
PRIVATE-DATA attribute

An arbitrary string associated with the handle of an object or widget.

Data type: CHARACTER

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: Asynchronous request object handle, BROWSE widget (browse and column), Buffer-field object handle, Buffer object handle, BUTTON widget, COMBO-BOX widget, CONTROL-FRAME widget, Data-relation object handle, Data-source object handle, DIALOG-BOX widget, EDITOR widget, FIELD-GROUP widget, FILL-IN widget, FRAME widget, IMAGE widget, LITERAL widget, MENU widget, MENU-ITEM widget, Procedure object handle, ProDataSet object handle, Query object handle, RADIO-SET widget, RECTANGLE widget, SAX-attributes object handle, SAX-reader object handle, SELECTION-LIST widget, Server object handle, Server socket object handle, SLIDER widget, SOAP-header object handle, SOAP-header-entryref object handle, Socket object handle, Stream object handle, SUB-MENU widget, Temp-table object handle, TEXT widget, TOGGLE-BOX widget, WINDOW widget

Use this attribute any way you want. The AVM does not check the value of this attribute.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation