Subpackages | ||
Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.Splash | |
Interfaces | ||
IClassCache | Provides cache functionality for classes derived from a given base type, typically during design time |
IClassCacheProvider | Provides caching functionality for the list of physical classes implementing a given base type |
ISmartBusinessEntityLookupDialogCustomizer | |
Classes | ||
BindingSourceDataHandles | Holder object for a Binding Source Query Handle and the handle of the ProDataset that contains the temp-tables |
BusinessEntityDesignerSupport | |
BusinessEntityLookupDesignerForm | Lookup Designer (typically used within Progress Developer Studio) |
BusinessEntityPickerForm | Selectes a Business Entity |
ClassCache | Provides cache functionality for classes derived from a given base type, typically during design time |
ClassCacheProvider | Provides caching functionality for the list of physical classes implementing a given base type |
DatasetRelationNodeParser | Supports loading dataset buffers to a tree following their data relations |
DatasetRelationParser | |
DesktopAlertHelper | |
DictionaryIClassCache | Dictionary of IClassCache instances |
SmartBindingSourceArrayFactory | |
SmartBusinessEntityLookupDialog | |
SmartBusinessEntityLookupDialogDesigner | Designer class for the SmartBusinessEntityLookupDialog |
SmartBusinessEntityLookupSupport | |
SmartBusinessEntityPopupLookupUserControl | UserControl used by the SmartBusinessEntityPopupLookup in the popup control container |
SmartBusinessEntityQuerySupport | |
SmartComboEditorSupport | |
SmartDataObjectLookupDialog | |
SmartDataObjectLookupDialogDesigner | Designer class for the SmartDataObjectLookupDialog |
SmartDataObjectSupport | Design Time Support for SmartDataObject based data binding |
SmartGenericLookupDialog | |
SmartGenericLookupDialogDesigner | |
SmartLookupDesignerSupport | Supports the SmartLookup Designer functionality |
SmartWindowFormDesignerSupport | |