferFill (handle, IFetchDataRequest) Invokes the FILL method of a ProDataset member buffer
# LOGICAL DatasetFill (handle, IFetchDataRequest) Invokes the ProDataset FILL method
# A DefineReadEvents () TO-DO: Subscribe to ProDataset Event Handlers using SET-CALLBACK as needed
# A DetachDataSources () Detaches the DATA-SOURCE objects to the ProDataset Buffers
# CHARACTER ExpandTables (character) Expands the FetchDataRequest:Tables parameter, in case it contains the * wild-card character
+ FetchData (IFetchDataRequest) Fetch data from the data source
+ FetchDataByKeyTable (IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter) Allows retrieve multiple DB records from a Business Entity based on a temp-table with key values
- FetchDataInternal (IFetchDataRequest) Fetch data from the data source
# ROWID FindRecord (character, handle, character, integer, integer) Finds a record in the data source query and returns the ROWID ARRAY (used as RESTART-ROWID in FetchData)
# Consultingwerk.OERA.FindRecordResult FindRecord2 (character, handle, character, integer, integer) Finds a record in the data source query and returns the ROWID ARRAY (used as RESTART-ROWID in FetchData)
# FindSourceBuffer (handle, logical) Locates the matching record in the first source buffer of the given Dataset Buffer
# HandleRecordLockedError (handle, SysError) Handles a record locked error invoked during the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method
# HANDLE InsertToDataSourceQuery (handle, IFetchDataRequest, character) Creates a new Query to be used as a DATA-SOURCE for a ProDataset member buffer
# InvokeCommitChangesCallback (CommitCallbackTypeEnum, handle) Invokes a CommitChangesCallback
# Consultingwerk.OERA.IDSQueryString NewDSQueryString (character, character) Factory method for the DSQueryString objects
# Consultingwerk.OERA.IDSQueryString NewDSQueryString (character, character, logical) Factory method for the DSQueryString objects
# Consultingwerk.OERA.IDSQueryString NewDSQueryStringForKeyValueTable (character, character, logical, IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter, character) Factory method for the DSQueryStringForKeyValueTable objects
# Consultingwerk.IQueryRowIdentifier NewQueryRowIdentifier () Overridable factory method to create an instance of the IQueryRowIdentifier class
# OnAfterSaveChanges (EventArgs) Raises the AfterSaveChanges
# OnAfterSavingRowChanges (SaveRowChangesEventArgs) Raises the AfterSavingRowChanges event
# OnBeforeSaveChanges (EventArgs) Raises the BeforeSaveChanges
# OnBeforeSavingRowChanges (SaveRowChangesEventArgs) Raises the BeforeSavingRowChanges event
# OnHandleCommitError (HandleCommitErrorEventArgs) Raises the HandleCommitError
# OnHandleCommitSysError (HandleCommitErrorEventArgs) Raises the HandleCommitSysError
+ CHARACTER ParentRelationSourceQueryString (handle) Returns the query string matching the DATA-RELATION field pairs referencing the source fields on the parent table
+ RepositionBackwards (handle, integer) Reposition the given query backwards by the given number of records
# ROWID RepositionBackwards (handle, rowid[], integer) Evaluates the ROWID from which the ProDataset FILL operation needs to start on a backwards fill operation
# SaveBuffer (handle) Called from saveChanges to process changes for a single DataSet temp-table buffer.
+ SaveChanges () Save changes to physical storage
# SaveRowChanges (handle) Overridable method that executes SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on the before buffer
# SetDatasetBufferCallback (handle, character, character) Sets's a ProDataset Buffer Callback-Method (BEFORE-FILL, AFTER-FILL, BEFORE-ROW-FILL, ...)
# SetDatasetBufferCallback (handle, character, character, Object) Sets's a ProDataset Buffer Callback-Method (BEFORE-FILL, AFTER-FILL, BEFORE-ROW-FILL, ...)
# SetDatasetCallback (character, character) Sets's a ProDataset Callback-Method (BEFORE-FILL, AFTER-FILL)
# SetDatasetCallback (character, character, Object) Sets's a ProDataset Callback-Method (BEFORE-FILL, AFTER-FILL)
# Consultingwerk.IQueryRowIdentifier SkipRecords (integer, handle) Returns the Query Row Identifier (ROWID) to be used when navigating that DATA-SOURCE query based on the Skip argument of the FetchDataRequest
+ A CHARACTER SourceColumn (character, character) Returns the database field name matching a temp-table field name contained in a consumers query string (query string vs. temp-table definition)
+ A CHARACTER SourceDefaultQuery (character) Returns the base query string used to retrieve data for the temp tables. This query string will be appended by the query provided by the consumer (FetchDataRequest object).
# SuggestDataSourceIndex (handle, character) Method allows enforcing specific indexes when populating child record of a data-relation. When the parent buffer and the child buffer are FILL'ed during the ProDataset:FILL() operation, we ensure the given index

