Namespace: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Plugins.CustomServices
CustomBusinessEntityPackageNameHandler Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implements: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.Plugins.CustomServices.ICustomBusinessEntityPackageNameHandler

Purpose:Default ICustomBusinessEntityPackageNameHandler implementation
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Thu Feb 20 22:09:09 CET 2014

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ LOGICAL DetermineBusinessEntityPackageFields (character, character, character, character, character) Invoked when the user fills in the Business Entity Package

Method Detail

PUBLIC LOGICAL DetermineBusinessEntityPackageFields (character, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Invoked when the user fills in the Business Entity Package
Notes: Allows deriving custom packages or paths for Business Entity, DatasetController,
dataset, temp-tables, etc. from the Business Entity Package

pcBusinessEntityPackage CHARACTER
INPUT-OUTPUT The name for the Package of the Business Entity class
pcDatasetControllerPackage CHARACTER
INPUT-OUTPUT The name for the Package of the Dataset Controller class
pcDatasetPath CHARACTER
INPUT-OUTPUT The dataset include path
pcDefaultTablePath CHARACTER
INPUT-OUTPUT The default temp-table include path
pcDataAccessPackage CHARACTER
INPUT-OUTPUT The name for the package for the Data Access class
Logical value indicating if the values have been modified

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