Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
# | ActivateCurrentGridRow () |
Activates the current row in the linked Grid |
+ | ActivateEventHandler () |
Activates the Event Handlers for the contained controls |
+ | AddRecord () |
Add a new record to the SmartDataSource. The Method CreateRecord of
SmartViewerControl gets called to Handle this Task.
This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController
or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the AddRecord Tool.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget. |
+ | AddSmartTableIOSource (ISmartTableIOSource) |
Adds a(nother) SmartTableIOSource to the SmartViewerControl
instance |
# | System.Windows.Forms.Control ApplyFocusToErrorField (character) |
Set's focus into a field that is related to an error |
# | System.Windows.Forms.Control ApplyFocusToErrorField (IFieldValidationError) |
Set's focus into a field that is related to an error |
+ | AttachBindingSource (BindingSource) |
This Method attaches a new BindingSource given as the Parameter
poBindingSource to the Objects of the current Class. The new
BindingSource may have been created by a DataAdapter or reused from a
SmartBrowserControl |
+ | BeginInit () |
Invoked at the beginning of a Containers InitializeComponents
method |
# | BeginUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event handler for the BeginUpdateState event of the data source |
# | BindingSourcePositionChanged (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the PositionChanged event of the BindingSource
this Viewer is attached to |
+ | CancelUpdate () |
Reverts the changes to the current record. |
+ | CleanupLookupControls () |
Destroys the Controls in the Viewer Control |
# | LOGICAL ControlFocus (Control) |
Calls the Focus() method for a .NET Control |
+ | CopyRecord () |
Copy the current record to a new one. The Method CreateRecord of
SmartViewerControl gets called to Handle this Task.
This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController
or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the corresponding Tool.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget. |
# | CreateRecord (logical) |
Creates a new record in the viewer.
This Method is called by AddRecord and CopyRecord from the current
Class but may be overridden. |
# | CreateVerbs () |
Creates Designer Verbs based on the DesignerVerbs property Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | CustomInitializeControlHandler (Control) |
Overridable method that can be used to perform custom event
subscriptions |
+ | DeactivateEventHandler () |
Deactivates the Event Handlers for the contained controls |
+ | DeleteRecord () |
Delete the current record. |
+ | DeregisterSmartGroupAssignTarget (ISmartGroupAssignTarget) |
Deregister a SmartDataTarget with the SmartGroupAssignTarget
Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource. |
+ | DisableFields () |
Disable all enabled controls of the SmartViewerControl.
This Method is called from inside the SmartViewerControl.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget or ISmartGroupAssignTarget. |
- | DisableFields (logical) |
Disable all enabled controls of the SmartViewerControl.
This Method is called from inside the SmartViewerControl.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget or ISmartGroupAssignTarget. |
# | DisplayError (Error) |
Display ErrorMessages shows a predefined Error Dialog and is called
from the Method SaveChanges () of the SmartViewerControl Class. |
# | DisplayError (Error, logical) |
Display ErrorMessages shows a predefined Error Dialog and is called
from the Method SaveChanges () of the SmartViewerControl Class. |
# | EditorDropDownAfterCloseUpHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the AfterCloseUp event of an
UltraDateTimeEditor. Clears the reference to the currently opened
DataTime popup editor in the variable oEditorDropDownControl |
# | EditorDropDownAfterDropDownHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the AfterDropDown event of an
UltraDateTimeEditor. Stores a reference to the currently opened
DataTime popup editor in the variable oEditorDropDownControl
Required to be able to start the update process in the
method TextChangedHandler (in this class) |
+ | EnableFields (character) |
Enables controls of the SmartViewerControl |
+ | EnableFields (character, logical) |
Enables controls of the SmartViewerControl |
+ | EndInit () |
Invoked at the end of a Containers InitializeComponents method |
# | EndUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event handler for the EndUpdateState event of the data source |
+ | EnsureVisible () |
Ensures that this SmartViewerControl is visible |
- | EnterEditorControlHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Enter event of an EditorButtonControlBase
derived Class. Selects all content from the Controls Text Property
in the UI. |
+ | EvaluateTableIOState () |
This Method sets the Property SmartTableIOState to a value according
to the SmartDataSources state of the current class. Possible values
for SmartTableIOState are defined in the TableIOStateEnum. |
# | FillBoundControlTable (Control) |
Populates the ttViewerBoundControls temp-table |
+ | Progress.Data.BindingSource FindDesignTimeBindingSource () |
Attempts to locate the BindingSource that was used in a SmartViewerControl
at Design Time |
+ | LOGICAL FocusFirstEnabledEditorControl (Control) |
Focusses the first enabled EditorControl of the given Container
Control |
# | FormActivatedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Activate event of the owning Form |
# | FormClosedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Handles the FormClosed event of the containing Form |
- | FormClosedHandler2 (Object, EventArgs) |
Handles the FormClosed event of the containing Form |
# | FormDeactivatedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Deactivate event of the owning Form |
+ | System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents () |
Returns a List of all Components in the Form Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | System.Windows.Forms.Control GetBoundControl (character) |
Returns the reference to the Control that is bound to the named field
of the binding source |
+ | System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control> GetBoundControls (character) |
Returns the list of Controls that is bound to the named field
of the binding source |
+ | GetBoundControlTable (table) |
Populates a temp-table with information about all bound controls
in the SmartViewerControl |
+ | CHARACTER GetControlEnabled (Control) |
Returns the Enable mode for a Control from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state
@param poControl The Control for which the Enable mode should be returned
@return The CHARACTER value representing the Control Enabled mode
*/ |
+ | CHARACTER GetControlSecurityEnabled (Control) |
Returns the security Enable mode for a Control from the list of Controls
that will be enabled and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer
@param poControl The Control for which the Enable mode should be returned
@return The CHARACTER value representing the security Control Enabled mode
*/ |
+ | HANDLE GetScreenValuesDataset () |
Returns a ProDataset with the current screen values |
+ | System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character) |
Returns the reference to a Control in the Viewer identified by the Controls
Name. This Method starts a recursive search for the Control. |
# | System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character, Control) |
Recursively searches for the Control with the given name |
# | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartGroupAssignTarget GetViewerForBoundControl (character) |
Returns the reference to the SmartGroupAssignTarget that contains
a Control bound to the given field name |
# | GroupAssignSmartTableIOStateChangedHandler (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs) |
Event handler for the SmartTableIOStateChanged event of the
Group assign Source |
# | HandleServerEvent (Object, EventArgs, character) |
Event handler for a server-side event |
# | HandleServerEvent (Object, EventArgs, character, character) |
Event handler for a server-side event |
+ | HandleUiControl (UiControl, handle) |
Returns a ProDataset with the current screen values |
+ | HandleValidationError (Error) |
Handles an error raised by validation routines |
+ | LOGICAL HasBoundControl (character, logical) |
Returns logical value indicating if the Viewer contains a Control
that is bound to the named field |
# | InitializeControlEventHandler () |
Subscribe the EventHandler(s) to events of all controls added to
the SmartViewerControl. The RecurseInitializeControlEventHandler is
used to Handle this Task.
This Method is called every Time a new Control is added to the
SmartViewerControl. |
# | InitializeViewerLogicObject () |
Initializes the Viewer Logic Object |
+ | InitializeViewerUiControlHandler () |
Initializes the SmartViewerUiControlHandler class |
# | LOGICAL IsControlEnabled (character, character, logical) |
Determines if a Control should be enabled based on the SecurityEnableMode
and EnableMode |
+ | LOGICAL IsEditorControl (Control) |
Returns TRUE is the Controls is recognized as an Editor Control |
+ | LOGICAL IsOkToClose (logical, CloseReason) |
Check if it is ok to close the parent form.
Returns TRUE when the form can be closed. Otherwise returns FALSE.
