Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
# ControlVisibleChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the VisibleChanged event of the Control
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.BaseControlRenderer
# PositionLabelLeftOfControl (Control, UltraLabel, integer) Positions the label left of the Control
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.BaseControlRenderer
+ System.ComponentModel.IComponent RenderComponent (SmartViewerControl, Control, ITabFolderParent, IContainer, handle, handle, BindingSource) Renders a component on a dynamic viewer
# SetControlLabel (Control, character, character, handle, logical, integer) Sets the Label for the Control
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.BaseControlRenderer
# VisibleChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the VisibleChanged event of the label
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.BaseControlRenderer

Method Detail

PROTECTED ControlVisibleChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.BaseControlRenderer
Purpose: Event handler for the VisibleChanged event of the Control

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raise the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED PositionLabelLeftOfControl (Control, UltraLabel, integer)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.BaseControlRenderer
Purpose: Positions the label left of the Control

poControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The Control that owns the Label
poLabel UltraLabel
The Label Control
piOffset INTEGER
Integer value indicating the position of the label to the left of the Control

PUBLIC System.ComponentModel.IComponent RenderComponent (SmartViewerControl, Control, ITabFolderParent, IContainer, handle, handle, BindingSource)

Purpose: Renders a component on a dynamic viewer

poViewer Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
The reference to the SmartViewerControl
poContainer System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the current Container Control
poTabFolderParent Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.ITabFolderParent
The reference to the DynamicForm or DynamicControlGroup being rendered
poComponents System.ComponentModel.IContainer
The reference to the Component Container
phInstanceBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the buffer describing the object instance
phAttributes HANDLE
The reference to the
poBindingSource Progress.Data.BindingSource
The Design Time BindingSource
Returns System.ComponentModel.IComponent
The reference to the System.ComponentModel.IComponent that has been created

PROTECTED SetControlLabel (Control, character, character, handle, logical, integer)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.BaseControlRenderer
Purpose: Sets the Label for the Control

poControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The Control to set the Label for
The Control Label
pcStyleSetNameLabel CHARACTER
The StyleSetName for the Label
phAttributes HANDLE
The handle of the buffer with the Control's attributes
plHandleLocationChanged LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if we need to handle the Control's LocationChanged event
piLabelOffset INTEGER
Integer value indicating the position of the label to the left of the Control

PROTECTED VisibleChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.BaseControlRenderer
Purpose: Event handler for the VisibleChanged event of the label

sender System.Object
The reference to the control that raise the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

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