Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.OERA

The Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntityDescriptor package provides the ability to describe properties, behavior and usage of Business Entities. The Business Entity Descriptor describes

  • Temp-Tables with mandatory and read-only fields
  • Views with Entity Table, Entity View Tables and fields for lists (grids) and details (viewers)
  • Invokable methods with their parameters

See and SCL-835 for details.


IBusinessEntityDescriptor Describes properties of a Business Entity
IBusinessEntityDescriptorClient Serivce Interface for caching services for the Business Entity Descriptor. Used by ABL Clients only
IBusinessEntityDescriptorService Interface for services that can provide the Business Entity Descriptor for a Business Entity
IBusinessEntityFieldDescriptor Describes a Business Entity Field
IBusinessEntityTableDescriptor Describes a Business Entity Table
IBusinessEntityViewDescriptor Describes a Business Entity View
IInvokableMethodDescriptor Describes an Invokable Method

BusinessEntityDescriptor Describes the capabilities and usage of a Business Entity
BusinessEntityDescriptorClient Serivce which provides caching services for the Business Entity Descriptor. Used by ABL Clients only
BusinessEntityDescriptorService Provides Business Entity Descriptor information for a Business Entity
BusinessEntityFieldDescriptor Describes an Entity Field
BusinessEntityTableDescriptor Describes a Entity Temp-Table
BusinessEntityViewDescriptor Describes an Invokable Method
GetBusinessEntityDescriptorParameter Parameter for the GetBusinessEntityDescriptor method of the BusinessEntity class
InvokableMethodDescriptor Describes an Invokable Method
ListBusinessEntityFieldDescriptor Dictionary of IBusinessEntityFieldDescriptor
ListBusinessEntityTableDescriptor Dictionary of IBusinessEntityTableDescriptor
ListBusinessEntityViewDescriptor Dictionary of IBusinessEntityViewDescriptor
ListInvokableMethodDescriptor Dictionary of IInvokableMethodDescriptor

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