Options |
Name |
Purpose |
LOGICAL ClassIsA (character, character)
Returns if the child class is a child of the given parent class Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.ISmartRepositoryClientService
ClearCaches ()
Clears all caches of this class Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.ISmartRepositoryClientService
CHARACTER CopyObjectMaster (CopyObjectMasterParameter)
Creates a copy of the given object master
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList CreateDataFields (handle, character, IOverwritePromptCallback)
Creates MetaEntityTable, MetaDataField and MetaCalculatedField
object masters for the given Business Entity Model
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList CreateDataFields (handle, character, IOverwritePromptCallback, character, character, character)
Creates MetaEntityTable, MetaDataField and MetaCalculatedField
object masters for the given Business Entity Model
CHARACTER CreateInstance (character, character, character, character, character, integer)
Creates an Object Instance
CHARACTER CreateInstance (character, character, character, character, character, integer, character, DictionaryAttributeValue)
Creates an Object Instance
CHARACTER CreateInstance (character, character, character, character, character, integer, DictionaryAttributeValue)
Creates an Object Instance
CHARACTER CreateInstance (character, character, character, character, integer, integer)
Creates an Object Instance
CHARACTER CreateLink (character, character, character, character)
Creates a SmartLink between two instances or the container
CHARACTER CreateObjectMaster (character, character, character, character, character, DictionaryAttributeValue)
Creates an Object Master
CHARACTER CreateObjectMaster (CreateObjectMasterParameter)
Creates an Object Master
CHARACTER CreateObjectMasterFromInstance (CreateObjectMasterFromInstanceParameter)
Creates a new Object Master based on an Object Instance
CHARACTER CreatePage (character, integer, character)
Creates a Page in a Container
DeleteObjectMaster (character)
Deletes a given object master
CHARACTER EnsureGuids (character)
Ensures that the list of classes contains GUIDs and not class names
HANDLE FetchRepositoryObject (FetchRepositoryObjectParameter)
Fetches an object from the repository
HANDLE FetchRepositoryObject (IAnnotationBasedFormParameter)
Fetches an annotation based form from the repository
HANDLE GetAttributeBuffer (character, character, handle)
Returns a buffer to the attribute of a given object master (when
pcInstanceName is empty) or named object instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.ISmartRepositoryClientService
HANDLE GetAttributeBuffer (character, handle)
Returns a buffer to the attribute of a given object master (when
pcInstanceName is empty) or named object instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.ISmartRepositoryClientService
CHARACTER GetAttributeConstantLevel (character)
Returns the constant level of the attribute
CHARACTER GetAttributeDataType (character)
Returns the repository type based of the attribute
CHARACTER GetAttributeLabel (character)
Returns the repository label of the attribute
CHARACTER GetChildClasses (character)
Returns the comma delimited list of child class guids of the provided
parent classes
Consultingwerk.OERA.IDataSourceInfo GetDataSourceInfo (character)
Returns the IDataSourceInfo based on a repository object (MetaDataSource)
CHARACTER GetDesignTimeDataSourceGuid (character)
Returns the GUID of the DesignTimeDataSource of the given
Object Master (GUID or Name) or Object Instance (GUID)
Consultingwerk.OERA.IDataSourceInfo GetDesignTimeDataSourceInfo (character)
Returns the IDataSourceInfo based on a repository object's (MetaDataSource)
Design time data source
CHARACTER GetEntityFieldMapping (character, character, character, character)
Returns the name fo the field object used to render
a given Business Entity Field
Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.ScreenMapping.ListScreenMapping GetEntityTableMapping (character, character, character)
Returns the list of entity field mappings for the given Business EntityTable
and UI Types
LONGCHAR GetHtmlField (character, character, character, character, character, logical, logical, handle, character, ViewerBindingStyleEnum)
Renders a repository field as html
LONGCHAR GetHtmlField (character, character, character, character, character, logical, logical, handle, character, ViewerBindingStyleEnum, handle)
Renders a repository field as html
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJsonField (character, character, character, character, logical, logical, logical, handle, character)
Renders a repository field as JSON
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJsonField (character, character, character, character, logical, logical, logical, handle, character, handle)
Renders a repository field as JSON
Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject GetJsonField (handle, handle, character, character, character, logical, logical, logical, IBusinessEntityDescriptor, handle, character, LayoutStyleEnum)
Renders a repository field as JSON
SmartBusinessEntityLookupDescriptor GetLookupDescriptor (character)
Returns a SmartBusinessEntityLookupDescriptor for the repository Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.ISmartRepositoryClientService
Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.AttributeValue GetObjectInstanceAttributeValue (character, character)
Returns a single Attribute Value assigned to an Object Instance
CHARACTER GetObjectInstanceGuid (character, character)
Returns the Object Instance Guid based on an Container Object
Master Name or guid and an Instance Name or guid
CHARACTER GetObjectInstanceGuid (character, character, logical)
Returns the Object Instance Guid based on an Container Object
Master Name or guid and an Instance Name or guid
Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.AttributeValue GetObjectMasterAttributeValue (character, character)
Returns a single Attribute Value assigned to an
Object Master
CHARACTER GetObjectMasterDescription (character)
Returns the Object Master Description based on an Object Master Name
or an object type guid
CHARACTER GetObjectMasterGuid (character)
Returns the Object Master Guid based on an Object Master Name
or an object master guid
CHARACTER GetObjectMasterGuid (character, logical)
Returns the Object Master Guid based on an Object Master Name
or an object master guid
CHARACTER GetObjectMasterGuidFromInstanceGuid (character)
Returns the Object Master Guid based on an Object Instance GUID
CHARACTER GetObjectMasterGuidFromInstanceGuid (character, logical)
Returns the Object Master Guid based on an Object Master Name
or an object master guid
CHARACTER GetObjectMasterName (character)
Returns the Object Master Name based on an Object Master Name
or an object type guid
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList GetObjectsWithAttributeValues (DictionaryAttributeValue)
Returns a list of objects with the given attribute values
Consultingwerk.SmartFramework.Repository.AttributeValue GetObjectTypeAttributeValue (character, character)
Returns a single Attribute Value assigned to an
Object Master
CHARACTER GetObjectTypeGuid (character)
Returns the Object Type Guid based on an Object Type Name
or an object type guid
CHARACTER GetObjectTypeGuidOfMaster (character)
Returns the Object Type Guid of the given object master
CHARACTER GetObjectTypeName (character)
Returns the Object Type Name based on an Object Type Name
or an object type guid
CHARACTER GetParentClasses (character)
Returns the CHR(1) delimited list of parent class guids of the provided
child class
CHARACTER GetProductModuleDataFolder (character)
Returns the Data Folder of the given Product Module
CHARACTER GetProductModuleGuid (character)
Returns the Product Module Guid based on an Product Module Name
or an product module guid
LOGICAL IsLinkSupported (character, character, character)
Verifies if the given link is valid
LOGICAL ObjectIsA (character, character)
Returns if the object is of the given class
RaiseObjectMasterProductModuleChanged (ObjectMasterProductModuleChangedEventArgs)
Raises the ObjectMasterProductModuleChanged event
ReplaceObjectInstance (character, character)
Replaces an Object instance with a new object master
ReplaceObjectInstance (character, character, logical)
Replaces an Object instance with a new object master
StoreObjectInstanceAttributes (character, character, DictionaryAttributeValue)
Stores the given Attributes for an Object Instance
StoreObjectMasterAttributes (character, DictionaryAttributeValue)
Stores the given Attributes for an Object Master
LOGICAL SupportsInstanceOfType (character, character)
Returns if the Container supports instances of the given type