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COMPILE statement
Compiles a procedure file or a class definition file. A compilation can last for a session, or you can save it permanently for use in later sessions (as an r‑code file, which has a .r extension).
When you compile a class definition file, ABL compiles the class definition file identified in the COMPILE statement and all class files in its inherited class hierarchy, by default. You can direct ABL to compile only those class definition files in the class hierarchy that are not found in the cache, and cache any classes or interfaces it compiles during the session, by setting the MULTI-COMPILE attribute to TRUE.
After you compile a procedure file, you use the RUN statement to create an instance of the procedure, and you use a handle to access the procedure and its context. After you compile a class definition file, you use the NEW function (classes) to create an instance of the class, and you use an object reference to access the class-based object, as well as its data members, properties, and methods.
For more information about compiling procedure files, see OpenEdge Getting Started: ABL Essentials. For more information about compiling class definition files, see OpenEdge Development: Object-oriented Programming.
COMPILE { procedure-pathname | class-pathname | VALUE ( expression ) }
  [ ATTR-SPACE [ = logical-expression ] ]
  [ SAVE [ = logical-expression ] 
     [ INTO { directory | VALUE ( expression ) } ]
  [ LISTING { listfile | VALUE ( expression ) } 
     [     APPEND [ = logical-expression ] 
        |  PAGE-SIZE integer-expression 
        |  PAGE-WIDTH integer-expression 
  [ XCODE expression ]
  [ XREF { xreffile | VALUE ( expression ) } 
     [ APPEND [ = logical-expression ] ]
  [ XREF-XML { directory | filename | VALUE ( expression ) } 
  [ STRING-XREF { sxreffile | VALUE ( expression ) } 
     [ APPEND [ = logical-expression ] ]
  [ STREAM-IO [ = logical-expression ] ]
  [ LANGUAGES ( { language-list | VALUE ( expression ) } )
     [ TEXT-SEG-GROW = growth-factor ] ]
  [ DEBUG-LIST { debugfile | VALUE ( expression ) } ]
  [ PREPROCESS { preprocessfile | VALUE ( expression ) } ]
  [ NO-ERROR ]
  [ V6FRAME [ = logical-expression ]
    [ MIN-SIZE [ = logical-expression ] ]
[ GENERATE-MD5 [ = logical-expression ] ]
procedure-pathname | VALUE ( expression )
Specifies the name and location of a procedure file you want to compile, where procedure-pathname is the literal procedure pathname and expression is a character expression that evaluates to the procedure pathname. This pathname can be a full (absolute) pathname or it can be a pathname (or procedure filename only) relative to PROPATH. The specified procedure filename must include the extension (.p or .w) whether you specify it alone or as part of a path. On UNIX, filenames are case sensitive, so you must enter them exactly as they are stored. In Windows, the pathname cannot contain characters outside of the non-Unicode code page. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for more information about Unicode and code pages.
Specifies the name and location of a class definition file you want to compile. This can be a literal full (absolute) pathname or a literal pathname relative to PROPATH. If it is a relative pathname, the class or interface type name defined in the file must match the pattern of this relative pathname. If the type name is not defined with a package, the relative pathname must specify only the class filename. In all cases, the class filename must include the .cls extension. On UNIX, the class-pathname and corresponding class or interface type name are also case sensitive and must match in letter case as well as spelling. For more information on packages and class or interface type names, see the Type-name syntax reference entry.
ATTR-SPACE [ = logical-expression ]
Has no effect; supported only for backward compatibility.
XCODE expression
Decrypts the source code in procedure-pathname or class-pathname, and any encrypted include files, using the decryption key expression.
When the COMPILE statement detects that a source file is encrypted, it performs the following checks:
If the XCODE option is provided, then COMPILE uses the key specified by expression. If the key does not match the source file key, then the compilation fails with an error message. Use this option only when the encryption key is not the built-in (default) key or the encryption key for the session.
Include files that are not encrypted are included and compiled in the standard manner.
Having the decryption key does not allow you to examine a decrypted version of the source code.
STREAM-IO [ = logical-expression ]
Specifies that all output from the compiled procedure or class is formatted for output to a file or printer. This means that all font specifications are ignored and all frames are treated as if they had the USE-TEXT option given. This produces a platform‑independent output appropriate for printing.
If you specify a logical-expression, its value determines whether the STREAM-IO option is activated. If the logical-expression is evaluated to the Unknown value (?), a run‑time error occurs.
SAVE [ = logical-expression ] [ INTO { directory | VALUE ( expression) } ]
Produces a file that contains the r‑code for the procedure or class you are compiling.
