Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
- GenericAfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapterHandler (Object, AfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapterEventArgs) Event raised when the lookups SmartBusinessEntityAdapter is initialized
- GenericAfterPerformLookupHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event raised after the lookup has performed a search
- GenericBeforeLookupDialogShownHandler (Object, BeforeLookupDialogShownEventArgs) Raised before the Lookup Dialog is shown
- GenericBeforePerformLookupHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event raised before the lookup performs a search
- GenericClickHandler (Object, EventArgs) Generic Click Event handler
- GenericInitializeLookupBrowserLayoutHandler (Object, InitializeLookupBrowserLayoutEventArgs) Event raised when the Lookup Dialog's browser is performing it's layout
- GenericLeaveHandler (Object, EventArgs) Generic Leave Event handler
- GenericLookupCompleteHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event raised when the Lookup has returned a record
- GenericLookupKeyValueChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) Raised when the LookupKeyValue property has changed
- GenericShowLookupDialogHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event raised before the Lookup Dialog is shown
- GenericValidatingHandler (Object, EventArgs) Generic Validating Event handler
- GenericValueChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) Generic ValueChanged Event handler
+ System.Windows.Forms.Control GetBoundControl (character) Returns the reference to the first Control that is bound to the named field of the binding source
+ System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control> GetBoundControls (character) Returns the list of references of the Controls that are bound to the named field of the binding source
# HANDLE GetScreenValuesDataset () Returns a ProDataset with the current screen values
+ System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character) Returns the reference to a Control in the Viewer identified by the Controls Name. This Method starts a recursive search for the Control.
# HandleUiControl (UiControl, handle) Returns a ProDataset with the current screen values
+ LOGICAL HasBoundControl (character) Returns logical value indicating if the Viewer contains a Control that is bound to the named field
+ Initialize () Initializes the SmartViewerLogic instance
+ InitializeViewerUiControlHandler () Initializes the SmartViewerUiControlHandler class
# RaiseGenericEvent (EventArgs) Raises the Generic Event
+ RegisterSmartViewerControl (SmartViewerControl) Handshake method for SmartViewerControl instances
# ResetViewerState () Resets the state of the Viewer
+ SetControlEnabled (character, character) Sets the Enable Mode for the given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for a given Control inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for two given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for three given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for four given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for five given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
+ SetControlEnabled (Control[], character) Sets the Enable Mode for the given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl
+ SetModifyingState () Sets the TableIOState to ModifyingData
+ Shutdown () Shuts down the SmartViewerLogic instance
+ SubscribeControlEventHandler (Control, character, character) Subscribes a Control to an Event Handler in the Viewer Logic Class
+ A SubscribeEvents () Subscribes the events for an attached viewer instance
+ A UnsubscribeEvents () Unsubscribes the events for an attached viewer instance

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ SmartViewerLogic () Constructor for the SmartViewerLogic class

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicForm DynamicForm
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl Owner
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartGroupAssignSource SmartGroupAssignSource
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartTableIOSource SmartTableIOSource
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.ListSmartViewerControl SmartViewerControls
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartWindowForm SmartWindowForm

Method Detail

PRIVATE GenericAfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapterHandler (Object, AfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapterEventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised when the lookups SmartBusinessEntityAdapter is initialized

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.AfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapterEventArgs
The AfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapterEventArgs with the data for this event

PRIVATE GenericAfterPerformLookupHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised after the lookup has performed a search

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PRIVATE GenericBeforeLookupDialogShownHandler (Object, BeforeLookupDialogShownEventArgs)

Purpose: Raised before the Lookup Dialog is shown

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The object that raised the BeforeLookupDialogShown event
e Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Implementation.BeforeLookupDialogShownEventArgs
The BeforeLookupDialogShownEventArgs with the data for the event

PRIVATE GenericBeforePerformLookupHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised before the lookup performs a search
Notes: The cancellable event is raised before the Lookup action is performed.
The event still allows to modify properties relevant to the Lookup
(such as modifying the LookupQueryString)

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PRIVATE GenericClickHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Generic Click Event handler

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PRIVATE GenericInitializeLookupBrowserLayoutHandler (Object, InitializeLookupBrowserLayoutEventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised when the Lookup Dialog's browser is performing it's

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.InitializeLookupBrowserLayoutEventArgs
The reference to the InitializeLookupBrowserLayoutEventArgs with data for this event

PRIVATE GenericLeaveHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Generic Leave Event handler

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PRIVATE GenericLookupCompleteHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised when the Lookup has returned a record

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PRIVATE GenericLookupKeyValueChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Raised when the LookupKeyValue property has changed

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PRIVATE GenericShowLookupDialogHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Event raised before the Lookup Dialog is shown
Notes: The cancelable event is raised before the Lookup Dialog is
instantiated and shown. This event still allows to modify properties
relevant for the Lookup Dialog.

