

(Graphical interfaces only)

Indicates whether field-level widgets inherit the foreground color of their containing dialog-box or frame widget.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: DIALOG-BOX widget, FRAME widget, SESSION system handle

The default value is TRUE. That is, field-level widgets inherit the foreground color of the containing dialog-box or frame widget, by default.

When set to FALSE for a dialog-box or frame widget, the following field-level widgets will not inherit the foreground color of their containing widget: BROWSE, COMBO-BOX (all types), EDITOR, FILL-IN (NATIVE and Enabled), and SELECTION-LIST.

You must set this attribute before realizing the dialog-box or frame widgets.

For static dialog-box and frame widgets, you can also change the default foreground color inheritance on a frame-by-frame basis by specifying the INHERIT-FGCOLOR option in the Frame phrase when you define the widget.

You can also set this attribute to FALSE on the SESSION system handle to change the default foreground color inheritance for all dialog-box and frame widgets in the session. Setting this attribute affects dialog-box and frame widgets created only after the attribute is set; it does not affect existing widgets.

Note: If you set this attribute on the SESSION system handle in a procedure that also contains static dialog-box or frame widget definitions, the static widgets will not be affected by the attribute setting because they are created before the procedure begins executing. For this reason, Progress Software Corporation recommends that you set this attribute on the SESSION system handle in an initialization procedure that does not contain static widget definitions.

Setting the FGCOLOR attribute for a field-level widget within the dialog-box or frame overrides any INHERIT-FGCOLOR attribute or option settings.

See also: FGCOLOR attribute, Frame phrase, INHERIT-BGCOLOR attribute

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation