extern-proc-nameVALUE ( extern-expression )path-name<<member-name>>PERSISTENT SINGLE-RUN SINGLETON SET proc-handleON SERVER server-handle session-handleTRANSACTION DISTINCTASYNCHRONOUSSET async-request-handleEVENT-PROCEDURE event-internal-procedureIN procedure-context( parameter , parameter )argumentNO-ERROR
RUNintern-proc-name VALUE ( intern-expression)IN proc-handleASYNCHRONOUSSET async-request-handleEVENT-PROCEDURE event-internal-procedureIN procedure-context( parameter , parameter )NO-ERROR
RUN portTypeName SET hPortType ON SERVER hWebService NO-ERROR .
RUN operationName IN hPortTypeASYNCHRONOUSSET async-request-handleEVENT-PROCEDURE event-internal-procedureIN procedure-context( parameter , parameter )NO-ERROR .The name of the (local or remote) external procedure to run. On UNIX, external procedure names are case sensitive; in Windows, they are not. If you specify a relative pathname, ABL searches the directories (and libraries, on platforms that support libraries) defined in the PROPATH environment variable. With extern-proc-name, you can specify a local or remote procedure. In Windows, the pathname cannot contain characters outside of the non-Unicode code page. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for more information about Unicode and code pages.VALUE ( extern-expression )path-name<<member-name>>The pathname of an r-code library and the name of an r-code file in that library. To specify an r-code file in a library, you must use the double angle brackets as shown. If you specify a relative library pathname, ABL searches the libraries defined in the PROPATH environment variable. In Windows, the pathname cannot contain characters outside of the non-Unicode code page.You can return the handle to the persistent procedure in proc-handle specified as a field, variable, class property, or output parameter defined with the HANDLE data type. If you do not specify proc-handle, you can find the procedure handle for this procedure using the FIRST-PROCEDURE or LAST-PROCEDURE attributes of the SESSION system handle.For remote persistent procedures, proc-handle returns the proxy (remote) handle to the persistent procedure. You can also find the proxy handle by using the FIRST-PROCEDURE or LAST-PROCEDURE attributes of the server object handle for the AppServer specified with the ON SERVER option.A persistent procedure creates and maintains its context after it returns to the caller. Other external procedures can access this context through procedure triggers and internal procedures or user-defined functions defined in the persistent procedure. A RUN statement that runs and creates a persistent procedure context is referred to as an instantiating RUN statement. Thus, a persistent procedure has the following characteristics:
The procedure does not go out of scope when it returns: its context and most of its allocated resources remain active, including input parameters, widgets, variables, buffers, temp-tables, work tables, and triggers created during procedure execution. However, all static dialog boxes, their child widgets, and related triggers created during its execution are destroyed when the procedure returns to the caller. This makes all other windows and dialog boxes in the application available for input.In single-run mode, the external procedure is instantiated only when an internal procedure or user-defined function that it defines is invoked remotely. The single-run procedure is deleted when the internal procedure or user-defined function completes. Compare with the SINGLETON option, where the singleton procedure remains instantiated after the internal procedure or user-defined function completes. See the description under intern-proc-name for more information on how internal procedures and user-defined functions run in SINGLE-RUN mode.You can return the proxy handle to the single-run procedure in proc-handle specified as a field, variable, class property, or output parameter defined with the HANDLE data type. If you do not specify proc-handle, you can find the proxy handle for this procedure using the FIRST-PROCEDURE and LAST-PROCEDURE attributes of the server object handle for the AppServer specified using the ON SERVER option.
Notes: You must use the ON SERVER option when you use the SINGLE-RUN option.
You cannot use SINGLE-RUN with external procedures that have parameters.
If you attempt to delete a single-run procedure from a client, you only delete the proxy handle. A single-run procedure remains instantiated for an AppServer session only until its instantiating internal procedure or user-defined function completes execution.
When a single-run procedure is invoked and the procedure is already instantiated as a singleton, the AppServer or client deletes the singleton procedure. The procedure is re-instantiated as a single-run. When the execution of the internal procedure or user-defined function completes, the AppServer or client deletes the single-run procedure but does not re-instantiate the procedure as a singleton.
You cannot use the ASYNCHRONOUS option with SINGLE-RUN when instantiating an external procedure. However you can run an internal procedure of a SINGLE-RUN procedure asynchronously using the following syntax: RUN intern_proc-name IN proc-handle . . . ASYNCHRONOUS.
