Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.Windows

ITempTableFromTypeFactory Interface for classes supporting creating ABL temp-tables from .NET types
ITempTableToObjectMapper Interface for classes that allow to copy from temp-table fields to .NET value objects

InvalidExtentFieldInFieldMappingException Exception thrown by the TempTableToObjectMapper when the specified field mapping instructions contain EXTENT fields
InvalidFieldMappingForEnumException Exception thrown by the TempTableToObjectMapper when the specified Enum property is not mapped to an Integer or Character field
InvalidPropertyNameException Exception thrown by the TempTableFromTypeFactory when the specified property name is invalid
TempTableFromTypeFactory Reflects into a .NET System.Type and creates a dynamic temp-table for selected properties of the System.Type
TempTableToObjectMapper Allows to copy from temp-table fields to .NET value objects
UnmappedUniqueIndexFieldException Exception thrown by the TempTableToObjectMapper when the specified index field is not mapped

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