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Adds a data-relation object for a pair of parent and child buffers that is based on the RECID of the parent buffer to a dynamic ProDataSet object. It also sets the PARENT-ID-RELATION attribute to TRUE.
Return type:
Applies to:
ADD-PARENT-ID-RELATION ( parent-buffer-handle , child-buffer-handle , 
  [ parent-id-field [ , parent-fields-before [ , parent-fields-after ] ] ] ) 
Specifies a handle to the parent buffer in the data-relation object.
Specifies a handle to the child buffer in the data-relation object.
Indicates the RECID in child-buffer-handle on which this parent-id-relation object is based. This is an optional CHARACTER expression. The default value is the name of the parent-buffer-handle appended with “_id”.
Indicates an optional CHARACTER expression evaluating to a comma-separated list of fields from the parent record to be written to XML before any nested child-buffer-handle records.
An optional CHARACTER expression evaluating to a comma-separated list of fields from the parent record to be written to XML after all nested child-buffer-handle records.
See also:

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