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ DataAccess (handle) Constructor of the DataAccess objects

Top Event Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ AfterSaveChanges (Object, EventArgs) Raised at the end of SaveChanges - within the database transaction block
+ AfterSavingRowChanges (Object, SaveRowChangesEventArgs) Event raised after the execution of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method for an individul record in the DataAccessObject
+ BeforeSaveChanges (Object, EventArgs) Raised at the beginning of SaveChanges - within the database transaction block
+ BeforeSavingRowChanges (Object, SaveRowChangesEventArgs) Event raised before the execution of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method for an individul record in the DataAccessObject
+ HandleCommitError (Object, HandleCommitErrorEventArgs) Raised to allow custom handling of AppError's (Application errors, e.g. from DB triggers) raised while performing the SaveRowChanges method
+ HandleCommitSysError (Object, HandleCommitErrorEventArgs) Raised to allow custom handling of SysError's (Progress runtime errors) raised while performing the SaveRowChanges method

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
# Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterDictionary AssignSkipDictionary Gets the reference to a CharacterDictionary with an entry per buffer (after-buffer name) as the key and the the skip-list of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method used as the value
+ CHARACTER AssignSkipList Gets and sets the skip-list of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method used as the skip-list of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method used in CommitChanges method
+ CHARACTER CUSTOM_LOG_ENTRY Gets the custom log file entry used by the DataAccess class
+ HANDLE DatasetHandle Gets the reference to the Dataset handle used by this Data Access object
# LOGICAL DataSourcesAttached Returns if the DataSources are currently attached
# Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataRequest FetchDataRequest Returns the reference to the current IFetchDataRequest instance
+ LOGICAL FilterUsingInnerJoin Instructs the Query-Builder in method BuildQueryString to remove an eventually present OUTER-JOIN keyword from the source default query when filtering on a ceratin table.
+ LOGICAL ForceApplyQueryOnChildTables Allows to force applying the Source Default Query to child tables even when no filter expression was provided by the consumer
+ LOGICAL LogFetchDataDetails Allows to turn on and off the logging of details of the FetchData method execution
# LOGICAL PrepareJoinedChildTableQueries Gets and sets if the Data Access class should prepare the query on joined child tables during FetchData
# Consultingwerk.OERA.QueryPurposeEnum QueryPurpose Returns the current purpose of the SourceDefaultQuery callback
+ Consultingwerk.OERA.Enum.RequestTypeEnum RequestType Returns the type of the current request (FetchData/SaveChanges)
# LOGICAL ThrowErrorsOnFillFailed Gets and sets if errors (negative return-value) during the ProDataset FILL() method should cause an error thrown by the DataAccess class

Method Detail

PROTECTED AssignKeyFieldValues (handle)

Purpose: Invoked by DataAccess:CommitChanges within the database transaction
to optionally assign key field values for new records
Notes: Provides a hook to assign key fields for new records before the
changes (create) are written to the database. The default implementation
of this method does nothing. Override this method to implement specific

phBeforeBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the before buffer

PROTECTED LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, handle, character)

Purpose: Attaches a data-source object to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet
Notes: Filters out any white space character from the field lists to allow
for human readable source code in the DataAccess classes
AttachDataSources method

phDatasetBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset Buffer
phDataSource HANDLE
The handle of the DATA-SOURCE object
pairs-list An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-delimited list of field name pairs that specify a mapping between different field names in the data-source object buffer and the ProDataSet temp-table buffer
Logical return value of the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method

PROTECTED LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, handle, character, character)

