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GET-CHANGES( ) method
Loads all the temp-tables or a single temp-table of an empty target ProDataSet object with changed rows from all temp-tables or a single temp-table (respectively) of the original (source) ProDataSet object.
Return type:
Applies to:
The syntax to invoke this method follows:
change-handle:GET-CHANGES ( original-handle [ , get-parent-mode ] )
A handle to the target ProDataSet object or to the buffer object of the target ProDataSet temp-table to receive the changed rows.
A handle to the original (source) ProDataSet object or a handle to the buffer object of a single source ProDataSet temp-table that contains the changed rows to load into the target object.
An optional logical expression, where TRUE indicates that the AVM gets the changed parent rows of each changed child row.
When TRUE, the AVM includes the parent row of each changed child row in the ProDataSet object or ProDataSet temp-table (if any). If there is more than one parent level above the changed row, the AVM includes the parent row at each level. In this case, the parent temp-tables must have a unique primary index that the AVM can use to find the corresponding rows. If a parent row has changed, the AVM copies both the before-image and after-image of the parent row. If a parent row has not changed, there will be no before-image of the parent row, and its change state (ROW-STATE) will be ROW-UNMODIFIED (0) or the Unknown value (?).
When FALSE, the AVM does not include parent rows. The default value is FALSE.
The ProDataSet objects associated with a target ProDataSet handle and the original-handle must have the same number of temp-table buffers, and the definition of the corresponding temp-tables must match (that is, in the number of columns, data types, and so on). Likewise, the temp-table objects associated with a target temp-table and the original-handle must match.
Once the changed rows are loaded, the AVM sets the ORIGIN-HANDLE attribute on the temp-tables in the receiving ProDataSet object to the corresponding temp-tables in the original source ProDataSet object. The AVM also sets the ORIGIN-ROWID attribute on each of the before-image table rows created in the receiving ProDataSet object to the ROWID of the corresponding before-image table row in the original source temp-table. The MERGE-CHANGES( ) method and MERGE-ROW-CHANGES( ) method uses these values to match up temp-tables and temp-table rows during a merge operation.

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