Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
# | AddAttachment () |
Adds Attachments using a File Open Dialog |
# | AfterRetrieveDataHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the AfterRetrieveData event of the Attachment's
Business Entity Adapter |
# | BuildRibbonTab (UltraToolbarsManager) |
Builds a contextual RibbonTab for the SmartAttachmentControl |
# | Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateRibbonButton (UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonGroup, character, character, character, character) |
Creates a Ribbon Button (ButtonTool) |
# | Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool CreateRibbonStateButton (UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonGroup, character, character, character) |
Creates a Ribbon State Button (StateButtonTool) |
# | CreateVerbs () |
Creates Designer Verbs based on the DesignerVerbs property Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | DeleteAttachment () |
Deletes the selected attachment |
# | ExportAttachment () |
Exports the selected attachments to a local folder |
+ | System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents () |
Returns a List of all Components in the Form Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
- | InitializeComponent () |
Initializes the Visual Design |
# | LeaveHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Leave event of the SmartAttachmentControl |
# | OnEnter (EventArgs) |
Raises the Enter event |
# | OnLoad (EventArgs) |
Raises the Load event Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl:OnLoad (EventArgs) |
+ | OnVerbClicked (character) |
Event Handler method for Designer Verbs Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | OpenAttachment () |
Opens the selected Attachments |
# | ParentFormClosedHandler (Object, FormClosedEventArgs) |
Event handler for the FormClosed event of the parent Form |
# | ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the FormDestroyed event of the owning Form Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
- | QueryClosedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the QueryClosed event of the smartBusinessEntityAdapter1
instance |
+ | SubscribeParentFormDestroyed () |
Subscribes the ParentFormDestroyed event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | SubscribeUserControlEvents () |
Allows for custom event subscriptions during OnLoad() Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
- | timer1_Tick (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Tick event of the timer1 component |
# | ToggleToolbarObjectsVisible (logical) |
Toggles the Visibility of the toolbar objects of this Control |
+ | ToggleView (character) |
Sets the View of the ListView |
- | ToolClickHandler (Object, ToolClickEventArgs) |
Event handler for the ToolClick event of the UltraToolbarsManager |
- | ultraListView1_DragDrop (Object, DragEventArgs) |
Event handler for the DragDrop event of the ListView control |
- | ultraListView1_DragEnter (Object, DragEventArgs) |
Event handler for the DragEnter event of the ListView control |
- | ultraListView1_ItemSelectionChanged (Object, ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs) |
Event handler for the ItemSelectionChanged event of the UltraListView1 |
- | ultraListView1_MouseDown (Object, MouseEventArgs) |
Event handler for the MouseDown even of the ultraListView1 |
- | ultraListView1_MouseMove (Object, MouseEventArgs) |
Event handler for the MouseMove event of the ultarListView1 control |
- | ultraListView1_MouseUp (Object, MouseEventArgs) |
Event handler for the MouseUp event of the ultarListView1 control |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | SmartAttachmentControl () |
Constructor for the SmartAttachmentControl class |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | LOGICAL CanAddAttachments |
+ | Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ContextualTabGroup ContextualRibbonTabGroup |
# | CHARACTER DesignerVerbs |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | LOGICAL DesignTime |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | CHARACTER HiddenProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource |
# | CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource |
# | LOGICAL UserControlEventsSubscribed |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
PROTECTED AddAttachment ()
PROTECTED AfterRetrieveDataHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED BuildRibbonTab (UltraToolbarsManager)
PROTECTED Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonTool CreateRibbonButton (UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonGroup, character, character, character, character)
PROTECTED Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.StateButtonTool CreateRibbonStateButton (UltraToolbarsManager, RibbonGroup, character, character, character)
PROTECTED CreateVerbs ()
PROTECTED DeleteAttachment ()
PROTECTED ExportAttachment ()
PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents ()
PRIVATE InitializeComponent ()
PROTECTED LeaveHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnEnter (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnLoad (EventArgs)
PUBLIC OnVerbClicked (character)
PROTECTED OpenAttachment ()
PROTECTED ParentFormClosedHandler (Object, FormClosedEventArgs)
PROTECTED ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE QueryClosedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC SubscribeParentFormDestroyed ()
PROTECTED SubscribeUserControlEvents ()
PRIVATE timer1_Tick (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED ToggleToolbarObjectsVisible (logical)
PUBLIC ToggleView (character)
PRIVATE ToolClickHandler (Object, ToolClickEventArgs)
PRIVATE ultraListView1_DragDrop (Object, DragEventArgs)
PRIVATE ultraListView1_DragEnter (Object, DragEventArgs)
PRIVATE ultraListView1_ItemSelectionChanged (Object, ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs)
PRIVATE ultraListView1_MouseDown (Object, MouseEventArgs)
PRIVATE ultraListView1_MouseMove (Object, MouseEventArgs)
PRIVATE ultraListView1_MouseUp (Object, MouseEventArgs)
PUBLIC SmartAttachmentControl ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL CanAddAttachments
PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ContextualTabGroup ContextualRibbonTabGroup
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource
PROTECTED CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties
PROTECTED LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource
PROTECTED LOGICAL UserControlEventsSubscribed