Purpose: Attaches a data-source object to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet
Notes: Filters out any white space character from the field lists to allow
for human readable source code in the DataAccess classes
AttachDataSources method

phDatasetBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset Buffer
phDataSource HANDLE
The handle of the DATA-SOURCE object
pairs-list An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-delimited list of field name pairs that specify a mapping between different field names in the data-source object buffer and the ProDataSet temp-table buffer
pcExceptList CHARACTER
An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-separated list of fields in the ProDataSet object buffer that will not be populated with data from the data source (that is, fields to exclude). Use this option when it is easier to specify fields to exclude rather than include. You can specify except-fields or include-fields, but not both
Logical return value of the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method

PROTECTED LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, handle, character, character, character)

Purpose: Attaches a data-source object to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet
Notes: Filters out any white space character from the field lists to allow
for human readable source code in the DataAccess classes
AttachDataSources method

phDatasetBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset Buffer
phDataSource HANDLE
The handle of the DATA-SOURCE object
pairs-list An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-delimited list of field name pairs that specify a mapping between different field names in the data-source object buffer and the ProDataSet temp-table buffer
pcExceptList CHARACTER
An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-separated list of fields in the ProDataSet object buffer that will not be populated with data from the data source (that is, fields to exclude). Use this option when it is easier to specify fields to exclude rather than include. You can specify except-fields or include-fields, but not both
pcIncludeFields CHARACTER
An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-separated list of fields to include in the ProDataSet object buffer, as an alternative to specifying fields to exclude in except-fields. Use this option when it is easier to specify fields to include rather than exclude. You can specify include-fields or except-fields, but not both. If you specify include-fields, you must set except-fields to the Unknown value (?)
Logical return value of the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method

PROTECTED LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, IBufferDataSource)

Purpose: Attaches a data-source object generated by an BufferDataSource
instance to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet object
Notes: Filters out any white space character from the field lists to allow
for human readable source code in the DataAccess classes
AttachDataSources method

phDatasetBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset Buffer
poDataSource Consultingwerk.OERA.IBufferDataSource
The reference to the the BufferDataSource instance that manages a data-source object handle
Logical return value of the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method

PROTECTED LOGICAL AttachDataSource (handle, IBufferDataSource, character)

Purpose: Attaches a data-source object generated by an BufferDataSource
instance to a temp-table buffer in a ProDataSet object
Notes: Filters out any white space character from the field lists to allow
for human readable source code in the DataAccess classes
AttachDataSources method

phDatasetBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset Buffer
poDataSource Consultingwerk.OERA.IBufferDataSource
The reference to the the BufferDataSource instance that manages a data-source object handle
pairs-list An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-delimited list of field name pairs that specify a mapping between different field names in the data-source object buffer and the ProDataSet temp-table buffer
Logical return value of the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method

PROTECTED AttachDataSources ()

Purpose: Attaches the DATA-SOURCE objects to the ProDataset Buffers
Notes: ABSTRACT method in Consultingwerk.OERA.DataAccess, overridden in
actual DataAccess objects
Invoked in FetchData and SaveChanges


PROTECTED CHARACTER BuildDataSourceQueryString (handle, IFetchDataRequest, character)

Purpose: Returns the Query String to be used for the DATA-SOURCE of a ProDataset
member buffer
Notes: Wrapper to the access to the DSQueryString class to simplify overriding
the query manipulation in a custom Data Access class or customer
DataAccess base class override
This method is used to provide the query string for non top-level buffers
The returned Query String is based on the Query String that was provided
(by the consumer) and the Source Default Query of the Data Access object

phBufferHandle HANDLE
The Handle of the ProDataset member buffer
poFetchDataRequest Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataRequest
The FetchDataRequest object of the current request
pcQueryString CHARACTER
The query string provided by the consumer
The Query String to be used for the data source of the ProDataset member buffer

PUBLIC CanFind (CanFindParameter)

Purpose: Returns a TRUE value if a record is found that meets the specified
FIND criteria; otherwise it returns FALSE. CAN-FIND does not make
the record available to the Business Entity or it's caller.
Notes: Result will be assigned to the Result property of the CanFindParameter

poParameter Consultingwerk.OERA.CanFindParameter
The CanFindParameter with the parameters for this call

PROTECTED CommitChanges (handle)

Purpose: This method is called from SaveChanges in the DA
to do the actual database commit and any transaction-related
validation logic for a buffer.
Notes: This is taken directly from the OERI.
- Note that in this sample that illustrates support for distributed
business logic the DA saves the whole dataset in SaveChanges, so
this is not currently called from the BE.
- The event names are the same as in the OERI. The word "Trans"
is somewhat misleading as the DA need to support large transactions.
One could consider using a name that indicates that this is a row
event instead.