Enforced by the Interface ICheckOkToClose. |
# | LOGICAL IsValueChanged (Object) |
Returns if the current (screen-value) of a Control in the SmartViewerControl
derived class has changed in comparison to the underlying buffer value |
# | LeaveHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Leave event |
# | OnAddedRecordModifiedChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the AddedRecordModifiedChanged |
# | OnAddingRecordChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the AddingRecordChanged event |
# | OnAfterAddRecord (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterAddRecord event |
# | OnAfterCancelledUpdate (AfterCancelledUpdateEventArgs) |
Raises the AfterCancelledUpdate event |
# | OnAfterCancelUpdate (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterCancelUpdate event |
# | OnAfterCopyRecord (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterCopyRecord event |
# | OnAfterDeleteRecord (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterDeleteRecord event |
# | OnAfterFieldsEnabled (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterFieldsEnabled |
# | OnAfterSaveChanges (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterSaveChanges event |
# | OnBeforeAddRecord (CancelEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeAddRecord event |
# | OnBeforeCancelUpdate (CancelEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeCancelUpdate event |
# | OnBeforeCopyRecord (CancelEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeCopyRecord event |
# | OnBeforeDeleteRecord (CancelEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeDeleteRecord event |
# | OnBeforeEnableFields (CancelableEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeEnableFields |
# | OnBeforeSaveChanges (CancelEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeSaveChanges event |
# | OnCopyingRecordChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the CopyingRecordChanged event |
# | OnCurrentChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the CurrentChanged event |
# | OnEnter (EventArgs) |
Raises the Enter event |
# | OnFieldsDisabled (EventArgs) |
Raises the FieldsDisabled event. |
# | OnFieldsEnabled (EventArgs) |
Raises the FieldsEnabled event. |
# | OnFocusControlOnAddChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the FocusControlOnAddChanged event |
# | OnFocusControlOnUpdateChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the FocusControlOnUpdateChanged event |
# | OnGenericEvent (EventArgs) |
Raises the GenericEvent |
# | OnInitializingChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the InitializingChanged event |
# | OnLoad (EventArgs) |
Raises the Load event Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl:OnLoad (EventArgs) |
# | OnSmartDataSourceChanged (EventArgs) |
Publishes the SmartDataSourceChanged event |
# | OnSmartGroupAssignSourceChanged (EventArgs) |
Publishes the SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged event |
# | OnSmartTableIOSourceChanged (EventArgs) |
Publishes the SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged event |
# | OnSmartTableIOStateChanged (SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs) |
Publishes the SmartTableIOStateChanged event |
+ | OnVerbClicked (character) |
Event Handler method for Designer Verbs Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | OnVisualValidating (EventArgs) |
Raises the VisualValidating event |
# | ParentChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler to the ParentChanged event
Add EventHandlers to Child Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
This Method is Executed when the SmartViewerControl is added to a Form. |
# | ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the FormDestroyed event of the owning Form Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | ProcessHiddenControls () |
Processes the registered hidden controls |
+ | RaiseGenericEvent (EventArgs) |
Raises the Generic Event |
+ | LOGICAL RaiseToolbarAction (Object, ToolClickEventArgs, character) |
Executes a Toolbar Action |
# | RecurseInitializeControlEventHandler (Control) |
Subscribe the EventHandler(s) to events of all controls added to
the SmartViewerControl.
This Method is called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler ()
of the SmartViewerControl. |
# | System.Windows.Forms.Control RecurseLocateBindingControl (Control, character) |
Recurses through the Controls in this SmartViewerControl and nested
controls searching for a Control that is bound to the named
BindingProperty (a field attached to the ProBindingSource). |
# | RecurseLocateBindingControls (Control, Control>, character) |
Recurses through the Controls in this SmartViewerControl and nested
controls searching for all Controls that are bound to the named
BindingProperty (a field attached to the ProBindingSource). |
# | RecurseLookupStopTimer (Control) |
Stops the current timer of all Lookups |
# | RecursePerformLookup (Control) |
Performs the Lookup operation in all contained SmartLookup Controls |
# | RecurseReplaceBindingSource (Control, BindingSource) |
Internal method to replace the data bindings of all contained
Controls with the actual binding source provided by a SmartDataSource. |
# | RecurseRestoreCurrentValues (Control) |
Recurse Restore the Current Values of the Controls on the Viewer
after a new DataRow is created.
This Method is called by the internal Method RestoreValuesForCopy ().
Parameters: |
# | RecurseStoreCurrentValues (Control) |
Recurse Store the Current Values of the Controls on the Viewer
before a new DataRow is created.
This Method is called by the internal Method StoreValuesForCopy (). |
+ | RegisterHiddenControl (Control) |
Register a hidden control |
# | RegisterServerSideEventHandler (Control, character, character) |
Subscribes a Control to a server-side event handler |
+ | RegisterSmartGroupAssignTarget (ISmartGroupAssignTarget) |
Register a SmartDataTarget with the SmartGroupAssignTarget
This Method is executed every time a new SmartGroupAssignSource is
registered to the corresponding Property of a Class implementing the
Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource.
Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource. |
# | RemoveControlEnabled (Control) |
Removes a Control from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state
@param poControl The Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
*/ |
# | RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control) |
Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state
@param poControl1 The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl2 The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
*/ |
# | RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control) |
Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state
@param poControl1 The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl2 The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl3 The third Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
*/ |
# | RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control) |
Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state
@param poControl1 The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl2 The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl3 The third Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl4 The fourth Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
*/ |
# | RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control) |
Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state
@param poControl1 The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl2 The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl3 The third Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl4 The fourth Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
@param poControl5 The fifth Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
*/ |
+ | RemoveSmartTableIOSource (ISmartTableIOSource) |
Removes a SmartTableIOSource from the SmartDataAdapter
instance |
+ | ResetViewerState (logical) |
Resets the state of the Viewer |
+ | RestoreValuesForCopy () |
Restore the Current Values of all Controls on a SmartViewerControl
and in all SmartGroupAssignTargets.
This Method is called by CreateRecord from the current Class.
Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignTarget. |
+ | SaveChanges () |
Saves the current changes to the database. |
+ | LOGICAL SaveChangesOnDeactivateForm (logical) |
Saves pending changes when a Form is deactivated |
- | ServerSideAfterPerformLookupHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for AfterPerformLookup event |
- | ServerSideClickHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for Click event |
+ | ServerSideCurrentChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for CurrentChanged event |
- | ServerSideLeaveHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for Leave event |
- | ServerSideLoadHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for Load event |
- | ServerSideLookupCompleteHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for LookupComplete event |
- | ServerSideLookupKeyValueChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for LookupKeyValueChanged event |
- | ServerSideValidatingHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for Validating event |
- | ServerSideValueChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for ValueChanged event |
+ | SetControlEnabled (character, character) |
Sets the Enable Mode for the given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl |
+ | SetControlEnabled (Control, character) |
Sets the Enable Mode for a given Control inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class. |
+ | SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, character) |
Sets the Enable Mode for two given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class. |
+ | SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, character) |
Sets the Enable Mode for three given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class. |
+ | SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, character) |
Sets the Enable Mode for four given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class. |
+ | SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control, character) |
Sets the Enable Mode for five given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class. |
+ | SetControlEnabled (Control[], character) |
Sets the Enable Mode for the given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl |
# | SetControlEnabledFromDescriptor () |
Sets the ControlEnabled property of the visual controls
based on the Business Entity Descriptor |
- | SetControlSecurityEnabled (Control, character) |
Sets the Enable Mode based on Security Constraints for a given Control |
+ | SetModifyingState () |
Sets the TableIOState to ModifyingData |
+ | SetOpenedEditorDropDownControl (Control) |
Set's the current opened EditorDropDownControl |
+ | StoreValuesForCopy () |
Store the Current Values of all Controls on a SmartViewerControl
and do the same in all SmartGroupAssignTargets.
This Method is called by CreateRecord from the current Class.
Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignTarget. |
+ | SubscribeControlEventHandler (Control, character, character) |
Subscribes a Control to an Event Handler in the Viewer Logic Class |
+ | SubscribeParentFormDestroyed () |
Subscribes the ParentFormDestroyed event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | SubscribeUserControlEvents () |
Allows for custom event subscriptions during OnLoad() Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | TextChangedEventHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the TextChangedEvent event of Editor Controls on
the SmartViewerControl.
