GetDataSourceNextRowids (handle)
Assigns the internal storage with the restart row identifiers of
the given data source object handle
GetQueryCurrentRowids (handle)
Populates the ROWID[]with the rowids of the current Query result row
LOGICAL IsBaseRowidSpecified ()
Returns if the QueryRowIdentifier contains a valid row identifier
ParseString (character)
Parses a character representation of the rowident
LOGICAL QueryCurrentRowidsEquals (handle)
Compares the array of the current query ROWIDs with the array of
Restart ROWIDs
LOGICAL RepositionQuery (handle)
Moves a query objects result list pointer to the row corresponding
to the specified ROWID or ROWIDs. To reposition to a particular row
when the query is a join, supply the ROWIDs of the buffers that
correspond to the desired row.
SetBufferRestartRowids (handle)
Sets the RESTART-ROWID for the data source buffer(s)
Returns the CHARACTER representation (serialization) of this instance