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ProDataSet object handle
A handle to a ProDataSet object. A ProDataSet object is a collection of one or more related temp-tables. Each temp-table in a ProDataSet object can attach to a data-source object that allows filling of the temp-table from the data source, or updating the data source from the temp-table. A ProDataSet object can optionally contain a set of data relations between the temp-tables.
A ProDataSet object can be static or dynamic. A static ProDataSet object is one you define at compile time with the DEFINE DATASET statement. A dynamic ProDataSet object is one you create at run time with the CREATE DATASET statement. Use this handle to access the ProDataSet object’s attributes and methods, and its sub-elements (its temp-table buffers, data relations, data sources, and so on) and their attributes and methods.
dataset-object-handle [ :attribute | :method ]
An item of type HANDLE representing a handle to a ProDataSet object.
An attribute of the ProDataSet object.
A method of the ProDataSet object.
For information on these FILL events, see the “ProDataSet events” section.
For information about dynamically accessing the data in a ProDataSet object, see the reference entries related to the TEMP-TABLE, BUFFER, BUFFER-FIELD, and QUERY objects.
See also 
Buffer object handle, CREATE DATASET statement, DEFINE DATASET statement, EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE( ) method, Temp-table object handle

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