Initiate switching to the ModifyingData Mode if the user enters data. |
- | ViewerDataSourceCurrentChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the CurrentChanged event of the data source
this Viewer is attached to |
+ | VisualValidate () |
Validate data entered into the DataFields |
+ | Consultingwerk.Windows.LegacyGuiMigration.Widgets.IWidgetFacade WidgetHandle (character) |
Returns the WidgetFacade for the given widget |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | SmartViewerControl () |
The Constructor initializes a new SmartViewerControl
Subscribes handlers for events |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | AddedRecordModifiedChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Raised when the value of the AddedRecordModified property changes |
+ | AddingRecordChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the AddingRecord Property is changed |
+ | AfterAddRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the viewer has successfully started an Add
operation |
+ | AfterCancelledUpdate (Object, AfterCancelledUpdateEventArgs) |
Event fired when the viewer has successfully cancelled an update |
+ | AfterCancelUpdate DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the viewer has successfully cancelled an update |
+ | AfterCopyRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the viewer has successfully started a Copy operation |
+ | AfterDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the viewer has successfully deleted a record. |
+ | AfterFieldsEnabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Raised after the fields have been enabled |
+ | AfterSaveChanges DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the viewer has successfully saved changes |
+ | BeforeAddRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler |
Event fired when the Viewer starts adding a new record.
This event is cancelable |
+ | BeforeCancelUpdate DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler |
Event fired when the Viewer begins cancelling an update.
This event is cancellable |
+ | BeforeCopyRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler |
Event fired when the Viewer begins copying a record.
This event is cancellable |
+ | BeforeDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler |
Event fired when the Viewer starts deleting a record.
This event is cancellable |
+ | BeforeEnableFields (Object, CancelableEventArgs) |
Raised before the fields are enabled |
+ | BeforeSaveChanges DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler |
Event fired when the Viewer starts saving a record.
This event is cancellable |
+ | CopyingRecordChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Raised when the CopyingRecord property has changed |
+ | CurrentChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the current record changes |
+ | FieldsDisabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the fields of this viewer become disabled |
+ | FieldsEnabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the fields of this viewer become enabled |
+ | FocusControlOnAddChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the FocusControlOnAdd property changes |
+ | FocusControlOnUpdateChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the FocusControlOnUpdate property changes |
+ | GenericEvent (Object, EventArgs) |
Raised from custom logic |
+ | InitializingChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the Initializing property changes |
+ | SmartDataSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the SmartDataSource Property is changed |
+ | SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the SmartGroupAssignSource Property is changed |
+ | SmartTableIOSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the SmartTableIOSource Property is changed |
+ | SmartTableIOStateChanged (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs) |
Event fired whenever the SmartTableIOState property has changed |
+ | VisualValidating DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Raised when the Viewer performs Visual Validation |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | LOGICAL ActivateCurrentGridRowDuringEdit |
+ | LOGICAL AddedRecordModified |
+ | LOGICAL AddingRecord |
+ | LOGICAL AllowCloseOfUnmodifiedNewRecord |
+ | LOGICAL CancellingUpdate |
+ | LOGICAL CopyingRecord |
# | CHARACTER DesignerVerbs |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | LOGICAL DesignTime |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | LOGICAL DisallowUpdateDuringAnotherUpdate |
+ | LOGICAL DisallowUpdateDuringAnotherUpdateDefault |
+ | LOGICAL EventHandlerActive |
+ | System.Windows.Forms.Control FocusControlOnAdd |
+ | System.Windows.Forms.Control FocusControlOnUpdate |
# | CHARACTER HiddenProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | LOGICAL Initializing |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignGroupAssignSource LinkGroupAssignSource |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignTableIOSource LinkTableIOSource |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignToolbarSource LinkToolbarSource |
# | CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerOptionalFeatures OptionalFeatures |
# | LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | LOGICAL ReadOnlyDisabled |
+ | LOGICAL SaveMode |
+ | LOGICAL SavingChanges |
+ | CHARACTER SecurityKey |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartGroupAssignSource SmartGroupAssignSource |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.ListISmartGroupAssignTarget SmartGroupAssignTargets |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartTableIOSource SmartTableIOSource |
+ | CHARACTER SmartTableIOState |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartToolbarSource SmartToolbarSource |
# | LOGICAL TextChangedHandlerSuspended |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Enum.UpdateStateEnum UpdateState |
+ | LOGICAL UseBusinessEntityDescriptor |
# | LOGICAL UserControlEventsSubscribed |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | LOGICAL ValidateChildrenOnSaveChanges |
+ | CHARACTER ViewerLogicClass |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartViewerLogic ViewerLogicObject |
