Namespace: Consultingwerk.Windows.TempTableObjectMapping
ITempTableToObjectMapper Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.Windows.TempTableObjectMapping.TempTableToObjectMapper

Purpose:Interface for classes that allow to copy from temp-table
fields to .NET value objects
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Fri Dec 19 08:53:23 CET 2014

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ CopyFromBuffer (handle, Object, character) Copies the field values form the buffer to the value object
+ CopyFromObject (Object, handle, character, IDictionary, logical) Copies the field values form the buffer to the value object
+ LOGICAL FindBuffer (handle, Object, character) Finds the temp-table buffer based on the field values from the value object
+ LOGICAL FindBuffer (handle, Object, CharacterDictionary, character) Finds the temp-table buffer based on the field values from the value object

Method Detail

PUBLIC CopyFromBuffer (handle, Object, character)

Purpose: Copies the field values form the buffer to the value object

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the source buffer
poObject System.Object
The reference to the target object
pcProperties CHARACTER
The field mapping in the same form as expected by the TempTableFromTypeFactory:CreateTempTable() method

PUBLIC CopyFromObject (Object, handle, character, IDictionary, logical)

Purpose: Copies the field values form the buffer to the value object
Notes: Also for new records (plNewRecord = TRUE) we expect that in phBuffer
a record has already been created
On 10.2B, the 4th parameter, is a IDictionary, as the IReadOnlyDictionary
is not available on .NET 2.0. On OE11 the IReadOnlyDictionary provides
wider access to this method

poObject System.Object
The reference to the target object
phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the source buffer
pcProperties CHARACTER
The field mapping in the same form as expected by the TempTableFromTypeFactory:CreateTempTable() method
poBeforeValues System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary
An optional dictionary with values to be assigned to the before temp-table row
plNewRecord LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if this routine will be used to create a new record

PUBLIC LOGICAL FindBuffer (handle, Object, character)

Purpose: Finds the temp-table buffer based on the field values from the value object

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the source buffer
poObject System.Object
The reference to the target object
pcProperties CHARACTER
The field mapping in the same form as expected by the TempTableFromTypeFactory:CreateTempTable() method
Logical value indicating if the record was found

PUBLIC LOGICAL FindBuffer (handle, Object, CharacterDictionary, character)

Purpose: Finds the temp-table buffer based on the field values from the value object

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the source buffer
poObject System.Object
The reference to the target object
poMissingValues Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterDictionary
The dictionary of character values for index fields from the phBuffer not present in phValueBuffer
pcProperties CHARACTER
The field mapping in the same form as expected by the TempTableFromTypeFactory:CreateTempTable() method
Logical value indicating if the record was found

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