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the after buffer to commit

PUBLIC CountResultRecords (ICountRecordsRequest)

Purpose: Counts the number of result records in the data source query

poFetchDataRequest Consultingwerk.OERA.ICountRecordsRequest
The ICountRecordsRequest that also implements IFetchDataRequest

PROTECTED LOGICAL DatasetBufferFill (handle, IFetchDataRequest)

Purpose: Invokes the FILL method of a ProDataset member buffer
Notes: Allows overriding this method in custom variants of the Data Access
Errors thrown from or raised in the FILL call-back methods of the
DataAccess class (SET-CALLBACK) will stop the Dataset from getting
filled / filled further. However errors thrown from the call-back
methods are not thrown from the FILL() method further up into a
catch block or to the client.

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the proDataset
poFetchDataRequest Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataRequest
The FetchDataRequest instance with the parameters for the current read
If the FILL is successful, this method returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.

PROTECTED LOGICAL DatasetFill (handle, IFetchDataRequest)

Purpose: Invokes the ProDataset FILL method
Notes: Allows overriding this method in custom variants of the Data Access
Errors thrown from or raised in the FILL call-back methods of the
DataAccess class (SET-CALLBACK) will stop the Dataset from getting
filled / filled further. However errors thrown from the call-back
methods are not thrown from the FILL() method further up into a
catch block or to the client.

phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset
poFetchDataRequest Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataRequest
The FetchDataRequest instance with the parameters for the current read
If the FILL is successful, this method returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.

PROTECTED DefineReadEvents ()

Purpose: TO-DO: Subscribe to ProDataset Event Handlers using SET-CALLBACK
as needed
Notes: ABSTRACT method in Consultingwerk.OERA.DataAccess, overridden in
actual DataAccess objects
Invoked in FetchData


PROTECTED DetachDataSources ()

Purpose: Detaches the DATA-SOURCE objects to the ProDataset Buffers
Notes: ABSTRACT method in Consultingwerk.OERA.DataAccess, overridden in
actual DataAccess objects
Invoked in FetchData and SaveChanges


PROTECTED CHARACTER ExpandTables (character)

Purpose: Expands the FetchDataRequest:Tables parameter, in case it contains
the * wild-card character

The initial Tables parameter
The tables parameter with the wild-cards expanded

PUBLIC FetchData (IFetchDataRequest)

Purpose: Fetch data from the data source
Notes: poFetchDataRequest:Context property is used to control batching
(forward/backwards) and the FindRowWhere/PreFetchOnFind
The first entry by CHR(1) in the Context is CHR(2) delimited:
1. Entry: RESTART-ROWID(s) - CHR(5) Delimited
2. Entry: Find String
3. Entry: PrefetchOnFind Value
The poFetchDataRequest parameter may also be passed in as a
FetchDataAccessRequest instance allowing further specific arguments
to be passed that are only relevant to the DataAccess class

poFetchDataRequest Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataRequest
The IFetchDataRequest object with the parameters for this call

PUBLIC FetchDataByKeyTable (IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter)

Purpose: Allows retrieve multiple DB records from a Business Entity based on
a temp-table with key values

poParameter Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter
The IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter with the data for this call

PRIVATE FetchDataInternal (IFetchDataRequest)

Purpose: Fetch data from the data source
Notes: Internal version of the method. The attaching and de-attaching of
the DataSources is no done in FetchData. The possible recursive call
to fetch a complete LAST batch after FindRowWhere is calling into
the method FetchDataInteral do not interfer with the attaching of
the data-source's. SCL-621: This structure allows us to always deattach
the data-sources when they should still be around (left over due to
missing FINALLY-Block execution after STOP-Condition

poFetchDataRequest Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataRequest
The IFetchDataRequest object with the parameters for this call

PROTECTED ROWID FindRecord (character, handle, character, integer, integer)