When you compile a class definition file with the SAVE option, ABL produces an r‑code file for the class definition file and all class files in its inherited class hierarchy. For example, if you compile a class definition file that has two classes in its inherited class hierarchy, ABL compiles three files and produces three r‑code files.
These r‑code files are saved across ABL sessions. If you do not use the SAVE phrase, the COMPILE statement produces r‑code for the source procedure or class, but the r‑code is not saved across ABL sessions. This r‑code is a session-compile version of the procedure or class.
If you specify a logical-expression, its value determines whether the SAVE option is activated. If the logical-expression is evaluated to the Unknown value (?), a run‑time error occurs.
The COMPILE SAVE statement produces r‑code files with the name procedure-pathname.r or class-pathname.r, where procedure-pathname is the pathname of a procedure source file without the filename extension, and class-pathname is the pathname of a class source file without the filename extension. ABL ignores the filename extension of a procedure or class definition file and always creates r‑code files that use the same filename with a .r extension. For example, if you supply a filename of test, test.p, or test.cls, COMPILE SAVE produces an r‑code file with the name test.r. If you specify a filename of test.bp, COMPILE SAVE still produces an r‑code file with the name test.r.
Where both procedure and class definition files compile to a .r file, be sure to use distinct filenames. If you have a procedure file and a class definition file with the same name, and you compile them both with COMPILE SAVE, the first .r file will be overwritten by the second .r file.
By default, the r‑code file is stored in the same directory as the source file. The r-code files for inherited (super) class definition files are also stored in the same directory as their respective source files.
If you use the SAVE INTO phrase, r‑code files produced by a compilation can be saved in a different directory. See the Examples section and the Notes section of this reference entry for more information.
On UNIX and Windows, a newly created r‑code file replaces any existing r‑code file of the same name.
LISTING { listfile | VALUE ( expression ) }
Produces a compilation listing that includes:
The listfile or VALUE ( expression ) identifies the name of the file in which you want to store the Compiler listing. If expression evaluates to the Unknown value (?), then ABL ignores the LISTING option. In Windows, the filename cannot contain characters outside of the non-Unicode code page.
APPEND [ = logical-expression ]
Appends the current listing to the contents of the listing file. If you do not use the APPEND option, ABL creates a new listing file, replacing any file of the same name.
If you specify a logical-expression, its value determines whether the APPEND option is activated. If the logical-expression is evaluated to the Unknown value (?), a run‑time error occurs.
PAGE-SIZE integer‑expression
Identifies the number of lines to a page in the listing file. The default page size is 55 and integer-expression must be between 10 and 127, inclusive.
PAGE-WIDTH integer-expression
Identifies the number of page columns in the listing file. The default page width is 80, and integer-expression must be between 80 and 255, inclusive. Add at least 12 spaces to the page width when you type the file. This allows you to list information that precedes each line of code, ensuring that the file appears in the listing output exactly as you typed it.
XREF { xreffile | VALUE ( expression ) }
APPEND [ = logical-expression ] ]
Returns reference information on ABL elements, cross-references between procedures and ABL objects, and cross-references between class or interface definition files and ABL objects. See Table 17 for more information on the type of reference information returned.
Information can be written to the file xreffile or VALUE ( expression ). If expression returns the Unknown value (?), then ABL ignores the XREF option.
In addition, you can use the APPEND option to add information to an existing file. When you use APPEND, the first line for a procedure contains information for the COMPILE type. This allows you to easily find where the information for each compilation begins. If you specify a logical-expression, its value determines whether the APPEND option is activated. If logical-expression is evaluated to the Unknown value (?), a run‑time error occurs.
XREF generates one unformatted, whitespace‑separated line in xreffile for each referenced element. Each line has the following format:
source-name file-name line-number  xref-type  xref-information 
The source-name is the name of the procedure or class file you compile with the COMPILE XREF statement. The file-name is the name of the file containing the referenced element. For example, file-name could be an include file. Otherwise, file-name is the same as source-name. The line-number is the line number of the statement in file-name that contains the referenced element. The xref-type is the type of reference in the code and xref-information contains details about the reference.
The possible values for xref-type and xref-information appear in Table 17.
{ [ DATA-MEMBER ] [ database. ] table field 
{ SHARED variable } | 
{ PUBLIC-DATA-MEMBER class-name:data-member-name } | 
class-name:data-member-name } | 
class-name:property-name } | 
class-name:property-name } | 
{ sequence-name SEQUENCE } 
ON ERROR UNDO, THROW1 [ (-undothrow)2 ] 
[ FROM source-class-name ] 
TO target-class-name
class-name,[ INHERITS inherited-class-name 
[ (inherited-class-name ...) ] ], 
[ IMPLEMENTS interface-name 
[ interface-name ]... ], 
procedure | class-file
| { , STATIC } },,,constructor-name,
void, [ parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ] 
class-name:table-name } |
[ database. ] table [ WORKFILE | 
dataset-name, { PROTECTED }, 
[ NAMESPACE-URI namespace ], 
buffer-name1 [ [ buffer-name2 ]... ], [DATALINKS] 
class-name:table } | 
[ database. ] table [ WORKFILE | TEMPTABLE ]
[ parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ] 
[ parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ] 
[ OVERRIDE ],,[ ABSTRACT ], event-name, 
[ delegate-type-name ], return-type, 
[ parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ] 
Not applicable (Data Servers only)
[ parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ]
[ INHERITS interface-type-name
   [ (interface-type-name ...)]],,,
[ , invocation-parameter1 
[ , invocation-parameter2 ]... ]
method-name, return-type, 
[ parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ] 
class-name [ , invocation-parameter1 
[ , invocation-parameter2 ]... ]
dataset-name, { PROTECTED }, 
[ NAMESPACE-URI namespace ], 
buffer-name1 [ [ buffer-name2 ]... ], 
[ LIKE [ database. ] table ]
[ parameter1 [ , parameter2]... ] 
function-name, return-type, 
[ parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ]
[ parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ] 
[ OVERRIDE ],,[ ABSTRACT ], property-name
[ class-name: ] event-name | (exp) 
{ [ database. ] table [ field ] 
[ WORKFILE ] } | { SHARED variable | 
class-name:table [ field ] }
ON ERROR UNDO, THROW1 [ (-undothrow)2 ] 
procedure-name | value(exp) 
{ [ database. ] table |
class-name:table } } { WORKFILE |
{ { index | RECID } [ TEMPTABLE ]
dataset-name, { PROTECTED }, 
[ NAMESPACE-URI namespace ], 
buffer-name1 [ [ buffer-name2 ]... ], 
shared-workfile [ LIKE [ database. ] table ]
{ [ database. ] table field 
{ FOR EACH | OPEN QUERY } table BY expression
char-string max-length justification
translatable [ FORMAT ]
[ class-name: ] event-name | (exp) 
[ , [ class-name: ] handler-name 
[ , parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ] ] 
[ class-name: ] event-name | (exp) | ALL 
[ , [ class-name: ] handler-name 
[ , parameter1 [ , parameter2 ]... ] ]
{ [ DATA-MEMBER ] [ database. ] table field 
{ SHARED variable } | 
class-name:data-member-name } | 
class-name:data-member-name } | 
class-name:property-name } | 
class-name:property-name } | 
{ sequence-name SEQUENCE } 

The compiler adds a line in the XREF output whenever it encounters a ROUTINE-LEVEL ON ERROR UNDO, THROW or BLOCK-LEVEL ON ERROR UNDO, THROW statement in source code. If both are present, you'll get two XREF output lines.

(-undothrow) in the XREF output indicates that either block-level or routine-level error handling was implemented by the -undothrow startup parameter.

Internal procedures do not appear in XREF output when called from the procedure in which they are defined. Internal procedures appear in XREF output only when called from a different procedure.

PUBLISH FROM does not appear in XREF output.

WHOLE-INDEX means that the selection criteria specified to search the table does not offer opportunities to use indexes that allow optimized key references (bracketed high and low values). Instead, the AVM must search the entire table using available indexes (often only the primary index) to satisfy the query, hence a WHOLE-INDEX search. Thus, depending on the query, you might be able to optimize the search by adding indexes. If TABLE-SCAN is specified in the search criteria, XREF replaces WHOLE-INDEX with TABLE-SCAN. See also Notes.

SUBSCRIBE PROCEDURE and UNSUBSCRIBE PROCEDURE, which subscribes or unsubscribes another procedure to an event, does not appear in XREF output.

This is the syntax for data-member-name:
variable-name | { [ dataset-name ] table [ field ] } 
This is the syntax for invocation-parameter:
{ [ data-type [ EXTENT [ constant ] ] |
   TABLE temp-table-name |
   DATASET dataset-name |
The invocation parameters will be listed for every constructor or method invocation that has arguments. If a method or constructor is overloaded, invocation parameters can be used to determine which version of the method or constructor is being invoked. If the compiler has not resolved the method call (that is, it has deferred resolution to run time), one or more of the invocation parameters may be identified as TABLE REFERENCE, DATASET REFERENCE, or RUNTYPE. This label indicates that the argument being passed matches the type of the corresponding parameter in more than one of the candidate overloads.