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The reference to the InitializeLookupBrowserLayoutEventArgs with data for this event

PRIVATE GenericValidatingHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Generic Validating Event handler

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PRIVATE GenericValueChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Generic ValueChanged Event handler

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Control GetBoundControl (character)

Purpose: Returns the reference to the first Control that is bound to the named
field of the binding source
Notes: Searches all Controls in the owning viewer and also GroupAssignLinked viewers

pcBindingPropertyName CHARACTER
The name of the field in the ProBindingSource
Returns System.Windows.Forms.Control
The bound Control of ? when no Control is bound

PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control> GetBoundControls (character)

Purpose: Returns the list of references of the Controls that are bound to the
named field of the binding source
Notes: Returns all Controls in the owning viewer and also GroupAssignLinked viewers

pcBindingPropertyName CHARACTER
The name of the field in the ProBindingSource
Returns System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control>
The List of bound Controls

PROTECTED HANDLE GetScreenValuesDataset ()

Purpose: Returns a ProDataset with the current screen values

Returns HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset

PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character)

Purpose: Returns the reference to a Control in the Viewer identified by the Controls
Name. This Method starts a recursive search for the Control.
Notes: The Method is called by the SmartLookupControls to set values to
the Controls after the Lookup Dialog has been closed.

pcControlName CHARACTER
Name of the Control to search
Returns System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the Control or the unknown value

PROTECTED HandleUiControl (UiControl, handle)

Purpose: Returns a ProDataset with the current screen values

poUiControl Consultingwerk.CommonUi.UiControl
The reference to the UiControl instance to process
phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset with the screen values

PUBLIC LOGICAL HasBoundControl (character)

Purpose: Returns logical value indicating if the Viewer contains a Control
that is bound to the named field
Notes: Includes Group Assigned viewers

pcBindingPropertyName CHARACTER
The name of the field in the ProBindingSource
Logical value indicating if a bound control exists

PUBLIC Initialize ()

Purpose: Initializes the SmartViewerLogic instance


PUBLIC InitializeViewerUiControlHandler ()

Purpose: Initializes the SmartViewerUiControlHandler class
Notes: The SmartViewerUiControlHandler is initialized when calling into
GetScreenValuesDataset, HandleUiControl and ResetViewerState
This method allows to initalize the instance earlier, especially to
store the EnabledStatus of fields earlier


PROTECTED RaiseGenericEvent (EventArgs)

Purpose: Raises the Generic Event
Notes: Supports raising events from the Viewer Logic Class - it's recommended
to use a derived event arg to distinguish events

e Consultingwerk.EventArgs
The Consultingwerk.EventArgs

PUBLIC RegisterSmartViewerControl (SmartViewerControl)

Purpose: Handshake method for SmartViewerControl instances
Notes: You may override this method to perform initialization for a
specific viewer

poSmartViewerControl Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
The SmartViewerControl instance this logic class will provide logic for

PROTECTED ResetViewerState ()

Purpose: Resets the state of the Viewer
Notes: SetControlEnabled, StyleSetName


PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (character, character)

Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for the given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

pcControlNames CHARACTER
The comma delimited list of Control Name
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, character)

Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for a given Control inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, character)

Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for two given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl1 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The first Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl2 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The second Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, character)

Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for three given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl1 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The first Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl2 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The second Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl3 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The third Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, character)

Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for four given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl1 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The first Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl2 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The second Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl3 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The third Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl4 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The forth Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control, character)

Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for five given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl1 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The first Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl2 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The second Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl3 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The third Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl4 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The forth Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl5 System.Windows.Forms.Control
The fifth Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control[], character)

Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for the given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControls System.Windows.Forms.Control
The array of Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetModifyingState ()

Purpose: Sets the TableIOState to ModifyingData
Notes: Useful when modifying Viewer values through custom event handlers


PUBLIC Shutdown ()

Purpose: Shuts down the SmartViewerLogic instance


PUBLIC SubscribeControlEventHandler (Control, character, character)

Purpose: Subscribes a Control to an Event Handler in the Viewer Logic Class
Notes: The event handler method needs to be PROTECTED in the Viewer Logic Class

poControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The Control contained in the Viewer
The name of the event to subscribe
pcHandlerName CHARACTER
The name of the control event handler method

PUBLIC SubscribeEvents ()

Purpose: Subscribes the events for an attached viewer instance
Notes: This method needs to be implemented by the Viewer Logic class and
is supposed to subscribe to control events


PUBLIC UnsubscribeEvents ()

Purpose: Unsubscribes the events for an attached viewer instance
Notes: This method needs to be implemented by the Viewer Logic class and
is supposed to unsubscribe from control events

Constructor Detail

PUBLIC SmartViewerLogic ()

Purpose: Constructor for the SmartViewerLogic class

Property Detail

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicForm DynamicForm

Returns Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicForm

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl Owner

Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource

Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartGroupAssignSource SmartGroupAssignSource

Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartGroupAssignSource

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartTableIOSource SmartTableIOSource

Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartTableIOSource

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.ListSmartViewerControl SmartViewerControls

Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.ListSmartViewerControl

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartWindowForm SmartWindowForm

Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartWindowForm

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