Purpose: Finds a record in the data source query and returns the ROWID ARRAY
(used as RESTART-ROWID in FetchData)
Notes: This method is kept for backwards compatibility as the FindRecord2
method is now the actual working method

pcFindString CHARACTER
WHERE eCustomer.CustNum = 10
phBufferHandle HANDLE
The temp-table buffer handle
pcQueryString CHARACTER
The current data-source query string
piPrefetch INTEGER
The number of records to prefetch
piBatchSize INTEGER
The number of records to return to the client (total incl. prefetch)
Returns ROWID
The ROWID array of the records - that starts the resulting batch

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.OERA.FindRecordResult FindRecord2 (character, handle, character, integer, integer)

Purpose: Finds a record in the data source query and returns the ROWID ARRAY
(used as RESTART-ROWID in FetchData)

pcFindString CHARACTER
WHERE eCustomer.CustNum = 10
phBufferHandle HANDLE
The temp-table buffer handle
pcQueryString CHARACTER
The current data-source query string
piPrefetch INTEGER
The number of records to prefetch
piBatchSize INTEGER
The number of records to return to the client (total incl. prefetch)
Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.FindRecordResult
The FindRecordResult with the array of rowids and the information if a previous batch is available

PROTECTED FindSourceBuffer (handle, logical)

Purpose: Locates the matching record in the first source buffer of the given
Dataset Buffer

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of a (after) ProDataset buffer
plExclusiveLock LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the record should be locked exclusively

PROTECTED HandleRecordLockedError (handle, SysError)

Purpose: Handles a record locked error invoked during the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES
Notes: Allows customization to the Progress default error message

phBeforeBuffer HANDLE
The handle to befure buffer
poSysError Progress.Lang.SysError
The orignal error raised

PROTECTED HANDLE InsertToDataSourceQuery (handle, IFetchDataRequest, character)

Purpose: Creates a new Query to be used as a DATA-SOURCE for a ProDataset
member buffer
Notes: Wrapper to the access to the DSQueryString class to simplify overriding
the query manipulation in a custom Data Access class or customer
DataAccess base class override
This Query is prepared based on the Query String that was provided
(by the consumer) and the Source Default Query of the Data Access object

phBufferHandle HANDLE
The Handle of the ProDataset member buffer
poFetchDataRequest Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataRequest
The FetchDataRequest object of the current request
pcQueryString CHARACTER
The query string provided by the consumer
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the Query that was created

PROTECTED InvokeCommitChangesCallback (CommitCallbackTypeEnum, handle)

Purpose: Invokes a CommitChangesCallback
Notes: Provides a central location to handle error thrown from these
callback methods. By default errors thrown will be thrown to the
caller. By overriding this mehod customers can CATCH errors and add
them to the ProDataset buffer ERROR-STRING etc.

poCommitCallbackType Consultingwerk.OERA.Enum.CommitCallbackTypeEnum
The CommitCallbackTypeEnum value describing the callback to be invoked
phBeforeBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the before-buffer (to determine the ROW-STATE)

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.OERA.IDSQueryString NewDSQueryString (character, character)

Purpose: Factory method for the DSQueryString objects
Notes: It's not recommended that customers override this method, SCL-866
Customers should rather override the two methods NewDSQueryString
(pcQuery, pcBuffer, plFilterUsingInnerJoin) and NewDSQueryStringForKeyValueTable
(pcQuery, pcBuffer, plFilterUsingInnerJoin, poFetchDataByKeyTableParameter,

The Query String for the DSQueryString instance
The Buffer Name for the DSQueryString instance
Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.IDSQueryString
The new IDSQueryString instance

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.OERA.IDSQueryString NewDSQueryString (character, character, logical)

Purpose: Factory method for the DSQueryString objects
Notes: Customers should override this method as a factory for custom IDSQueryString

The Query String for the DSQueryString instance
The Buffer Name for the DSQueryString instance
plFilterUsingInnerJoin LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the data source query should be using an inner join
Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.IDSQueryString
The new IDSQueryString instance

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.OERA.IDSQueryString NewDSQueryStringForKeyValueTable (character, character, logical, IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter, character)

Purpose: Factory method for the DSQueryStringForKeyValueTable objects
Notes: Customers should override this method as a factory for custom
DSQueryStringForKeyValueTable implementations

The Query String for the DSQueryString instance
The Buffer Name for the DSQueryString instance
plFilterUsingInnerJoin LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the data source query should be using an inner join
poFetchDataByKeyTableParameter Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter
The IFetchDataByKeyTableParameter instance with the parameter of the FetchDataByKeyTable method
pcFieldPairs CHARACTER
The originally attached field pairs
Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.IDSQueryString
The new IDSQueryString instance

