Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, character) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, date) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, datetime) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, datetime-tz) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, decimal) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, int64) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, integer) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, logical) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression) Adds an item to the generic List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, character) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, date) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, datetime) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, datetime-tz) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, decimal) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, int64) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, integer) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, IQueryExpression) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, logical) Adds a QueryExpression to the List
+ Add (IQueryExpression[]) Adds an array of items to the generic List
+ Clear () Removes all items from the List
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
+ LOGICAL Contains (Object) Determines if an object is a member of the List
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
+ Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.IEnumerator GetEnumerator () Returns a new IEnumerator instance for this object instance
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
+ CHARACTER GetExpression () Returns the Expression to be used in a Query String
# CHARACTER GetExpressionForEntry (IQueryExpression) Returns the expression value for an entry in the List
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression GetItem (integer) Retrieves an item from the generic List
+ INTEGER IndexOf (Object) Determines the index of a specific item in the List
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
# InternalAdd (Object) Adds an Item to the List
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
# InternalAdd (Object[]) Adds the Items from an Array to the List
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
# Progress.Lang.Object InternalGetItem (integer) Returns the Item at the specified Index
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
# OnListChanged (ListChangedEventArgs) Raises the ListChanged event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
+ Remove (Object) Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the List
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
+ RemoveAt (integer) Removes the List item at the specified index.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
+ Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression ToArray () Returns an Array with the elements of the List

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ ListQueryExpression () Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class
+ ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression[]) Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

Top Event Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ ListChanged (Object, ListChangedEventArgs) Raised when the List is changed by adding or removing items or clearing the list
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ INTEGER Count Returns the Lists item count
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
+ LOGICAL IsEmpty Returns if the ListQueryExpression is empty
+ CHARACTER ListHash Returns a hash value representing the current list contents
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
+ Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum Operator Gets and sets the Operator of the QueryExpression

Method Detail

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, character)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

The field name to be used as the left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pcExpression CHARACTER
A Character Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, date)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

The field name to be used as the left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pdtExpression DATE
A Date Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, datetime)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

The field name to be used as the left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pdtExpression DATETIME
A DateTime Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, datetime-tz)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

The field name to be used as the left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pdtExpression DATETIME-TZ
A DateTime Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, decimal)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

The field name to be used as the left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pdeExpression DECIMAL
A Decimal Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, int64)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

The field name to be used as the left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
piExpression INT64
An Int64 Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, integer)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

The field name to be used as the left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
piExpression INTEGER
An Integer Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (character, OperatorEnum, logical)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

The field name to be used as the left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
plExpression LOGICAL
A Logical Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Adds an item to the generic List

poItem Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
And item of the Lists member type
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The new Item added to the List

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, character)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

poFirstExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pcExpression CHARACTER
A Character Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, date)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

poFirstExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pdtExpression DATE
A Date Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, datetime)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

poFirstExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pdtExpression DATETIME
A DateTime Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, datetime-tz)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

poFirstExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pdtExpression DATETIME-TZ
A DateTime Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, decimal)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

poFirstExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
pdeExpression DECIMAL
A Decimal Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, int64)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

poFirstExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
piExpression INT64
An Int64 Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, integer)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

poFirstExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
piExpression INTEGER
An Integer Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

poFirstExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
poSecondExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The right operand of the Query Expression
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression Add (IQueryExpression, OperatorEnum, logical)

Purpose: Adds a QueryExpression to the List

poFirstExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The left operand of the Query Expression
poOperator Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum
The operator
plExpression LOGICAL
A Logical Expression to as the argument
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The reference to the new QueryExpression

PUBLIC Add (IQueryExpression[])

Purpose: Adds an array of items to the generic List

poItem Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
An array of items of the Lists member type

PUBLIC Clear ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Removes all items from the List


PUBLIC LOGICAL Contains (Object)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Determines if an object is a member of the List

poListItem Progress.Lang.Object
The object to locate in the List
Logical value indicating if the object is contained in the list

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Returns a new IEnumerator instance for this object instance

Returns Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.IEnumerator
The IEnumerator instance for this object


Purpose: Returns the Expression to be used in a Query String

The CHARACTER Expression

PROTECTED CHARACTER GetExpressionForEntry (IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Returns the expression value for an entry in the List
Notes: Adds parenthesis for Lists that are entries in this List

poExpression Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The expression to return the value for
The value for the given expression

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression GetItem (integer)

Purpose: Retrieves an item from the generic List
Notes: CAST's the element from the underlying Progress.Lang.Object based

The 1 based index of the item to retrieve
Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item of the Lists member type


Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Determines the index of a specific item in the List

poListItem Progress.Lang.Object
The object to locate in the List
Integer value indicating if position of the object in the list

PROTECTED InternalAdd (Object)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Adds an Item to the List
Notes: Protected method to be overridden in the actual generic List class

poItem Progress.Lang.Object
The Item to add to the List

PROTECTED InternalAdd (Object[])

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Adds the Items from an Array to the List
Notes: Protected method to be overridden in the actual generic List class

poItem Progress.Lang.Object
The Array of Items to add to the List

PROTECTED Progress.Lang.Object InternalGetItem (integer)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Returns the Item at the specified Index
Notes: Protected method to be overridden in the actual generic List class

The 1 based index of the Item to be returned
Returns Progress.Lang.Object
The object at the specified list position

PROTECTED OnListChanged (ListChangedEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Raises the ListChanged event

e Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.ListChangedEventArgs
The ListChangedEventArgs object instance with the data of the ListChanged event

PUBLIC Remove (Object)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the List

poListItem Progress.Lang.Object
The member to remove from the List

PUBLIC RemoveAt (integer)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Removes the List item at the specified index.

The Index of the Item to remove from the List

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression ToArray ()

Purpose: Returns an Array with the elements of the List

Returns Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The array of elements of the Lists member type

Constructor Detail

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression ()

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class


PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem12 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem12 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem13 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem12 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem13 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem14 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem12 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem13 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem14 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem15 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem12 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem13 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem14 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem15 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem16 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem12 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem13 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem14 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem15 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem16 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem17 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem12 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem13 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem14 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem15 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem16 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem17 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem18 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem12 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem13 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem14 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem15 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem16 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem17 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem18 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem19 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression, IQueryExpression)

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItem1 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem2 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem3 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem4 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem5 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem6 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem7 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem8 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem9 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem10 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem11 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem12 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem13 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem14 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem15 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem16 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem17 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem18 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem19 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list
poItem20 Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The item to add to the list

PUBLIC ListQueryExpression (IQueryExpression[])

Purpose: Constructor for the ListQueryExpression class

poItems Consultingwerk.IQueryExpression
The array of Items to add to the list

Event Detail

PUBLIC ListChanged (Object, ListChangedEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Raised when the List is changed by adding or removing items or
clearing the list

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The sender of the event
e Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.ListChangedEventArgs
The ListChangedEventArgs object instance with the data of the ListChanged event

Property Detail


Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Returns the Lists item count



Purpose: Returns if the ListQueryExpression is empty



Inherited from Consultingwerk.Framework.Base.GenericList
Purpose: Returns a hash value representing the current list contents


PUBLIC Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum Operator

Purpose: Gets and sets the Operator of the QueryExpression

Returns Consultingwerk.OperatorEnum

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