You can use the EXPORT( ) method on the SESSION handle to add a procedure that will be run in single-run mode to the list of authorized remote procedures on the AppServer.The external procedure remains instantiated after its internal procedure or user-defined function completes execution. Compare with the single-run mode, where the procedure is deleted after an internal procedure or user-defined function completes execution. With the SINGLETON option, the external procedure remains instantiated and is used the next time one of its internal procedures or user-defined functions is run. See the description under intern-proc-name for more information on how internal procedures and user-defined functions run in singleton mode.You can return the proxy handle to a singleton procedure in proc-handle specified as a field, variable, class property, or output parameter defined with the HANDLE data type. If you do not specify proc-handle, you can find the proxy handle for this procedure using the FIRST-PROCEDURE and LAST-PROCEDURE attributes of the server object handle for the AppServer specified using the ON SERVER option.
Notes: You must use the ON SERVER option when you use the SINGLETON option.
You cannot use the SINGLETON option with external procedures that have parameters.
Only one instance of a given singleton procedure exists for a given AppServer agent session, no matter how many clients initialize the procedure with the SINGLETON option. Therefore, all clients access the same instance of a singleton procedure in requests to the same AppServer agent.
If you attempt to delete a singleton procedure from a client using the DELETE PROCEDURE statement, you only delete the proxy handle. A singleton remains instantiated for an AppServer session until session code deletes it or the session terminates.
When a single-run procedure is invoked and the procedure is already instantiated as a singleton, the AppServer or client deletes the singleton procedure. The procedure is re-instantiated as a single-run. When the execution of the internal procedure or user-defined function completes, the AppServer or client deletes the single-run procedure but does not re-instantiate the procedure as a singleton.
You cannot use the ASYNCHRONOUS option with SINGLETON when instantiating an external procedure. However you can run an internal procedure of a SINGLETON procedure asynchronously using the following syntax: RUN intern-proc-name IN proc-handle . . . ASYNCHRONOUS.
You can use the EXPORT( ) method on the SESSION handle to add a procedure that will be run as a singleton to the list of authorized remote procedures on the AppServer.ON SERVER server-handleTells the AVM to run the procedure remotely in the AppServer that the HANDLE variable, server-handle, refers to.With the ASYNCHRONOUS option, server-handle causes the called procedure to run asynchronously in the remote session. Control returns immediately to the statement following the RUN statement. Execution of any specified event-internal-procedure occurs in the context of an input-blocking or PROCESS EVENTS statement.ON SERVER session-handleTells the AVM to run the procedure locally in the current ABL session, specified by the value of the SESSION system handle (session-handle).With the ASYNCHRONOUS option, session-handle causes the called procedure to run synchronously in the local session, followed immediately by execution of any specified event-internal-procedure. Only after execution of the specified event-internal-procedure does control return to the statement following the RUN statement.
Note: It is an error to specify TRANSACTION DISTINCT with a session-handle.ASYNCHRONOUS SET async-request-handleSpecifies that the remote procedure is to be called as an asynchronous request. By default, the remote procedure is called synchronously. The handle to the asynchronous request is returned in async-request-handle, which must be a field, variable, or parameter defined with the HANDLE data type. If you specify ASYNCHRONOUS but do not specify SET async-request-handle, you can find the handle for the asynchronous request using the LAST-ASYNC-REQUEST attribute of the server-handle specified by the ON option. You can also locate the asynchronous request handle by walking the chain between the FIRST-ASYNC-REQUEST and LAST-ASYNC-REQUEST attributes of server-handle, searching on the PROCEDURE-NAME attribute of each request handle.
