Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Plugins

IBusinessEntityValidationGenerator Service Interface for custom generators for Business Entity Validation code
ICustomBusinessEntityNameHandler Allows customizing how the after entering the Business Entity Name in the Business Entity Designer provides names for the Dataset, Data Access class, Description, ...
ICustomBusinessEntityPackageNameHandler Allows customizing how the after entering the Business Entity Package in the Business Entity Designer provides packages/paths for the Dataset, Data Access class, Description, ...
IDataRelationCustomizer Allows customization of an eDataRelation record after it has been created
IEntityPackageNameProvider Service Interface for classes that can provide the EntityPackage information to the Business Entity Designer
INewFieldHandler Service Interface for classes that provide call back functionality when a new Field has been created
INewTempTableHandler Service Interface for classes that provide call back functionality when a new Temp-Table has been created
ISmartViewerBuilderAlternativeControlTypeProvider Interface for customization classes that provide Alternative Control types used by the SmartViewerBuilder

AlternativeControlTypeProviderOriginEnum Values for the Origin parameter of the ISmartViewerBuilderAlternativeControlTypeProvider:AddCustomControlTypes method
CustomBusinessEntityNameHandler Default service for determing the Business Entity Name and names for the Dataset, Data Access class, Description after typing the Business Entity Name
CustomBusinessEntityPackageNameHandler Default ICustomBusinessEntityPackageNameHandler implementation
SampleNewFieldHandler Sample service class that provides call back functionality when a new Temp-Table Fields have been created from a database field
SampleNewTempTableHandler Sample service as a classes that provides call back functionality when a new Temp-Table has been created

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