Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.OERA

BusinessServiceAlreadyRegistered Exception thrown when the Business Service is already registered
BusinessServiceAlreadyRunning Exception thrown when the Business Service is already registered
BusinessServiceNotRunning Exception thrown when the Business Service is not running
CannotRemoveTableFromStaticContextDatasetException Exception thrown when trying to remove a temp-table from a static Context Dataset
DatasetBufferFillFailedException Error raised by the DataAccess class when the Dataset FILL() method returned FALSE and the ThrowErrorsOnFillFailed property is set to TRUE
DatasetFillFailedException Error raised by the DataAccess class when the Dataset FILL() method returned FALSE and the ThrowErrorsOnFillFailed property is set to TRUE
DatasetModelException Exception thrown by the DatasetModel classes
ExternalBusinessServiceNotRegistered Exception thrown when the Business Service is already registered
FillFailedException Abstract base class for the DatasetFillFailedException and the DatasetBufferFillFailedException
InconsistentServiceLifeCycleDefinitionsException Exception thrown when the service life cycle definitions are not consistent.
InvalidNamedQueryException Exception thrown from business entities when an invalid named query name was passed in
InvalidTablesParameterValueException Exception thrown by the DataAccess:FetchDataInternal method when the FetchDataRequest parameter contains an invalid table name
InvokeBusinessEntityException Exception thrown when a Business Task cannot be loaded
InvokeBusinessTaskException Exception thrown when a Business Task cannot be loaded
NamedQueryParameterMissingException Exception thrown from business entities when parameters to a named query are missing
NotFoundException Exception thrown by the DataAccess:FindRecord methods
QueryOffEndException Exception thrown when attempting to navigate a query further than it's end
QueryStringForKeyValueTableException Exception thrown by the DataAccess:FetchDataByKeyTable method
RecordNotAvailableException Exception thrown by the SmartTableInfoProvider:FindRecordByKeyValues method
ServiceInterfaceException Exception thrown by the Service Interface in case a Business Entity or Business Task cannot be started
TableModelBatchingNotSupportedException Exception thrown by the DatasetModelPerformer when calling into the PerformNextBatchRequest while batching is not expected
UnableToLaunchBusinessServiceException Exception thrown when the Service Manager is unable to launch a Business Entity or Business Task
UnableToUseDedicatedBusinessEntityWithoutServiceInterface Exception thrown by the worker methods of the DatasetModel Performer class when trying to use a dedicated Business Entity (on the backend) from the frontend

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