PROTECTED ActivateCurrentGridRow ()
PUBLIC ActivateEventHandler ()
PUBLIC AddRecord ()
PUBLIC AddSmartTableIOSource (ISmartTableIOSource)
PROTECTED System.Windows.Forms.Control ApplyFocusToErrorField (character)
PROTECTED System.Windows.Forms.Control ApplyFocusToErrorField (IFieldValidationError)
PUBLIC AttachBindingSource (BindingSource)
PUBLIC BeginInit ()
PROTECTED BeginUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PROTECTED BindingSourcePositionChanged (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC CancelUpdate ()
PUBLIC CleanupLookupControls ()
PROTECTED LOGICAL ControlFocus (Control)
PUBLIC CopyRecord ()
PROTECTED CreateRecord (logical)
PROTECTED CreateVerbs ()
PROTECTED CustomInitializeControlHandler (Control)
PUBLIC DeactivateEventHandler ()
PUBLIC DeleteRecord ()
PUBLIC DeregisterSmartGroupAssignTarget (ISmartGroupAssignTarget)
PUBLIC DisableFields ()
PRIVATE DisableFields (logical)
PROTECTED DisplayError (Error)
PROTECTED DisplayError (Error, logical)
PROTECTED EditorDropDownAfterCloseUpHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED EditorDropDownAfterDropDownHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC EnableFields (character)
PUBLIC EnableFields (character, logical)
PUBLIC EndInit ()
PROTECTED EndUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PUBLIC EnsureVisible ()
PRIVATE EnterEditorControlHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC EvaluateTableIOState ()
PROTECTED FillBoundControlTable (Control)
PUBLIC Progress.Data.BindingSource FindDesignTimeBindingSource ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL FocusFirstEnabledEditorControl (Control)
PROTECTED FormActivatedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED FormClosedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE FormClosedHandler2 (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED FormDeactivatedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents ()
PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Control GetBoundControl (character)
PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control> GetBoundControls (character)
PUBLIC GetBoundControlTable (table)
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetControlEnabled (Control)
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetControlSecurityEnabled (Control)
PUBLIC HANDLE GetScreenValuesDataset ()
PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character)
PROTECTED System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character, Control)
PROTECTED Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartGroupAssignTarget GetViewerForBoundControl (character)
PROTECTED GroupAssignSmartTableIOStateChangedHandler (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs)
PROTECTED HandleServerEvent (Object, EventArgs, character)
PROTECTED HandleServerEvent (Object, EventArgs, character, character)
PUBLIC HandleUiControl (UiControl, handle)
PUBLIC HandleValidationError (Error)
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasBoundControl (character, logical)
PROTECTED InitializeControlEventHandler ()
PROTECTED InitializeViewerLogicObject ()
PUBLIC InitializeViewerUiControlHandler ()
PROTECTED LOGICAL IsControlEnabled (character, character, logical)
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsEditorControl (Control)
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsOkToClose (logical, CloseReason)
PROTECTED LOGICAL IsValueChanged (Object)
PROTECTED LeaveHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAddedRecordModifiedChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAddingRecordChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterAddRecord (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterCancelledUpdate (AfterCancelledUpdateEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterCancelUpdate (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterCopyRecord (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterDeleteRecord (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterFieldsEnabled (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterSaveChanges (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeAddRecord (CancelEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeCancelUpdate (CancelEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeCopyRecord (CancelEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeDeleteRecord (CancelEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeEnableFields (CancelableEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeSaveChanges (CancelEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnCopyingRecordChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnCurrentChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnEnter (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnFieldsDisabled (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnFieldsEnabled (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnFocusControlOnAddChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnFocusControlOnUpdateChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnGenericEvent (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnInitializingChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnLoad (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnSmartDataSourceChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnSmartGroupAssignSourceChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnSmartTableIOSourceChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnSmartTableIOStateChanged (SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC OnVerbClicked (character)
PROTECTED OnVisualValidating (EventArgs)
PROTECTED ParentChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC ProcessHiddenControls ()
PUBLIC RaiseGenericEvent (EventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL RaiseToolbarAction (Object, ToolClickEventArgs, character)
PROTECTED RecurseInitializeControlEventHandler (Control)
PROTECTED System.Windows.Forms.Control RecurseLocateBindingControl (Control, character)
PROTECTED RecurseLocateBindingControls (Control, Control>, character)
PROTECTED RecurseLookupStopTimer (Control)
PROTECTED RecursePerformLookup (Control)
PROTECTED RecurseReplaceBindingSource (Control, BindingSource)
