

Returns the handle to the procedure in which an object was instantiated.

Data type: HANDLE

Access: Readable

Applies to: ACTIVE-WINDOW system handle, Asynchronous request object handle, AUDIT-CONTROL system handle, AUDIT-POLICY system handle, BROWSE widget (browse and column), Buffer object handle, Buffer-field object handle, BUTTON widget, Call object handle, Client-principal object handle, CLIPBOARD system handle, CODEBASE-LOCATOR system handle, COLOR-TABLE system handle, COMBO-BOX widget, COMPILER system handle, CONTROL-FRAME widget, CURRENT-WINDOW system handle, Data-relation object handle, Data-source object handle, DEBUGGER system handle, DEFAULT-WINDOW system handle, DIALOG-BOX widget, DSLOG-MANAGER system handle, EDITOR widget, ERROR-STATUS system handle, FIELD-GROUP widget, FILE-INFO system handle, FILL-IN widget, FONT-TABLE system handle, FRAME widget, IMAGE widget, LAST-EVENT system handle, LITERAL widget, LOG-MANAGER system handle, MENU widget, MENU-ITEM widget, Procedure object handle, ProDataSet object handle, Query object handle, RADIO-SET widget, RCODE-INFO system handle, RECTANGLE widget, SAX-attributes object handle, SAX-reader object handle, SAX-writer object handle, SECURITY-POLICY system handle, SELECTION-LIST widget, SELF system handle, Server object handle, Server socket object handle, SESSION system handle, SLIDER widget, SOAP-fault object handle, SOAP-fault-detail object handle, SOAP-header object handle, SOAP-header-entryref object handle, Socket object handle, SOURCE-PROCEDURE system handle, Stream object handle, SUB-MENU widget, TARGET-PROCEDURE system handle, Temp-table object handle, TEXT widget, THIS-PROCEDURE system handle, TOGGLE-BOX widget, Transaction object handle, WEB-CONTEXT system handle, WINDOW widget, X-document object handle, X-noderef object handle

When applied to a widget or object handle, this attribute always returns a handle. This handle is either valid or invalid based on the state of the instantiating procedure. The instantiating procedure for a dynamically created object might no longer be running. In this case, the handle is invalid.

Note: Since you can never be sure of the state of an instantiating procedure, never use this attribute as a chained attribute.

In general, INSTANTIATING-PROCEDURE returns the procedure handle for the procedure in which the DEFINE or CREATE statement is executed. Following are the exceptions:

Although this attribute applies to all widgets and handles, not all system handles are associated with an instantiating procedure and do not return a procedure handle. For these system handles, this attribute returns the Unknown value (?). The following system handles always return the Unknown value (?):

CLIPBOARD system handle
CODEBASE-LOCATOR system handle
COLOR-TABLE system handle
COMPILER system handle
DEBUGGER system handle
DSLOG-MANAGER system handle
ERROR-STATUS system handle
FILE-INFO system handle
FOCUS system handle
FONT-TABLE system handle
LAST-EVENT system handle
LOG-MANAGER system handle
RCODE-INFO system handle
SESSION system handle
WEB-CONTEXT system handle

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation