Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
# INTEGER ControlGroupPage (handle, character) Returns the page number the control group is located on
# Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.IComponentRenderingService GetComponentRenderingService (character) Returns the reference to the component rendering service
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.ContainerControlRenderingService
# InitializeCustomizer () Initializes the IRenderedViewerCustomizer reference
+ LOGICAL IsLayoutComponent (handle, handle) Returns if the rendered component is a Layout component
+ System.ComponentModel.IComponent RenderComponent (SmartViewerControl, Control, ITabFolderParent, IContainer, handle, handle, BindingSource) Renders a component on a dynamic viewer
+ System.ComponentModel.IComponent RenderComponent (Control, IContainer, ITabFolderParent, handle, handle) Renders a component on a dynamic form
+ System.ComponentModel.IComponent RenderComponentInstance (Control, IContainer, ITabFolderParent, handle, handle, integer, character, character, table-handle) Renders a component instance
Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.ContainerControlRenderingService
+ Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicControlGroup RenderControlGroup (character, character, Control, IContainer) Renders a DynamicControlGroup into the given container control
+ Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicControlGroup RenderControlGroup (handle, character, Control, IContainer) Renders a DynamicControlGroup into the given parent control
+ RenderInstances (Control, IContainer, ITabFolderParent, handle, character, character, handle, table) Renders a set of Instances

Method Detail

PROTECTED INTEGER ControlGroupPage (handle, character)

Purpose: Returns the page number the control group is located on

phInstanceBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the control group buffer
pcContainerObjectMasterGuid CHARACTER
The ContainerObjectMasterGuid
The page number the viewer is located on

PROTECTED Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.IComponentRenderingService GetComponentRenderingService (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.ContainerControlRenderingService
Purpose: Returns the reference to the component rendering service

pcServiceTypeName CHARACTER
The class name of the component rendering service
Returns Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.IComponentRenderingService
The reference to the IComponentRenderingService instance

PROTECTED InitializeCustomizer ()

Purpose: Initializes the IRenderedViewerCustomizer reference


PUBLIC LOGICAL IsLayoutComponent (handle, handle)

Purpose: Returns if the rendered component is a Layout component
Notes: Components such as the Ribbon do not require a location on
that layout

phInstanceBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the buffer describing the object instance
phAttributesBuffer HANDLE
The reference to the
Logical value indicating if the component requires a location on the layout

PUBLIC System.ComponentModel.IComponent RenderComponent (SmartViewerControl, Control, ITabFolderParent, IContainer, handle, handle, BindingSource)

Purpose: Renders a component on a dynamic viewer

poViewer Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
The reference to the SmartViewerControl
poContainer System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the current Container Control
poTabFolderParent Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.ITabFolderParent
The reference to the DynamicForm or DynamicControlGroup being rendered
poComponents System.ComponentModel.IContainer
The reference to the Component Container
phInstanceBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the buffer describing the object instance
phAttributes HANDLE
The reference to the
poBindingSource Progress.Data.BindingSource
The Design Time BindingSource
Returns System.ComponentModel.IComponent
The reference to the System.ComponentModel.IComponent that has been created

PUBLIC System.ComponentModel.IComponent RenderComponent (Control, IContainer, ITabFolderParent, handle, handle)

Purpose: Renders a component on a dynamic form

poContainer System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the current Container Control
poComponents System.ComponentModel.IContainer
The reference to the Component Container
poTabFolderParent Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.ITabFolderParent
The reference to the DynamicForm or DynamicControlGroup being rendered
phInstanceBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the buffer describing the object instance
phAttributesBuffer HANDLE
The reference to the
Returns System.ComponentModel.IComponent
The reference to the System.ComponentModel.IComponent that has been created

PUBLIC System.ComponentModel.IComponent RenderComponentInstance (Control, IContainer, ITabFolderParent, handle, handle, integer, character, character, table-handle)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.ContainerControlRenderingService
Purpose: Renders a component instance

poContainer System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the current Container Control
poComponents System.ComponentModel.IContainer
The reference to the Component Container
poTabFolderParent Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.ITabFolderParent
The reference to the DynamicForm or DynamicControlGroup being rendered
phInstanceBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the buffer describing the object instance
phAttributesBuffer HANDLE
The reference to the attributes buffer
piPageNumber INTEGER
The page number
The guid referencing the page of the instance
pcParentInstanceGuid CHARACTER
The GUID of the parent instance (or ? for the viewer)
phttInstances TABLE-HANDLE
The temp-table to store the references to the instances in
Returns System.ComponentModel.IComponent
The reference to the System.ComponentModel.IComponent that has been created

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicControlGroup RenderControlGroup (character, character, Control, IContainer)

Purpose: Renders a DynamicControlGroup into the given container control

pcObjectMaster CHARACTER
The name of the repository object master
pcParameterValue CHARACTER
The optional character parameter object
poParentControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the parent control
poComponents System.ComponentModel.IContainer
The reference to the component IContainer
Returns Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicControlGroup
The reference to the rendered DynamicControlGroup instance

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicControlGroup RenderControlGroup (handle, character, Control, IContainer)

Purpose: Renders a DynamicControlGroup into the given parent control

phRepositoryData HANDLE
The repository data of the form to launch
pcParameterValue CHARACTER
The character parameter value for the form
poParentControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the Parent Control
poComponents System.ComponentModel.IContainer
The reference to the Forms Component Container
Returns Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.DynamicControlGroup
The reference to the rendered DynamicControlGroup instance

PUBLIC RenderInstances (Control, IContainer, ITabFolderParent, handle, character, character, handle, table)

Purpose: Renders a set of Instances

poContainer System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the current Container Control
poComponents System.ComponentModel.IContainer
The reference to the Component Container
poTabFolderParent Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Rendering.ITabFolderParent
The reference to the DynamicForm or DynamicControlGroup being rendered
phRepositoryData HANDLE
The ProDataset with the repository data
pcContainerObjectMasterGuid CHARACTER
The GUID of the container's Object Master record
pcParentInstanceGuid CHARACTER
The GUID of the parent instance (or ? for the viewer)
phAttributesBuffer HANDLE
The reference to the attributes buffer
ttInstances TEMP-TABLE ttInstances
The temp-table to store the references to the instances in

Temp-Table Detail

Temp-Table ttInstances

Defined in:

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