In the case of TABLE REFERENCE or DATASET REFERENCE, the parameter may be a static temp table or dataset or a handle to a temp table or dataset.
RUNTYPE means that the compiler cannot determine the type because the argument is, for example, BUFFER-FIELD(1):BUFFER-HANDLE.
EXTENT without a constant integer value following it may simply mean that the parameter is defined as indeterminate, or it may mean that the call has not been resolved and the candidate overloads have arrays of different extents at that position in the parameter list.
The following notes describe more usage information for Table 17:
In the CLASS entry, INHERITS inherited-class-name indicates the immediate super class of the class, if any exists. If the super class inherits from one or more classes, the names of these classes will appear following the name of the immediate super class of the compiled class. Each inherited class name will be separated from the preceding one by a space.
Note that field for REFERENCE is optional. It will not appear if the corresponding line of code is either VALIDATE temp-table or RELEASE temp-table.
XREF-XML { directory | filename | VALUE ( expression ) }
Writes reference information to a formatted XML file. The standard XREF option writes the information to an unformatted text file. The XREF-XML option provides structured output that is formatted with whitespace for easier parsing by humans. More importantly, this option exposes the reference information in a format that developers can exploit with custom-built tools or visualize in a ProDataset or a .NET dataset.
Table 17 and the accompanying documentation in the XREF option section describes the XREF type and XREF information returned by either the XREF or the XREF-XML options. When you use XREF-XML, the XREF type is assigned to the Reference-type attribute. However, XREF information can be assigned to a number of XML elements including the Object-identifier attribute.
For compiling a single procedure or class, you can provide a filename for the XML output file. However, this output file is overwritten each time the compiler needs to compile a linked class or procedure.
For compiling several procedures and classes in a single compile statement, supply a directory for the XREF-XML option. The XREF-XML option uses this directory and a standard naming convention to capture the cross-reference information from multiple procedures and classes in separate files. Contrast this with the APPEND mode used by the XREF option.
When a directory is supplied, the compiler takes the root name of the procedure or class being compiled and creates a cross-reference file with this name and a .xref.xml file extension (sourcefilename.xref.xml). It stores it in the directory path specified, creating any necessary subdirectories that do not exist. If the main directory specified does not exist, then an error is raised.
If the filename supplied to the compiler begins with a relative path, then the directory name supplied to the XREF-XML option will include that relative path. For example, suppose your Unix PROPATH is /projectA/source and you run this COMPILE statement:
COMPILE test/procedureA.p XREF-XML /projectA/xref
The COMPILE statement will look for the source file /projectA/source/test/procedureA.p and place the XREF-XML output in /projectA/xref/test/procedureA.xref.xml (if the source file successfully compiles).
If the source file uses a full path, then the XREF-XML option stores the output in the directory provided, ignoring the path of the source file.
You may want to check for possible filename collisions before using this option. For example, if you have myCode.p and myCode.cls, both will use the myCode.xref.xml output file, destroying some of your cross-reference information.
When you use the VALUE option to provide a filename or directory path, if VALUE returns the empty string or the Unknown value (?), then the compiler ignores the XREF-XML option.
If class definition source files in a class hierarchy are in different directories, matching subdirectories will be created for them under the provided XREF-XML directory.
The XML Schema used with XREF-XML output files is stored in the following location: $DLC/properties/schemas/xrefdxxxx.xsd. The XXXX portion of the file name indicates the version number of the file.
You can see an example on the difference between XREF and XREF-XML output in the Examples section at the end of the COMPILE statement reference.
STRING-XREF { sxreffile | VALUE ( expression ) }
[ APPEND [ = logical-expression ] ]
Writes cross‑reference string information between procedures and ABL objects, or between class definition files and ABL objects, to the file sxreffile or VALUE ( expression ). If expression evaluates to the Unknown value (?), ABL ignores the STRING-XREF option.
String Xref Version x.y  source-file  code-page
The x.y is a major.minor version number, where a major version change implies a formatting change that will not be backward compatible with older versions of TranManII. The source-file is the name of the file from which the strings are extracted. The code-page is the code page with which the file was written.
The line for each string appears in the following format:
line‑number object‑name string max‑length string‑justification statement‑type detail‑info 
The line‑number is the same as line‑number in the standard XREF file. The object‑name is the name of the object with which the string is associated. The max‑length and string‑justification come from the string attribute (either explicit or implicit) and reflect the attributes applied to the string as it is entered into the text segment.