Note: EVENT-PROCEDURE event-internal-procedureSpecifies a quoted string or character expression representing the name of an internal procedure that resides within procedure-context. When the response from the asynchronous request is received (that is, a PROCEDURE-COMPLETE event occurs), the specified internal procedure is called during subsequent execution of a PROCESS EVENTS or input-blocking statement (such as WAIT-FOR). The specified event-internal-procedure processes any parameters and errors returned from the asynchronous request. If not specified, no event procedure is executed when the PROCEDURE-COMPLETE event occurs for the asynchronous request.For information on how the event-internal-procedure handles parameters from the asynchronous request, see the parameter option. For information on how the event-internal-procedure handles errors from the asynchronous request, see the NO-ERROR option.IN procedure-contextA handle to an active procedure that contains the internal procedure specified by event-internal-procedure. If not specified, THIS-PROCEDURE is used as the procedure-context value.For the parameter passing syntax, see the Parameter passing syntax reference entry.Parameters must be defined in the called procedure. (See the DEFINE PARAMETER statement reference entry.) They must be passed in the same order as they are defined, and they must have compatible data types. The AVM attempts to convert values for data types that do not match. If the AVM cannot convert the value for a mismatched data type, the RUN statement fails with an error condition.For OUTPUT parameters of an asynchronous remote procedure call only, you can specify parameter-name AS primitive-type-name as a prototype. The parameter-name is an arbitrary place-holder name and primitive-type-name must specify the ABL data type of the corresponding OUTPUT parameter in the asynchronous remote procedure. You can also specify OUTPUT parameters for an asynchronous remote procedure using a local field, variable, or TABLE temp-table-name. However, note that the asynchronous remote procedure does not return any values to OUTPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT parameters on the RUN statement. These parameters are place holders only for values returned by the remote procedure to the specified event-internal-procedure.Any specified event-internal-procedure can define only INPUT parameters and must define one INPUT parameter for each OUTPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT parameter defined in the asynchronous remote procedure. Each event-internal-procedure INPUT parameter must match the corresponding remote procedure OUTPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT parameter in order and data type. (As with other procedures, the AVM attempts to convert the values for data types that do not match.) The asynchronous remote procedure returns the values of these parameters to the INPUT parameters of the event-internal-procedure after the remote procedure completes execution and the client session processes the associated PROCEDURE-COMPLETE event.Specifies that any ERROR conditions that occur in the attempt to run the procedure are suppressed. This does not mean that all errors produced by the called procedure are suppressed; only errors caused by the RUN statement itself. Also, if a specified local or synchronous remote procedure performs a RETURN ERROR, an ERROR is raised for the RUN statement. After the RUN statement completes, you can check the ERROR-STATUS system handle for information on any errors that occurred.For an asynchronous remote procedure, the result depends on where the errors occur. If the errors occur during the send phase of the asynchronous request, this raises the ERROR condition on the RUN statement in the client (which you can suppress with NO-ERROR). If the errors occur during execution of the remote request and are returned by the AppServer, this results in an implied NO-ERROR on the RUN statement, and you must check the ERROR-STATUS system handle as well as the attributes of the asynchronous request handle (async-request-handle) for any error returns in the specified event-internal-procedure. If the asynchronous remote procedure returns an unhandled STOP condition, ERROR-STATUS:ERROR and async-request-handle:ERROR are both set to FALSE and async-request-handle:STOP is set to TRUE.Table 60 summarizes when the AVM raises ERROR or STOP for each type of procedure.
Table 60: Any specified IN proc-handle option is invalid. The specified ON SERVER server-handle option is invalid. The server-handle is not currently connected to some AppServer. One of the parameters specified by parameter has a data type of BUFFER. The PROXY attribute of proc-handle (from the IN proc-handle option) is TRUE and the associated server handle is no longer connected to an AppServer. The ASYNC-REQUEST-COUNT attribute on the server-handle is greater than zero (0). The REMOTE attribute of procedure-context is set to TRUE.
In addition, under the following conditions, a STOP condition occurs in the context of the input-blocking or PROCESS EVENTS statement that invokes any specified event-internal-procedure:
The AVM cannot locate the specified event-internal-procedure, for example, because the spelling of event-internal-procedure is not identical to the name of the internal procedure definition intended for use as the event procedure.
The procedure handle that specifies the procedure-context to contain the definition of event-internal-procedure is not a valid procedure handle.Suppresses ABL errors or error messages that would otherwise occur and diverts them to the ERROR-STATUS system handle. If an error occurs, the action of the statement is not done and execution continues with the next statement. If the statement fails, any persistent side-effects of the statement are backed out. If the statement includes an expression that contains other executable elements, like methods, the work performed by these elements may or may not be done, depending on the order the AVM resolves the expression elements and the occurrence of the error.
Check if the ERROR-STATUS:NUM-MESSAGES attribute is greater than zero to see if the AVM generated error messages. ABL handle methods used in a block without a CATCH end block treat errors as warnings and do not raise ERROR, do not set the ERROR-STATUS:ERROR attribute, but do add messages to the ERROR-STATUS system handle. Therefore, this test is the better test for code using handle methods without CATCH end blocks. ABL handle methods used in a block with a CATCH end block raise ERROR and add messages to the error object generated by the AVM. In this case, the AVM does not update the ERROR-STATUS system handle.
