Subpackages | ||
Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Class.AttributeValueSearch | |
Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Repository.Class.Support | |
Classes | ||
IconFileNameAttributeLookupService | Supports lookup of icon file names |
ImageFileNameAttributeLookupService | Supports lookup of image file names |
LookupAttributeDesignerService | |
ObjectTypeAttributesUserControl | |
QueryStringAttributeDesignerService | |
SmartAttributeForm | |
SmartAttributeGroupForm | |
SmartAttributeGroupViewerControl | |
SmartAttributeViewerControl | Viewer for maintenance of SmartAttribute records |
SmartClassTypeForm | Form for SmartClassType |
SmartClassTypeViewerControl | Viewer for SmartClassType |
SmartLinkTypeForm | |
SmartLinkTypeViewerControl | |
SmartObjectTreeModel | Model for the Tree of the Smart Object Maintenance Form |
SmartObjectTypeForm | Maintenance of SmartObjectType |
SmartObjectTypeViewerControl | SmartViewer for SmartObjectType Maintenance |
SmartSupportedLinkViewerControl | |
ToolbarButtonAttributeLookupService | Supports lookup of icon file names |
UnsupportedAttributesReportForm | |