PROTECTED RecurseRestoreCurrentValues (Control)
PROTECTED RecurseStoreCurrentValues (Control)
PUBLIC RegisterHiddenControl (Control)
PROTECTED RegisterServerSideEventHandler (Control, character, character)
PUBLIC RegisterSmartGroupAssignTarget (ISmartGroupAssignTarget)
PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control)
PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control)
PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control)
PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control)
PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control)
PUBLIC RemoveSmartTableIOSource (ISmartTableIOSource)
PUBLIC ResetViewerState (logical)
PUBLIC RestoreValuesForCopy ()
PUBLIC SaveChanges ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL SaveChangesOnDeactivateForm (logical)
PRIVATE ServerSideAfterPerformLookupHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE ServerSideClickHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC ServerSideCurrentChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE ServerSideLeaveHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE ServerSideLoadHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE ServerSideLookupCompleteHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE ServerSideLookupKeyValueChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE ServerSideValidatingHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE ServerSideValueChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (character, character)
PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, character)
PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, character)
PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, character)
PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, character)
PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control, character)
PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control[], character)
PROTECTED SetControlEnabledFromDescriptor ()
PRIVATE SetControlSecurityEnabled (Control, character)
PUBLIC SetModifyingState ()
PUBLIC SetOpenedEditorDropDownControl (Control)
PUBLIC StoreValuesForCopy ()
PUBLIC SubscribeControlEventHandler (Control, character, character)
PUBLIC SubscribeParentFormDestroyed ()
PROTECTED SubscribeUserControlEvents ()
PUBLIC TextChangedEventHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE ViewerDataSourceCurrentChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC VisualValidate ()
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Windows.LegacyGuiMigration.Widgets.IWidgetFacade WidgetHandle (character)
PUBLIC SmartViewerControl ()
PUBLIC AddedRecordModifiedChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC AddingRecordChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC AfterAddRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC AfterCancelledUpdate (Object, AfterCancelledUpdateEventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterCancelUpdate DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC AfterCopyRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC AfterDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC AfterFieldsEnabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC AfterSaveChanges DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC BeforeAddRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler
PUBLIC BeforeCancelUpdate DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler
PUBLIC BeforeCopyRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler
PUBLIC BeforeDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler
PUBLIC BeforeEnableFields (Object, CancelableEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeSaveChanges DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler
PUBLIC CopyingRecordChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC CurrentChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC FieldsDisabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC FieldsEnabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC FocusControlOnAddChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC FocusControlOnUpdateChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC GenericEvent (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC InitializingChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC SmartDataSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC SmartTableIOSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC SmartTableIOStateChanged (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC VisualValidating DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC LOGICAL ActivateCurrentGridRowDuringEdit
PUBLIC LOGICAL AddedRecordModified
PUBLIC LOGICAL AllowCloseOfUnmodifiedNewRecord
PUBLIC LOGICAL CancellingUpdate
PUBLIC LOGICAL DisallowUpdateDuringAnotherUpdate
PUBLIC LOGICAL DisallowUpdateDuringAnotherUpdateDefault
PUBLIC LOGICAL EventHandlerActive
PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Control FocusControlOnAdd
PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Control FocusControlOnUpdate
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignGroupAssignSource LinkGroupAssignSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignTableIOSource LinkTableIOSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignToolbarSource LinkToolbarSource
PROTECTED CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties
PROTECTED Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerOptionalFeatures OptionalFeatures
PROTECTED LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartGroupAssignSource SmartGroupAssignSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.ListISmartGroupAssignTarget SmartGroupAssignTargets
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartTableIOSource SmartTableIOSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartToolbarSource SmartToolbarSource
PROTECTED LOGICAL TextChangedHandlerSuspended
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Enum.UpdateStateEnum UpdateState
PUBLIC LOGICAL UseBusinessEntityDescriptor
PROTECTED LOGICAL UserControlEventsSubscribed
PUBLIC LOGICAL ValidateChildrenOnSaveChanges
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartViewerLogic ViewerLogicObject
Temp-Table ttViewerBoundControlsDefined in: |