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CODEBASE-LOCATOR system handle

(Windows only; Graphical interfaces only)
A handle to the CODEBASE-LOCATOR object. A CODEBASE-LOCATOR object specifies the location and authentication information for a client application’s codebase (that is, an application’s files) stored on an AppServer or a web server. This object allows the WebClient to access application files for download. It also allows WebClient and the client application to share authentication information.
CODEBASE-LOCATOR [ :attribute ]
Specifies an attribute of the CODEBASE-LOCATOR handle.
WebClient sets the following read-only attributes based on values stored in the application configuration (.ProwcApp) file: END-USER-PROMPT, KEEP-CONNECTION-OPEN, LOCATOR-TYPE, NEEDS-APPSERVER-PROMPT, NEEDS-PROMPT, PERSISTENT-CACHE-DISABLED, and URL.
Valid URL protocols depend on the LOCATOR-TYPE. If LOCATOR-TYPE is "AppServer", valid URL protocols include: HTTP, HTTPS, and AppServer. If LOCATOR-TYPE is "InternetServer", valid URL protocols include: HTTP, HTTPS, and FILE.
See also 
CONNECT( ) method (AppServer)

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