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.IQueryRowIdentifier NewQueryRowIdentifier ()

Purpose: Overridable factory method to create an instance of the IQueryRowIdentifier

Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryRowIdentifier
The reference to the new instance of the IQueryRowIdentifier interface

PROTECTED OnAfterSaveChanges (EventArgs)

Purpose: Raises the AfterSaveChanges

e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for the event

PROTECTED OnAfterSavingRowChanges (SaveRowChangesEventArgs)

Purpose: Raises the AfterSavingRowChanges event

e Consultingwerk.OERA.SaveRowChangesEventArgs
The SaveRowChangesEventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnBeforeSaveChanges (EventArgs)

Purpose: Raises the BeforeSaveChanges

e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for the event

PROTECTED OnBeforeSavingRowChanges (SaveRowChangesEventArgs)

Purpose: Raises the BeforeSavingRowChanges event

e Consultingwerk.OERA.SaveRowChangesEventArgs
The SaveRowChangesEventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnHandleCommitError (HandleCommitErrorEventArgs)

Purpose: Raises the HandleCommitError

e Consultingwerk.OERA.HandleCommitErrorEventArgs
The HandleCommitErrorEventArgs with the data for the event

PROTECTED OnHandleCommitSysError (HandleCommitErrorEventArgs)

Purpose: Raises the HandleCommitSysError

e Consultingwerk.OERA.HandleCommitErrorEventArgs
The HandleCommitErrorEventArgs with the data for the event

PUBLIC CHARACTER ParentRelationSourceQueryString (handle)

Purpose: Returns the query string matching the DATA-RELATION field pairs
referencing the source fields on the parent table

phBuffer HANDLE
The child buffer of the relation
The source query string matching the data-relation criteria

PUBLIC RepositionBackwards (handle, integer)

Purpose: Reposition the given query backwards by the given number of records
Notes: Overidable by child classes to implement custom behaviour

phQuery HANDLE
The query handle to reposition backwards
piNumRecords INTEGER
The number of records

PROTECTED ROWID RepositionBackwards (handle, rowid[], integer)

Purpose: Evaluates the ROWID from which the ProDataset FILL operation
needs to start on a backwards fill operation
Notes: This method may be overridden in a DataAccess object class
This method is no longer used for the backwards batching.
It is kept for backwards compability of customers code.

phQuery HANDLE
The Query Handle to reposition backwards
proRowids ROWID
The current ROWID Array
piBatchSize INTEGER
The number of records to reposition backwards
Returns ROWID
The array of starting ROWIDs for the next FILL operation

PROTECTED SaveBuffer (handle)

Purpose: Called from saveChanges to process changes
for a single DataSet temp-table buffer.
Notes: This is similar to the OERI BE version, but has no pre and
post transaction hooks because:
- This method might very well be called inside a transaction.
- The BE supports hooks outside of the transaction scope.

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the after buffer

PUBLIC SaveChanges ()

Purpose: Save changes to physical storage
Notes: This implementation of data access save traverses all records in order
- Allow the DA to control transactions, which cannot be directly
controlled in distributed BL. Transaction control is a concern of
the BL, but should not be contolled with TRANSACTION keyword.
- Offer a course grained save interface from distributed BL
- The default operation here is just a transaction per record
- This simple sample does not use child relations to traverse
the buffers as the OERI BE example. (A property that controls
update order would give the same effect).
- Traversing of child data from a parent would make sense if done for
one parent record at a time.


PROTECTED SaveRowChanges (handle)

Purpose: Overridable method that executes SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on the before buffer
Notes: Called from CommitChanges

phBeforeBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the before buffer

PROTECTED SetDatasetBufferCallback (handle, character, character)

Purpose: Sets's a ProDataset Buffer Callback-Method (BEFORE-FILL, AFTER-FILL, BEFORE-ROW-FILL, ...)

phBuffer HANDLE
The ProDataset Buffer Handle to add the callback for
pcCallback CHARACTER
The DatasetBufferEventEnum value to add the callback method for
The name of the Method to register as a callback

PROTECTED SetDatasetBufferCallback (handle, character, character, Object)

