Returns the signature of the internal procedure or user-defined function whose name you supply. Specifically:
If you provide the name of a DLL entry point, GET-SIGNATURE returns the ABL equivalent of the C data type of each parameter of the entry point. For more information, see OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces.
Return type:
Applies to:
GET-SIGNATURE ( int-proc-name )
type , return-type , mode name p-type , mode name p-type
PROCEDURE — An ABL internal procedure
FUNCTION — An ABL user-defined function whose definition resides in the procedure
EXTERN — An ABL user-defined function whose definition resides in another procedure
DLL-ENTRY — A DLL entry point
MAIN — The main procedureA parameter description where mode is the mode of the parameter, name is the name of the parameter, and p-type is the type of parameter. The parameter type is either a data type (scalar or array) or, for a buffer parameter, the name of the table associated with the buffer.When you define the parameter type as a determinate array with a constant extent value, the GET-SIGNATURE( ) method returns the constant extent value specified as part of the signature (for example, EXTENT 100). When you define the parameter type as a determinate array with a variable extent value, or as an indeterminate array, the GET-SIGNATURE( ) method returns only the extent keyword (that is, EXTENT, with no extent value).
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