Parentpacke: Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner


BatchGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that supports automated generation of Business Entities for a Batch of Database Tables (one Business Entity per Database Table)
ClassAnnotationGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to create class annotations for the current Business Entity
CsharpGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to create C# classes from the dataset design using the xsd.exe utility
DataSourceExtendedInfoPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that creates code which provides runtime-queryable (using DYNAMIC-PROPERTY) info about data-source buffers and field mappings.
EntityClassGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that integrates the Generator for ORM value classes.
GenerateModelClassesEnum Enum controlling if the ModelClassGeneratorPlugin will generate classes, interfaces or read-only interfaces
JavaScriptSafeNameValidationPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin issueing a warning during generation if a Business Entity design contains JavaScript unsafe characters
KendoUiBuilderGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to generate meta data for Kendo UI Builder
KendoUiGridGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to generate html pages including Kendo UI Grid
ModelClassGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that integrates the Generator for Dataset/TableModel classes (DatasetModel, TableModel, TableFilter)
OpenAccessSdkGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to create OpenAccess SDK proxy procedure and Catalog file
RestServiceGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that allows to generate Proxy Classes for Business Entities. These proxy classes allow to expose Business Entities using the REST Adapter to OpenEdge mobile or compatible clients.
RollbaseImporterPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that supports importing Rollbase Objects
SaveImagePlugin Saves an Image (PNG) of the Business Entity Design whenever the .bedgm file is saved
SmartDataObjectImporterPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that supports to import an ADM2 SmartDataObject into the Business Entity.
SmartFrameworkSupportPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that allows creation of SmartFramework Support fields on the Business Entity Table
SmartFrameworkTableNameGeneratorService This ITableNameGeneratorService implementation is based in the SmartDB.SmartTable.TempTableName field. When the database table is not existing in the SmartDB or the field is not set, the database table name is returned.
SmartTabPageControlPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to generate SmartTabPageControl inherited user controls.
SmartViewerGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to generate SmartViewerControl inherited user controls.
SmartWindowGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to generate SmartWindowForm inherited form.
SwaggerGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to create Swagger JSON Schema for the current Business Entity
TableAndFieldConstantsGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that supports the generation of include files with Constants for ProDataset Buffer and Field Names
TableQueryBuilderGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin that integrates the Generator for Dataset/TableModel classes (DatasetModel, TableModel, TableFilter)
TelerikMobilePlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to generate fragments of html mobile views used in the Telerik Platform
Web2ViewGeneratorPlugin Business Entity Designer Plugin to generate fragments of html views used in the SmartComponents2.Web (Angular JS)

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