The statement‑type describes the type of statement in which the string appears. Only one statement type appears in a given string’s output line. The values in the following table are possible:
The detail‑info is one or more detail tags that specify more specifically where the string appears in the statement. The values in the following table are possible:
Table 18 shows the valid combinations of statement types and detail tags.
LANGUAGES ( { language-list | VALUE ( expression ) } )
Identifies which language segments to include in the compiled r‑code. The language-list is a colon‑separated list of language names used to generate each text segment. If you specify VALUE ( expression ), the expression must evaluate to a comma‑separated list of language names. If expression evaluates to the Unknown value (?), then ABL ignores the LANGUAGES option.
Translated character strings for each specified language are read from the translation database and are stored in segments within the r‑code. For example:
If you use an expression to specify language-list, you must use the VALUE option. For example:
COMPILE myfile.p LANGUAGES (VALUE(char-var)).
/* char-var = "French-Canadian:French:English,Portuguese:Spanish,
  New-York:American:English" */
In this example, the compiler searches the translation database for French‑Canadian translations. If a French‑Canadian translation is not found, the compiler searches for a French translation. If a French translation is not found, the compiler searches for an English translation. If an English translation is not found, the compiler uses the strings from the source code.
This example generates four text segments: French‑Canadian, Portuguese, New‑York, and the unnamed (default) text segment. The first language name in each language-list argument designates the name of the text segment and specifies the first language that the compiler looks up in the translation database. As a result, it is possible to create a text segment whose name has no relationship to the languages it is composed of. For example, the following argument creates a text segment named BABEL:
Provided there is no language named BABEL in the translation database, the strings in this text segment would be either French, Spanish, Italian, or German, depending on which strings have translations in which languages.
TEXT-SEG-GROW = growth-factor
Specifies the factor by which ABL increases the length of strings. When you develop an application that is going to be translated, it is important to allow for the growth of the text in your widgets. If you use the TEXT-SEG-GROW option, ABL increases the size of the text strings when it compiles your application.
ABL uses the following formula to determine the length of strings:
New-length = 
  Actual-length * ( 1 + ( growth-factor/100 * ( table-value/100 ) ) ) 
New-length is the new string length.
Actual-length is the actual string length.
growth-factor is the value specified with the TEXT-SEG-GROW option.
table-value is the appropriate percentage from the following table:
For example, if you have a text string that is 25 characters and you specify a growth-factor of 50, ABL applies the formula as follows and defines the New-length as 35:
New-length = 25 * ( 1 + (80/100 * (50/100)) )
DEBUG-LIST { debugfile | VALUE ( expression ) }
Writes the debug listing to the file debugfile or VALUE ( expression ). If expression evaluates to the Unknown value (?), then ABL ignores the DEBUG-LIST option. The debugfile consists of a line‑numbered listing of the procedure with the text of all preprocessor include files, names, and parameters inserted. In Windows, the filename cannot contain characters outside of the non-Unicode code page.
PREPROCESS { preprocessfile | VALUE ( expression ) }
Preprocesses the procedure or class definition file and writes the preprocessed source code to the file preprocessfile or VALUE ( expression ). If expression evaluates to the Unknown value (?), ABL ignores the PREPROCESS option. The preprocessfile is a text file that contains a final version of your source code after all include files have been inserted and all text substitutions have been performed. In Windows, the filename cannot contain characters outside of the non-Unicode code page.
Specifies that any errors that occur as a result of the compilation are suppressed. After the COMPILE statement completes, you can check the ERROR and WARNING attributes of the COMPILER system handle to determine whether an error has occurred or any warning messages were produced. You then can check the ERROR-STATUS handle for the specific messages.
V6FRAME [ = logical-expression ] [USE-REVVIDEO | USE-UNDERLINE]
The V6FRAME option is designed specifically to compile and run Progress Version 6 applications with Progress Version 7 or later in Windows. This option uses the V6FontNumber setting in the [Startup] section of the current environment (which might be the Registry or an initialization file) to calculate the height and width of a character unit and then set the layout grid used to compile frames for display in Progress Version 7 or later.
At run time, the FONT attribute for a frame compiled with the V6FRAME option is set to the font number specified with the V6FontNumber setting. The default setting for the V6FontNumber setting is 3.