Use ERROR-STATUS:GET-MESSAGE( message-num ) to retrieve a particular message, where message-num is 1 for the first message.The name of the (local or remote) internal procedure you want to run. The procedure must be declared in the same procedure file as the RUN statement that calls it unless you specify the IN proc-handle option or use a super procedure.If you do not specify the IN proc-handle option and there is no internal procedure declared by the specified name, the AVM tries to run an external procedure with the specified name. If the internal procedure is remote, you must specify the IN proc-handle option to identify the remote persistent, single-run, or singleton procedure that defines the internal procedure on an AppServer.If an internal procedure or user-defined function is run using the proc-handle associated with a single-run procedure, the AppServer agent or client:If an internal procedure or user-defined function is run using the proc-handle associated with a singleton procedure, the AppServer agent or client:
Note: VALUE ( intern-expression )IN proc-handleSpecifies the handle of the external procedure that declares the internal procedure you want to run. You can specify proc-handle as a field, variable, parameter, or expression that specifies a valid procedure handle or proxy (remote) persistent procedure handle.The following two external procedures, r-runper.p and r-perprc.p, illustrate the PERSISTENT and IN proc-handle options of the RUN statement. The first procedure, a non-persistent control procedure, sets up a window to run and manage the second procedure as a persistent procedure.The control procedure, r-runper.p, runs r-perprc.p each time you choose the Start Customer Query button. Each time it runs, r-perprc.p creates (instantiates) an additional context instance for the persistent procedure, including an additional window to open customer queries. When you choose the Recall All Hidden Queries button from the control window, r-runper.p calls the recall-query internal procedure in each instance of r-perprc.p to redisplay its window. Similarly, when you choose the Exit button, r-runper.p calls the destroy-query internal procedure in each instance of r-perprc.p to delete its context instance; r-runper.p then applies the RETURN event to itself to terminate by completing the WAIT-FOR statement.The r-perprc.p procedure sets up a customer query that you can re-open three different ways: by name, by balance, or by credit. Each instance of r-perprc.p maintains a separate query for its own local customer buffer. Note that by testing and setting attributes of the THIS-PROCEDURE system handle, r-perprc.p can run either persistently or non-persistently. The basic difference is how the procedure maintains its own context. For example, when running persistently, it defines a trigger on the bCancel button to run its own deletion procedure, destroy-query, to terminate; when running non-persistently, it completes a WAIT-FOR statement with the bCancel button to terminate.The following example shows how you might implement an asynchronous request. The procedure r-async.p runs persistently from a user-interface trigger, perhaps in response to a menu choice. This procedure, in turn, sends a request to run runReport.p on an AppServer, which provides an inventory report for the specified date.When r-async.p returns, the user-interface trigger ends and the application returns to its WAIT-FOR state. The user continues to use the application in the normal way while the inventory report runs on the AppServer.When runReport.p finishes running, a PROCEDURE-COMPLETE event occurs. This event causes the internal procedure reportDone to run automatically within the context of the application’s WAIT-FOR statement. Whatever the user is doing in the application, reportDone displays an alert box indicating whether or not the inventory report completed successfully and the number of lines (numLines) that were output for the report. (The bolded ABL statements indicate the code required to support asynchronous requests to run runReport.p.)The example r-singlerun.p illustrates how to run any internal procedure in aproc.p as a single-run. The AppServer does not become bound to the client and network traffic is minimized when you run a procedure as single-run.When the client executes the RUN aproc.p statement, a proxy handle to the single-run procedure on the AppServer is set without sending a message to the AppServer. When the client sends the request to run internalProcA, the AppServer runs the main block of aproc.p and then runs the internal procedure internalProcA. After internalProcA completes and ends, the AppServer deletes the single-run procedure. The final line deletes the proxy handle on the client without sending a message to the AppServer.
RUN aproc.p SINGLE-RUN SET procHandle ON SERVER serverHandle.
RUN internalProcA IN procHandle (INPUT argIn1, OUTPUT argout1).
Compare r-singlerun.p with r-singleton.p. In both cases, the AppServer does not become bound to the client and network traffic is minimized. However, after internalProcA runs in r-singleton.p, the singleton procedure aproc.p is not deleted. It remains instantiated and is available when the call is made to run internalProcB.
