Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | BeginUpdateState (ISmartDataTarget) |
The Message to for instance Disable a Browser is send to all
SmartDataTargets except the calling one |
+ | CancelCreateRecord () |
Invoked from the SmartDataTarget to cancel the creation of a new
row |
+ | CreateRecord () |
Invoked from the SmartDataTarget to create a new row row |
+ | DeleteRow () |
The DeleteRow is an abstract method - that means that it needs
to be overridden in a class that inherits from this base class. |
+ | DeregisterSmartDataTarget (ISmartDataTarget) |
Deregister a SmartDataTarget with the SmartDataSource. Usually done
when a SmartDataTarget is deleted and the SmartDataSource is still
running |
+ | EndUpdateState (ISmartDataTarget) |
The Message to for instance enable a Browser is send to all
SmartDataTargets except the calling one. |
+ | CHARACTER GetFieldValues (character) |
Returns a CHR(1) delimited list of field values from the
DataSource |
+ | RegisterSmartDataTarget (ISmartDataTarget) |
Register a SmartDataTarget with the SmartDataSource.
This Method is called by Classes implementing the ISmartDataTarget
Interface when a new SmartDataSource is set. |
+ | LOGICAL RetrieveData () |
RetrieveData is an abstract method - that means that it needs
to be overridden in a class that inherits from the base class. |
+ | UpdateRow () |
The UpdateRow is an abstract method - that means that it needs
to be overridden in a class that inherits from this base class. |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | AfterQueryPositionChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired whenever the QueryPosition has changed (i.e. Add or
Delete and Grids etc. need to update the current position) |
+ | BeginUpdateState (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event fired when a DataTarget of this SmartDataSource enters
Update State |
+ | BindingSourceChanged (Object, BindingSourceChangedEventArgs) |
Event fired whenever the SmartDataAdapters BindingSource property
changes |
+ | CurrentChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Raised whenever the Data Adapter is positioned on a new row. |
+ | EndUpdateState (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event fired when a DataTarget of this SmartDataSource leaves
Update State |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | LOGICAL Available |
+ | Progress.Data.BindingSource BindingSource |
+ | CHARACTER SmartDataSourceState |
PUBLIC BeginUpdateState (ISmartDataTarget)
PUBLIC CancelCreateRecord ()
PUBLIC CreateRecord ()
PUBLIC DeleteRow ()
PUBLIC DeregisterSmartDataTarget (ISmartDataTarget)
PUBLIC EndUpdateState (ISmartDataTarget)
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetFieldValues (character)
PUBLIC RegisterSmartDataTarget (ISmartDataTarget)
PUBLIC LOGICAL RetrieveData ()
PUBLIC UpdateRow ()
PUBLIC AfterQueryPositionChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC BeginUpdateState (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PUBLIC BindingSourceChanged (Object, BindingSourceChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC CurrentChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC EndUpdateState (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PUBLIC Progress.Data.BindingSource BindingSource