By default, V6FRAME displays a border around a fill‑in field. This means that your code requires more space on the screen than in Progress Version 6. You can override this behavior with one of the following options:
The V6FRAME option also limits the vertical size of a frame title to one character unit based upon the layout grid. The text of the frame title is in the font specified with the V6FontNumber setting in the [Startup] section of the current environment (which might be the registry or an initialization file).
The V6FRAME option governs the appearance of screen output only. Use the STREAM-IO option to compile procedures that output to files and printers. If you specify the V6FRAME and STREAM-IO options in the same COMPILE statement, the STREAM-IO option overrides the V6FRAME option.
If you specify a logical-expression, its value determines whether the V6 compile option is activated. If the logical-expression is evaluated to the Unknown value (?), a run‑time error occurs.
For more information on the environment for an ABL session, see OpenEdge Deployment: Managing ABL Applications.
MIN-SIZE [ = logical-expression ]
Minimizes the size of the generated r-code file by eliminating the Debugger Segment (which is used by the OpenEdge Debugger) and the signature descriptor data (which is used by the Open Client Proxy Generator).
If you specify a logical-expression, its value determines whether the MIN-SIZE option is activated (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If the logical-expression evaluates to the Unknown value (?), a run‑time error occurs. The default value is FALSE.
GENERATE-MD5 [ = logical-expression ]
When ABL compiles a procedure or class definition file with the GENERATE-MD5 option, it generates a special MD5 value based on the code content, and stores it in the r-code file. This r-code MD5 value is similar to a CRC value, except the MD5 value is 128 bits in size and the CRC value is only 16 bits. The MD5 value is virtually guaranteed to be different if the file content has changed. As with CRC, content changes include any schema changes. That is, if only the schema changes, the MD5 value also changes.
If you specify a logical-expression, its value determines whether the GENERATE-MD5 option is activated (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The default value is TRUE.
You can read the MD5-VALUE attribute on the RCODE-INFO system handle to determine the MD5 value for a procedure or class.
This option is supported for WebClient™ only (that is, only WebClient uses the resulting MD5 value). Progress Software Corporation recommends compiling your WebClient application procedures with this option. Using this option lets WebClient determine if an r-code file has changed since the previous version of the application.
In this procedure, ABL compiles the ord-ent procedure, produces an r‑code file, ord-ent.r, that can be used across ABL sessions, and saves the r‑code file in the current directory:
You can save the r‑code file in a different directory by using the SAVE INTO phrase. For example, to save an r‑code file in /usr/sources on a UNIX system, enter this command:
COMPILE ord-ent SAVE INTO /usr/sources.
The following example shows the effect of include files on compilation listings:
Suppose you use the following COMPILE statement to compile the r-incl.p procedure:
COMPILE r-incl.p SAVE LISTING r-incl.lis XREF r-incl.xrf 
  DEBUG-LIST r-incl.dbg.
This COMPILE statement produces four files: r-incl.r, r-incl.lis, r-incl.xrf, and r-incl.dbg.
The following procedures contain the contents of the r-incl.lis, r-incl.xrf, and r-incl.dbg files:
r-incl.p                       06/01/93 13:06:30   PROGRESS(R) Page 1
{} Line Blk
-- ---- ---
      1     /* r-incl.p */
      3   1 FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK:
      4   1   {r-fcust.i}
 1    1   1 /* r-fcust.i */
 1    2   1 
 1    3   1 FORM Customer.CustNum Customer.Name LABEL "Customer Name"
 1    4   1   Customer.Phone FORMAT "999-999-9999".
      4   1  
      5   1   {r-dcust.i}
 1    1   1 /* r-dcust.i */
 1    2   1 
 1    3   1 DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Phone.
      5   1  
      6     END.
^Lr-incl.p                     06/01/93 13:06:30   PROGRESS(R) Page 2     
     File Name       Line Blk. Type Tran            Blk. Label            
-------------------- ---- --------- ---- --------------------------------
r-incl.p                0 Procedure No                                    
r-incl.p                3 For       No                                    
    Buffers: sports2000.Customer
    Frames:  Unnamed
This sample output is not an exact copy of the r-incl.lis file.