When you run a procedure and do not indicate that the procedure is external, the AVM first looks for an internal procedure with the specified name. You indicate that a procedure is external in a RUN statement by specifying one or more of these options: path-name<<member-name>>, PERSISTENT, ON SERVER, SINGLE-RUN, SINGLETON. If no internal procedure is found, or if you indicated the procedure is external, the AVM (local or remote) searches all the directories and libraries in its PROPATH for a usable r-code file of the same name. If the AVM cannot find an r-code file and there is a source code file of the same name, the AVM attempts to compile and run the source code file. Note that all searches for procedure names are not case sensitive.
You can run an internal procedure that is declared in the current external procedure or in the procedure you specify with the IN proc-handle option. The procedure handle specified by the IN proc-handle option can specify either a valid persistent procedure instance or an external procedure that is active on the procedure call stack. The handle can also specify the current external procedure using the THIS-PROCEDURE system handle. You can check the validity of any procedure handle using the VALID-HANDLE function.
To run an r-code file stored in a library that is not on PROPATH, you must specify the name of the library and the name of the r-code file in the library. Specify these names in the form path-name<<member-name>>, where path-name is the pathname of the library and member-name is the name of the r-code file. For example, if you have an r-code file called appmenu.r in a library whose pathname is /usr/foo/, you use this command to run it:
RUN /usr/foo/<<appmenu.r>>.
When running an external procedure, it is good practice to specify the name of the source file in the RUN statement. For example, to run r-exit.p you specify the following:
RUN r-exit.pWhen you specify a suffix or file extension (such as .p), the AVM first tries replacing that suffix or extension with .r and searches the first directory on your PROPATH for a file with that name. If the r-code file is not found, then it reverts to the original suffix and searches for a source file with that name. If the source file is not found in the first PROPATH directory, then the AVM searches for an r-code file and then a source file in each subsequent directory on your PROPATH until a file is found.If you specify the .r suffix in the RUN statement, then the AVM searches only for an r-code file in each directory on your PROPATH. If you omit the extension, then the AVM first adds a .r to the name you specify and searches the first directory for an r-code file with that name. If none is found, then the AVM searches for a source file with no suffix or extension.
RUN atoi (INPUT in-string, OUTPUT out-int).
DEFINE VARIABLE phand AS HANDLE NO-UNDO.RUN persproc.p PERSISTENT SET phand.. . .APPLY "RETURN" TO phand.This code fragment assumes that a trigger is defined within persproc.p for the RETURN event on the THIS-PROCEDURE handle.
If you are using ABL with a DataServer that supports stored procedures, the RUN statement has extensions that allow you to execute a stored procedure. For more information, see the entry for the RUN STORED-PROCEDURE statement and the appropriate OpenEdge DataServer Guides (OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Microsoft SQL Server, OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for ODBC, and OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Oracle).
If an asynchronous call to a remote procedure does not raise a STOP or ERROR condition, the AVM:
Increments the proc-handle:ASYNC-REQUEST-COUNT attribute, if PERSISTENT is specified for a remote external procedure or IN proc-handle is specified for a remote internal procedure
Sets the async-request-handle:COMPLETE attribute to FALSE, indicating that the request has not completed execution
Sets the async-request-handle:EVENT-PROCEDURE attribute to the value of event-internal-procedure, if event-internal-procedure is specified
Sets the async-request-handle:EVENT-PROCEDURE-CONTEXT attribute to the value of procedure-context, if procedure-context is specified
RUN foo.p ON SERVER hServer.
With the ASYNCHRONOUS option, using the ON SERVER SESSION option causes the called procedure to run synchronously in the local session, followed immediately by execution of any specified event-internal-procedure. Only after execution of the specified event-internal-procedure does control return to the statement following the RUN statement. This synchronous local execution includes the following differences in error handling from asynchronous execution on an AppServer using ON SERVER server-handle:
For more information on AppServers and calling remote procedures synchronously or asynchronously, see OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications.
For more information on asynchronous invocation of Web service operations, see OpenEdge Development: Web Services.{ } Argument reference, { } Include file reference, APPLY statement, Asynchronous request object handle, CODEBASE-LOCATOR system handle, COMPILE statement, CREATE SERVER statement, DEFINE PARAMETER statement, DELETE PROCEDURE statement, DELETE OBJECT statement, ON statement, Parameter passing syntax, PROCEDURE statement, Procedure object handle, RUN STORED-PROCEDURE statement, THIS-PROCEDURE system handle, VALID-HANDLE function, Widget phrase
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