Namespace: Consultingwerk.Windows.TempTableObjectMapping
ITempTableFromTypeFactory Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implemented by: Consultingwerk.Windows.TempTableObjectMapping.TempTableFromTypeFactory

Purpose:Interface for classes supporting creating ABL temp-tables
from .NET types
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Fri Dec 19 08:50:31 CET 2014

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ HANDLE CreateTempTable (Type, character, character) Builds an ABL temp-table from a .NET System.Type
+ HANDLE CreateTempTable (Type, character, character, character) Builds an ABL temp-table from a .NET System.Type

Method Detail

PUBLIC HANDLE CreateTempTable (Type, character, character)

Purpose: Builds an ABL temp-table from a .NET System.Type
Notes: Defaults to using the short type name as the temp-table name

poType System.Type
The reference to the System.Type to build the temp-table from
pcProperties CHARACTER
The comma delimited list of property specs, supported entries are PropertyName or PropertyName|FieldName or PropertyName|FieldName(ABL DataType)
pcUniqueKeyProperties CHARACTER
The comma delimited list of property names that build the PUK, must be form the list in pcProperties
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the created temp-table

PUBLIC HANDLE CreateTempTable (Type, character, character, character)

Purpose: Builds an ABL temp-table from a .NET System.Type

poType System.Type
The reference to the System.Type to build the temp-table from
pcProperties CHARACTER
The comma delimited list of property specs, supported entries are PropertyName or PropertyName|FieldName or PropertyName|FieldName(ABL DataType)
pcUniqueKeyProperties CHARACTER
The comma delimited list of property names that build the PUK, must be form the list in pcProperties
pcTempTableName CHARACTER
The name for the temp-table to create
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the created temp-table

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