There are three columns next to the procedure in the listing file:
{} — The level of the include file
Line — The line number in the file
Blk — The number of the block
The information follows each of the procedure blocks or function blocks:
Line — The line number where the block starts
Blk. Type — The type of block (Procedure, DO, FOR EACH, REPEAT)
Tran — Whether the block is a transaction block
Blk. Label — The label of the block
Buffers — The name of the record buffer scoped to the block
Frames — The name of the frame scoped to the block
This is the cross-reference file r-incl.xrf:
r-incl.p r-incl.p 1 COMPILE r-incl.p
r-incl.p r-incl.p 3 STRING "Customer" 8 NONE UNTRANSLATABLE 
r-incl.p r-incl.p 3 SEARCH sports2000.Customer CustNum
r-incl.p r-incl.p 4 INCLUDE r-fcust.i
r-incl.p r-fcust.i 3 ACCESS sports2000.Customer CustNum 
r-incl.p r-fcust.i 3 ACCESS sports2000.Customer Name 
r-incl.p r-fcust.i 3 ACCESS sports2000.Customer Phone 
r-incl.p r-fcust.i 3 STRING ">>>>9" 5 NONE TRANSLATABLE  FORMAT 
r-incl.p r-fcust.i 3 STRING "x(20)" 5 NONE TRANSLATABLE  FORMAT 
r-incl.p r-fcust.i 3 STRING "999-999-9999" 12 NONE TRANSLATABLE  FORMAT 
r-incl.p r-incl.p 5 INCLUDE r-dcust.i
r-incl.p r-dcust.i 3 ACCESS sports2000.Customer CustNum 
r-incl.p r-dcust.i 3 ACCESS sports2000.Customer Name 
r-incl.p r-dcust.i 3 ACCESS sports2000.Customer Phone 
r-incl.p r-incl.p 6 STRING "CustNum" 8 LEFT TRANSLATABLE 
r-incl.p r-incl.p 6 STRING "Customer Name" 13 LEFT TRANSLATABLE 
r-incl.p r-incl.p 6 STRING "Phone" 5 LEFT TRANSLATABLE 
r-incl.p r-incl.p 6 STRING
    "-------- ---------------------- --------------" 46 LEFT TRANSLATABLE 
r-incl.p r-incl.p 6 STRING "CustNum" 8 LEFT TRANSLATABLE 
Each line in the xref file specifies the procedure, line number, access type, and access information. The first line in the xref file contains the COMPILE access type directive and the name of the procedure exactly as it appears in the COMPILE statement. See Table 17 for a list of the values that follow a particular access type (for example, table and index after SEARCH).
If you modified r-comlis.p to use the XREF-XML option instead of XREF, your cross reference file would be named r-comlis.xref.xml. The structured formatting of XML would use many more lines to display the same information on one line of standard XREF output. Here is a small snippet of that file:
<Reference Reference-type="INCLUDE" Object-identifier=""c:\openedge\wrk\r-fcust.i""> 
  <Object-context /> 
  <Access-mode /> 
  <Data-member-ref /> 
  <Temp-ref /> 
  <Detail /> 
<Reference Reference-type="INCLUDE" Object-identifier=""c:\openedge\wrk\r-dcust.i""> 
  <Object-context /> 
  <Access-mode /> 
  <Data-member-ref /> 
  <Temp-ref /> 
  <Detail /> 
<Reference Reference-type="STRING" Object-identifier="Cust Num"> 
  <Object-context /> 
  <Access-mode /> 
  <Data-member-ref /> 
  <Temp-ref /> 
  <Detail /> 
This is the debug listing r-incl.dbg:
 1   /* r-incl.p */
 3   FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK:
 5   /* r-fcust.i */
 7   FORM Customer.CustNum Customer.Name LABEL "Customer
 8         Name" Customer.Phone FORMAT "999-999-9999". 
11   /* r-dcust.i */
13  DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Phone
15   END.
For a class that implements an interface hierarchy or an interface that inherits an interface hierarchy, the whole of the hierarchy appears in the XREF and XREF-XML as a complete list. The following example illustrates the comparison of XREF output both with and without interface inheritance.
INTERFACE interface-name,,,,
INTERFACE interface-name,INHERITS acme.inventory.IWarehouse
(acme.inventory.IStoreRoom acme.inventory.IShelf),,,,
Because interfaces support multiple inheritance, the order of the interface hierarchy cannot be determined.
The following example is for the XREF-XML output both with and without interface inheritance.
<Reference Reference-type="INTERFACE" Object-identifier="interface-name">
<Reference Reference-type="INTERFACE" Object-identifier="interface-name">
    <Inherited-list/>acme.inventory.IWarehouse(acme.inventory.IStoreRoom     acme.inventory.IShelf)]</Inherited-list>
If you want all record retrieval statements in a procedure to default to NO-LOCK, you must compile the procedure in an ABL session started with the No Lock (-NL) startup parameter. For more information on record locking, see OpenEdge Getting Started: ABL Essentials. For more information on the No Lock (-NL) startup parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
Two additional startup parameters are available that can affect the behavior of the COMPILE statement: Compile Warning List (-cwl) and Keyword Forget List (-k). The Compile Warning List option lets you specify a set of ABL statements that trigger compile-time warnings if they are found in the source code. The Keyword Forget List option lets you disable specified keywords, allowing you to compile code in which those keywords occur as ABL user-defined element names, such as table, field, variable, and procedure names. For more information about these startup parameters, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
The value of the PROPATH environment variable defines the list of directories (path) to use when searching for a procedure.
