Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ CHARACTER GetCharacterAttributeValue (character, handle) Returns the value of the attribute
+ LOGICAL ShowMultipleEntityFieldsPicker (character, character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object) Displays the property Dialog for multiple field selection
+ LOGICAL ShowMultipleViewerControlsPicker (character, character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object) Displays the property Dialog for multiple control selection
+ LOGICAL ShowPropertyDialog (character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object) Displays the property Dialog
+ LOGICAL ShowSingleEntityFieldsPicker (character, character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object) Displays the property Dialog for multiple field selection
+ LOGICAL ShowSingleViewerBindingSourceFieldsPicker (character, character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object) Displays the property Dialog for multiple field selection

Method Detail

PUBLIC CHARACTER GetCharacterAttributeValue (character, handle)

Purpose: Returns the value of the attribute

pcAttributeLabel CHARACTER
The label of the attribute
phDesignAttributeTable HANDLE
The handle of the temp-table with the attribute values
The value of the attribute

PUBLIC LOGICAL ShowMultipleEntityFieldsPicker (character, character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object)

Purpose: Displays the property Dialog for multiple field selection

pcDialogTitle CHARACTER
The title of the Dialog
pcAttributeLabel CHARACTER
The label of the attribute
pcObjectTypeId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Type
pcObjectMasterId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Master
pcObjectInstanceId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Instance
phDesignAttributeTable HANDLE
The handle of the temp-table with the attribute values
poOwnerForm System.Windows.Forms.Form
The reference to the Form to be used as the owner for the Dialog
poValue System.Object
INPUT-OUTPUT The value to update (BOX ABL primitive values)
Logical value indicating if OK (true) or Cancel (false) was clicked

PUBLIC LOGICAL ShowMultipleViewerControlsPicker (character, character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object)

Purpose: Displays the property Dialog for multiple control selection

pcDialogTitle CHARACTER
The title of the Dialog
pcAttributeLabel CHARACTER
The label of the attribute
pcObjectTypeId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Type
pcObjectMasterId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Master
pcObjectInstanceId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Instance
phDesignAttributeTable HANDLE
The handle of the temp-table with the attribute values
poOwnerForm System.Windows.Forms.Form
The reference to the Form to be used as the owner for the Dialog
poValue System.Object
INPUT-OUTPUT The value to update (BOX ABL primitive values)
Logical value indicating if OK (true) or Cancel (false) was clicked

PUBLIC LOGICAL ShowPropertyDialog (character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object)

Purpose: Displays the property Dialog

pcAttributeLabel CHARACTER
The label of the attribute
pcObjectTypeId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Type
pcObjectMasterId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Master
pcObjectInstanceId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Instance
phDesignAttributeTable HANDLE
The handle of the temp-table with the attribute values
poOwnerForm System.Windows.Forms.Form
The reference to the Form to be used as the owner for the Dialog
poValue System.Object
INPUT-OUTPUT The value to update (BOX ABL primitive values)
Logical value indicating if OK (true) or Cancel (false) was clicked

PUBLIC LOGICAL ShowSingleEntityFieldsPicker (character, character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object)

Purpose: Displays the property Dialog for multiple field selection

pcDialogTitle CHARACTER
The title of the Dialog
pcAttributeLabel CHARACTER
The label of the attribute
pcObjectTypeId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Type
pcObjectMasterId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Master
pcObjectInstanceId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Instance
phDesignAttributeTable HANDLE
The handle of the temp-table with the attribute values
poOwnerForm System.Windows.Forms.Form
The reference to the Form to be used as the owner for the Dialog
poValue System.Object
INPUT-OUTPUT The value to update (BOX ABL primitive values)
Logical value indicating if OK (true) or Cancel (false) was clicked

PUBLIC LOGICAL ShowSingleViewerBindingSourceFieldsPicker (character, character, character, character, character, handle, Form, Object)

Purpose: Displays the property Dialog for multiple field selection

pcDialogTitle CHARACTER
The title of the Dialog
pcAttributeLabel CHARACTER
The label of the attribute
pcObjectTypeId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Type
pcObjectMasterId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Master
pcObjectInstanceId CHARACTER
The GUID of the Object Instance
phDesignAttributeTable HANDLE
The handle of the temp-table with the attribute values
poOwnerForm System.Windows.Forms.Form
The reference to the Form to be used as the owner for the Dialog
poValue System.Object
INPUT-OUTPUT The value to update (BOX ABL primitive values)
Logical value indicating if OK (true) or Cancel (false) was clicked

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