A procedure object that encapsulates a Web service operation (Web service procedure object)
procedure-handle :attribute :method
The following procedure runs another procedure (r-thispr.p) persistently, setting a procedure object handle for it, and displays the value of its PRIVATE-DATA attribute as a message:
DEFINE VARIABLE hthispr AS HANDLE NO-UNDO.RUN r-thispr.p PERSISTENT SET hthispr.MESSAGE "Running the " hthispr:PRIVATE-DATA VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX INFORMATION.For more information on the r-thispr.p example procedure, see the reference entry for the THIS-PROCEDURE system handle in this section.
To create an instance of a persistent procedure, use the PERSISTENT option of the RUN statement, as shown for the r-run-thispr-pers.p example procedure. For other examples of creating persistent procedures, see the reference entry for the RUN statement.
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