On UNIX, you define the PROPATH variable in a startup script or in your .profile file. In Windows, you can define your PROPATH in the Registry or in an initialization file. You can also define the PROPATH interactively at the operating system level.
In addition to any directories you define for PROPATH, ABL searches the directory containing the ABL system software. If you do not define a value for PROPATH, ABL searches your working directory by default.
To locate the source file that you name in the COMPILE SAVE statement, ABL searches the first directory in PROPATH. If the source file is there, ABL compiles the source file and creates an r‑code file. On UNIX, this new r‑code file replaces any existing r‑code file. If errors occur during compilation, ABL does not produce an r‑code file and leaves existing r‑code files unchanged.
If ABL cannot find the source file, it continues on to the next directory in PROPATH.
If you specify a relative pathname for the source file, that pathname is appended to the SAVE INTO path. For example (using UNIX pathnames):
COMPILE test/proc1.p SAVE INTO /pro1/obj.
In the example, ABL saves the source file /pro1/source/test/proc1.p as /pro1/obj/test/proc1.r.
If the source file is a full pathname, ABL stores the r-code file in the SAVE INTO directory; it drops its original directory path. For example:
COMPILE /pro1/obj/test/proc1.p SAVE INTO /usr/rcode.
In the example, ABL saves the source file as /usr/rcode/proc1.r.
When you use the SAVE INTO phrase to store compiled r-code files for one or more class definition files specified with a package, ABL creates a directory structure under the specified SAVE INTO directory that is consistent with the directory structure of the original source files relative to PROPATH (if the directory structure doesn’t already exist). That is, ABL creates a subdirectory under the specified SAVE INTO directory to match the original source directory for each class definition file in the hierarchy.
For example, if the source for two class definition files in a class hierarchy reside in two different directories, such as dir1 and dir2, ABL creates two matching subdirectories named dir1 and dir2 under the specified SAVE INTO directory and stores the r-code files in their respective subdirectories.
If the SAVE INTO pathname is null, ABL saves r‑code files in the same directory as their source files.
To locate a file with the COMPILE statement (without the SAVE phrase), ABL searches the first directory in PROPATH for a usable r‑code file. A usable r‑code file must meet these criteria:
If there is a usable r‑code file, there is no reason to perform the compilation. You receive an error and the compilation stops unless you have specified the XREF, LISTING, PREPROCESS, or DEBUG-LIST option. If you specified one of these options, ABL continues with the compilation and produces the files specified and a session compile. If ABL does create a session compile version, the version is not used when you use the RUN statement. The RUN statement always uses an existing r‑code file before using a session compile version of a procedure.
If there is no usable r‑code file, ABL searches the same directory in PROPATH for a source file. If the source file is there, ABL compiles it into the session compile file. If it is not there, ABL continues on to the next directory in PROPATH, searching for an r‑code file, then for a source file.
A WHOLE-INDEX search reported for a table occurs when an entire index is used to search the table. (That is, the bracket used by the query to search the table spans the entire index.) This can occur either when no selection criteria are specified to limit the range of index keys searched (that is, to bracket a subset of the index) or when there is no appropriate index available to optimize the selection criteria. For example, the following queries on Customer table of the sports2000 database both result in WHOLE-INDEX searches. The first query uses the Name index to search the entire table, returning every record in Name order. The second query uses the primary index to search the entire table because there is no index provided for the Balance field to limit the search.
  DISPLAY Customer.
FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.Balance < 10000 
  AND Customer.Balance > 5000:
  DISPLAY Customer.
On the other hand, the following queries do not result in WHOLE-INDEX searches because the selection criteria directly limit the range of Name and CustNum index keys (respectively) to be searched:
  WHERE Customer.Name < "Penan Sporttiklubi" 
    AND Customer.Name > "Chip’s Poker":
  DISPLAY Customer.
FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.CustNum < 40:
  DISPLAY Customer.
See also 
COMPILER system handle, NEW function (classes), RUN statement, Compile Warning List (-cwl), Keyword Forget List (-k), and No Lock (-NL) startup parameters (in OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference)

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