Interfaces | ||
IDeserializationFactory | Interface to allow alternative implementations of the static Consultingwerk.Serailizable:DeserializeInstance method |
INumberFormatter | Interface for classes that support formatting numbers as human readable strings |
IOutputStream | Interface for classes that can handle stream output |
IPrimitiveHolder | Array for primitity data-type holder classes |
IQueryExpression | |
IQueryParser | Describes method(s) required by classes the allow to parse an ABL Query String for a single buffer into an IQueryExpression (QueryExpression, ListQueryExpression, ...) |
IQueryRowIdentifier | Provides abstraction methods for query row id representation |
ISaxReader | Allows SAX reader handling from OOABL classes |
ISequence | Interface for Sequence style classes |
ISerializable | |
ISocketReadHandler | |
Classes | ||
BufferFieldName | A structure that can hold all possible components of a buffer field reference database.table.field[index] |
CancelableEventArgs | Generic argument class for cancellable events |
CanDoQueryExpression | Query expression for CAN-DO style expressions, returning records where the value of the given field is contained in the given list using the CAN-DO operator |
CharacterHolder | A holder class for ABL primitive values |
CharacterType | Contains supporting routines for ABL CHARACTER Variables |
ClassName | Structure that describes parts of a class name (package and class) |
ClientType | An Enumeration of OpenEdge Client Types, see pseudo Widget property SESSION:CLIENT-TYPE |
Codepages | Code page names constants |
CompareStrengthEnum | Enum with possible values for the strength parameter of the ABL Compare function. Use ToString() to pass as the required character parameter |
Const | Generic framework constants |
DatasetBufferCallbackEnum | Enum for ProDataset Buffer Callback Names |
DatasetCallbackEnum | Enum for ProDataset Callback Names |
DataTypeEnum | DATA-TYPE Constants (CHARACTER) |
DateFormat | Holder structure for SESSION date value settings |
DateHolder | A holder class for ABL primitive values |
DateTimeHolder | A holder class for ABL primitive values |
DateTimeTzHolder | A holder class for ABL primitive values |
DateType | Contains supporting routines for ABL DATE Variables |
Debug | Writes messages to the debug log file |
DecimalHolder | A holder class for ABL primitive values |
DefaultOutputStream | Output stream using the DEFAULT OUTPUT (stdio for batch clients) as the output destination |
DeserializationFactory | Default IDeserializationFactory implementation |
EntryTypeEnum | Enum used by ProcedureHelper:HasEntry |
Enum | Abstract base type for Enum classes |
Environment | |
EventArgs | Generic event argument class |
FrameworkVersion | Returns the Framework Version (build number) |
GuidType | Provides helper functions for GUID types |
HandleHolder | A holder class for ABL primitive values |
HttpClient | Provides HTML GET and POST functionality using Socket communication |
InQueryExpression | Query expression for IN style expressions, returning records where the value of the given field is contained in the given list |
Int64Holder | A holder class for ABL primitive values |
IntegerHolder | A holder class for ABL primitive values |
IntegerType | |
IoModeEnum | Character Constant enumeration for the iomode parameter of the Progress.Lang.ParameterList:SetParameter () method (ABL 11.6 reflection) |
ListMethod | Generic List of Methods (OpenEdge 11.6 reflection) |
ListNameValuePair | List of NameValuePair implementations |
ListQueryExpression | |
ListQueryExpressionByTable | |
LogfileOutputStream | Output Stream with the client-logfile as the output destination |
LogicalHolder | A holder class for ABL primitive values |
LoginStateEnum | Enum for the values of the Client-Principal LOGIN-STATE attribute |
LongcharOutputStream | Output Stream with a LONGCHAR variables as the output destination |
MonthEnum | Enumeration of the Months of a year |
NameValuePair | A general purpose NameValuePair |
NumberFormatterEnglish | Supports formatting numbers as human readable English strings |
NumberFormatterGerman | Supports formatting numbersas human readable English strings |
NumericFormat | Holder structure for SESSION numeric value settings |
OperatorEnum | Enumeration of Operators |
OutputStream | Output stream using a stream-handle as the output destination |
Point | Serializable holder class for a Point structure |
ProcessingStatusChangedEventArgs | Cancelable Event Argument to be used for status events raised by batch like tasks |
ProVersionEnum | An enumeration of CHARACTER Constants with valid Progress Version numbers from 10.1A on (first progress release with support for OO code) |
QueryExpression | |
QueryParser | Allow parsing of an ABL Query String for a single buffer into an IQueryExpression (QueryExpression, ListQueryExpression, ...) |
QueryRowIdentifier | Provides abstraction methods for query row id representation |
RecordIdentifier | A structure that can holds a ROWID as well as a buffer name |
Sequence | Default ISequence implementation |
Serializable | Implements serialization functionality i.e. for parameter object to be passed around the AppServer boundary |
SessionInfo | Holder class for session information |
StatusChangedEventArgs | |
Tokenizer | A class that supportes splitting a CHARACTER string into tokens that might be quoted or not |
UiEnvironmentEnum | |
WeekDayEnum | Enumeration of WeekDays |
WidgetAttributes | Can verify widget attribute names |
WidgetTypeEnum | Widget TYPE Constants (CHARACTER) |
XmlSerializable | Implements serialization functionality i.e. for parameter object to be passed around the AppServer boundary |