Purpose: Sets's a ProDataset Buffer Callback-Method (BEFORE-FILL, AFTER-FILL, BEFORE-ROW-FILL, ...)

phBuffer HANDLE
The ProDataset Buffer Handle to add the callback for
pcCallback CHARACTER
The DatasetBufferEventEnum value to add the callback method for
The name of the Method to register as a callback
poObject Progress.Lang.Object
The Object that contains the callback method

PROTECTED SetDatasetCallback (character, character)

Purpose: Sets's a ProDataset Callback-Method (BEFORE-FILL, AFTER-FILL)

pcCallback CHARACTER
The DatasetEventEnum value to add the callback method for
The name of the Method to register as a callback

PROTECTED SetDatasetCallback (character, character, Object)

Purpose: Sets's a ProDataset Callback-Method (BEFORE-FILL, AFTER-FILL)

pcCallback CHARACTER
The DatasetEventEnum value to add the callback method for
The name of the Method to register as a callback
poObject Progress.Lang.Object
The Object that contains the callback method

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.IQueryRowIdentifier SkipRecords (integer, handle)

Purpose: Returns the Query Row Identifier (ROWID) to be used when navigating
that DATA-SOURCE query based on the Skip argument of the FetchDataRequest
Notes: Typically used when paging from a JSDO/Kendo UI client, SCL-819, SCL-822

piSkipRecords INTEGER
The number of records to skip from the beginning
phBuffer HANDLE
The temp-table buffer who's data-source should be navigated using Skip
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryRowIdentifier
The IQueryRowIdentifier identifying the restart rowid

PUBLIC CHARACTER SourceColumn (character, character)

Purpose: Returns the database field name matching a temp-table field name
contained in a consumers query string (query string vs. temp-table
Notes: Call-back used by Consultingwerk.OERA.Query.DSQueryString (part of
DataAccess:FetchData FetchData () query preparation
TO-DO: Provide code for alternative mapping

The temp table name to return the source (database table) field name for
The temp table column name to return the source (database table) field name for
The database field name mapped to the passed in temp-table field

PUBLIC CHARACTER SourceDefaultQuery (character)

Purpose: Returns the base query string used to retrieve data for the temp
tables. This query string will be appended by the query provided by
the consumer (FetchDataRequest object).
Notes: Call-back used by Consultingwerk.OERA.Query.DSQueryString (part of
DataAccess:FetchData FetchData () query preparation
TO-DO: Provide code to return the DATA-SOURCE root query string

The temp table name to return the source default (database) query string for
The base query string used to retrieve data for the given temp-table

PROTECTED SuggestDataSourceIndex (handle, character)

Purpose: Method allows enforcing specific indexes when populating child record
of a data-relation. When the parent buffer and the child buffer are
FILL'ed during the ProDataset:FILL() operation, we ensure the given index
Notes: Allows to avoid situations where in a Order -> OrderLine data-relation
when filtered by Orderline.ItemNum the itemnum index is choosen instead
of the more efficient orderline index (both indexes provide one equality
match, but itemnum is the alphabetically first index)
This method should be called from the dataset's BEFORE-FILL call back
Only processes the first buffer of the data-source query, as we assume,
that the proper join criteria between the data-source query buffers
is specified in the SourceDefaultQuery

phChildBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the child buffer
The index name to use

Constructor Detail

PUBLIC DataAccess (handle)

Purpose: Constructor of the DataAccess objects
Notes: Requires to pass a valid dataset handle

phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the Business Entity dataset

Event Detail

PUBLIC AfterSaveChanges (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Raised at the end of SaveChanges - within the database transaction

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The object that raised the AfterSaveChanges event
e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for the event

PUBLIC AfterSavingRowChanges (Object, SaveRowChangesEventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised after the execution of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method
for an individul record in the DataAccessObject

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the object that raised this event
e Consultingwerk.OERA.SaveRowChangesEventArgs
The SaveRowChangesEventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC BeforeSaveChanges (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Raised at the beginning of SaveChanges - within the database transaction
Notes: This is not a cancelable event - as we have already started the database
transaction and really only errors should revert it at this point

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The object that raised the BeforeSaveChanges event
e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs with the data for the event

PUBLIC BeforeSavingRowChanges (Object, SaveRowChangesEventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised before the execution of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method
for an individul record in the DataAccessObject

