
FRAME widget

A frame is a display area within a window that can group together (contain) a set of field-level widgets and child frames. In addition to default frames set up by ABL, you can set up static frames with the Frame phrase or DEFINE FRAME statement. You can create a dynamic one-down frame with the CREATE widget statement.

Related field-level widgets and child frames are actually parented by a single field group widget, which is owned, in turn, by the parenting frame. You parent static field-level widgets to a static frame using a DEFINE FRAME, FORM, or FRAME I/O statement. You parent dynamic field-level widgets to any frame by setting the FRAME attribute of each field-level widget to the handle of the parent frame. You can parent frame widgets to any frame by setting the FRAME attribute of each child frame to the handle of its parent frame.

Frames in a parent and child relationship form a frame family, which is a hierarchy of parent and child frames ultimately parented by a window. The top parent frame that is parented by the window is the root frame of the frame family.

The following figure shows a frame family with four frames, including three child frames titled Contact Information, Account Information, and PREVIOUS/NEXT:




  1. Windows only. This event occurs only in dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversations. This event is supported only for backward compatibility. Use the Component Object Model (COM) instead. For more information, see the chapter on DDE in OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces.

See also

CREATE widget statement, DIALOG-BOX widget, DEFINE FRAME statement, Frame phrase

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation