Namespace: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository
AnnotationBasedFormProcessor Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object
Implements: Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.IAnnotationBasedFormProcessor

Purpose:Processes the Annotations of a Business Entity and returns
a Form to the caller
Author(s):Mike Fechner / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Thu Jan 02 13:22:45 CET 2020
Purpose: Adds an attribute buffer to a Dataset
Notes: Clones the temp-table and adds the default buffer to the dataset

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
# HANDLE AddAttributeBuffer (handle, handle) Adds an attribute buffer to a Dataset
+ HANDLE CreateInstance (handle, handle, character, character, character) Creates an instance in a viewer or grid
+ HANDLE FetchRepositoryObject (IAnnotationBasedFormParameter) Fetches an annotation based form from the repository
# ProcessDataSource (handle, IAnnotationBasedFormParameter, IBusinessEntityDescriptor) Processes the data for the MetaDataSource instance
# ProcessFilter (handle, IAnnotationBasedFormParameter, IBusinessEntityDescriptor, handle) Processes the data for the MetaGrid instance
# ProcessGrid (handle, IAnnotationBasedFormParameter, IBusinessEntityDescriptor, handle) Processes the data for the MetaGrid instance
# ProcessViewer (handle, IAnnotationBasedFormParameter, IBusinessEntityDescriptor, handle) Processes the data for the MetaViewer instance
# HANDLE RepositoryFieldData (character, character, handle, ISmartRepositoryService, character, logical, character) Retrieves the repository data for a column

Method Detail

PROTECTED HANDLE AddAttributeBuffer (handle, handle)

Purpose: Adds an attribute buffer to a Dataset
Notes: Clones the temp-table and adds the default buffer to the dataset

phRepositoryData HANDLE
The handle of the dataset with the Form's repository data
phAttributeBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the buffer to be added
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the new buffer

PUBLIC HANDLE CreateInstance (handle, handle, character, character, character)

Purpose: Creates an instance in a viewer or grid

phRepositoryData HANDLE
The handle of the dataset with the Form's repository data
phFieldData HANDLE
The handle of the dataset with the repository data for the field to add
pcInstanceGuid CHARACTER
The instance guid
pcInstanceName CHARACTER
The (short) name of the instance
pcContainerObjectMasterGuid CHARACTER
The guid of the object master
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the attributes buffer of the new instance

PUBLIC HANDLE FetchRepositoryObject (IAnnotationBasedFormParameter)

Purpose: Fetches an annotation based form from the repository

poParameter Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.IAnnotationBasedFormParameter
The IAnnotationBasedFormParameter with the parameter for this call
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the dataset with the repository data

PROTECTED ProcessDataSource (handle, IAnnotationBasedFormParameter, IBusinessEntityDescriptor)

Purpose: Processes the data for the MetaDataSource instance

phRepositoryData HANDLE
The repository data to process
poParameter Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.IAnnotationBasedFormParameter
The IAnnotationBasedFormParameter with the parameter for this call
poBusinessEntityDescriptor Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntityDescriptor.IBusinessEntityDescriptor
The Business Entity Descriptor of the Business Entity

PROTECTED ProcessFilter (handle, IAnnotationBasedFormParameter, IBusinessEntityDescriptor, handle)

Purpose: Processes the data for the MetaGrid instance

phRepositoryData HANDLE
The repository data to process
poParameter Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.IAnnotationBasedFormParameter
The IAnnotationBasedFormParameter with the parameter for this call
poBusinessEntityDescriptor Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntityDescriptor.IBusinessEntityDescriptor
The Business Entity Descriptor of the Business Entity
phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the Business Entity Dataset

PROTECTED ProcessGrid (handle, IAnnotationBasedFormParameter, IBusinessEntityDescriptor, handle)

Purpose: Processes the data for the MetaGrid instance

phRepositoryData HANDLE
The repository data to process
poParameter Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.IAnnotationBasedFormParameter
The IAnnotationBasedFormParameter with the parameter for this call
poBusinessEntityDescriptor Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntityDescriptor.IBusinessEntityDescriptor
The Business Entity Descriptor of the Business Entity
phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the Business Entity Dataset

PROTECTED ProcessViewer (handle, IAnnotationBasedFormParameter, IBusinessEntityDescriptor, handle)

Purpose: Processes the data for the MetaViewer instance

phRepositoryData HANDLE
The repository data to process
poParameter Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.IAnnotationBasedFormParameter
The IAnnotationBasedFormParameter with the parameter for this call
poBusinessEntityDescriptor Consultingwerk.OERA.BusinessEntityDescriptor.IBusinessEntityDescriptor
The Business Entity Descriptor of the Business Entity
phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the Business Entity Dataset

PROTECTED HANDLE RepositoryFieldData (character, character, handle, ISmartRepositoryService, character, logical, character)

Purpose: Retrieves the repository data for a column

pcEntityName CHARACTER
The Business Entity Name
pcColumnName CHARACTER
The potentially abbreviated name of the column
phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the Business Entity ProDataset
poRepository Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.ISmartRepositoryService
The referecne to the ISmartRepositoryService
The comma delimited list of the Business Entity Table and view tables
plProcessObjectMapping LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if mapped repository objects should be processed
pcEnvironment CHARACTER
The UI Environment (GUI or WEB)
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset with the repository data of the field

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