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The reference to the object that raised this event
e Consultingwerk.OERA.SaveRowChangesEventArgs
The SaveRowChangesEventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC HandleCommitError (Object, HandleCommitErrorEventArgs)

Purpose: Raised to allow custom handling of AppError's (Application errors,
e.g. from DB triggers) raised while performing the SaveRowChanges method

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The object that raised the HandleCommitError event
e Consultingwerk.OERA.HandleCommitErrorEventArgs
The HandleCommitErrorEventArgs with the data for the event

PUBLIC HandleCommitSysError (Object, HandleCommitErrorEventArgs)

Purpose: Raised to allow custom handling of SysError's (Progress runtime errors)
raised while performing the SaveRowChanges method

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The object that raised the HandleCommitError event
e Consultingwerk.OERA.HandleCommitErrorEventArgs
The HandleCommitErrorEventArgs with the data for the event

Property Detail

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterDictionary AssignSkipDictionary

Purpose: Gets the reference to a CharacterDictionary with an entry per buffer
(after-buffer name) as the key and the the skip-list of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES
method used as the value
Notes: Entries in this Dictionary have preference over the AssignSkipList character list
An optional character expression that evaluates to a comma-separated
list of field names for fields that should not be assigned after a
new row is created (that is, fields to skip). For example, a key
field or other fields assigned a value by a CREATE database trigger.

Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterDictionary


Purpose: Gets and sets the skip-list of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method used as
the skip-list of the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method used in CommitChanges
Notes: This property is depricated now. Please use the AssignSkipDictionary
class now.



Purpose: Gets the custom log file entry used by the DataAccess class



Purpose: Gets the reference to the Dataset handle used by this Data Access
Notes: The Data Access object will typically be working on the ProDataset
instance of a Business Entity (owner of the ProDataset)

Returns HANDLE


Purpose: Returns if the DataSources are currently attached


PROTECTED Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataRequest FetchDataRequest

Purpose: Returns the reference to the current IFetchDataRequest instance
Notes: Allows accessing the IFetchDataRequest instance during ProDataset
event call back and during the AttachDataSources method

Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.IFetchDataRequest

PUBLIC LOGICAL FilterUsingInnerJoin

Purpose: Instructs the Query-Builder in method BuildQueryString to remove
an eventually present OUTER-JOIN keyword from the source default
query when filtering on a ceratin table.
Notes: This allows to filter Customers by SalesRep fields in a Query:
FOR EACH Customer, FIRST SalesRep OF Customer OUTER-JOIN
The property is forwarded to the constructor of the DSQueryString
See Bug 2609 for a detailled discussion on the new functionality


PUBLIC LOGICAL ForceApplyQueryOnChildTables

Purpose: Allows to force applying the Source Default Query to child tables
even when no filter expression was provided by the consumer
Notes: When set to TRUE the FetchData method will assume a default
"FOR EACH <temp-table-name>" query from the client, rather than an
empty query string
Useful when the source default query is required to filter out records
even when dependent on the parent table relation (e.g. when records
with certain statusses are filterred out)


PUBLIC LOGICAL LogFetchDataDetails

Purpose: Allows to turn on and off the logging of details of the
FetchData method execution


PROTECTED LOGICAL PrepareJoinedChildTableQueries

Purpose: Gets and sets if the Data Access class should prepare the query on
joined child tables during FetchData
Notes: SCL-334: DataAccess does not prepare queries on child tables with
joined query data sources


PROTECTED Consultingwerk.OERA.QueryPurposeEnum QueryPurpose

Purpose: Returns the current purpose of the SourceDefaultQuery callback
Notes: Only valid while the SourceDefaultQuery method is executed, allows
to return different/optimized queries for differnt usages of
the data source query, see SCL-258

Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.QueryPurposeEnum

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OERA.Enum.RequestTypeEnum RequestType

Purpose: Returns the type of the current request (FetchData/SaveChanges)
Notes: Can be used in AttachDataSource etc. to adjust data sources for
optimized read or save operations

Returns Consultingwerk.OERA.Enum.RequestTypeEnum


Purpose: Gets and sets if errors (negative return-value) during the ProDataset
FILL() method should cause an error thrown by the DataAccess class
Notes: The default behaviour is not to throw errors to be consistent with
the previous behaviour and the default behaviour of ProDatasets,


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