
TAB-STOP attribute

Returns TRUE if the widget is in its parent’s tab chain.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writable

Applies to: BROWSE widget, BUTTON widget, COMBO-BOX widget, CONTROL-FRAME widget, EDITOR widget, FILL-IN widget, FRAME widget, RADIO-SET widget, SELECTION-LIST widget, SLIDER widget, TOGGLE-BOX widget

Setting the TAB-STOP attribute to FALSE removes the widget from its parent’s tab chain. Setting the TAB-STOP attribute to TRUE adds the widget to the end of its parent’s tab chain. If the widget is already in the tab chain, its position does not change.

In Windows, the mnemonic key (ALT accelerator) for a widget will not work if the widget is removed from the tab order. Also, because the widget is not in the tab order, pressing TAB will not change focus from the widget.

OpenEdge Release 10.2B
Copyright © 2009 Progress Software Corporation