Namespace: Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support
SmartBusinessEntityQuerySupport Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Purpose: Creates an additional buffer for the given buffer

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
- HANDLE CreateBuffer (handle) Creates an additional buffer for the given buffer
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles PrepareBindingQuery (character, character, character) Builds the Data Binding Query
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles PrepareBindingQuery (character, character, character, character) Builds the Data Binding Query
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles PrepareBindingQuery (character, character, character, character, character, character) Builds the Data Binding Query
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles PrepareBindingQuery (character, character, character, character, character) Builds the Data Binding Query
+ HANDLE PrepareBindingQuery (handle, character, character, character) Builds the Data Binding Query
+ HANDLE PrepareBindingQuery (handle, character, character, character, logical, logical, character) Builds the Data Binding Query
+ HANDLE PrepareBindingQuery (handle, character, character, character, logical, character) Builds the Data Binding Query

Method Detail

PRIVATE HANDLE CreateBuffer (handle)

Purpose: Creates an additional buffer for the given buffer

phBuffer HANDLE
The handle of the original buffer
Returns HANDLE
The handle of the new buffer

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles PrepareBindingQuery (character, character, character)

Purpose: Builds the Data Binding Query

pcEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity
pcEntityTable CHARACTER
The entity table name
pcEntityView CHARACTER
The entity view table names
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles
The query handle

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles PrepareBindingQuery (character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Builds the Data Binding Query

pcEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity
pcEntityTable CHARACTER
The entity table name
pcEntityView CHARACTER
The entity view table names
pcEntityJoin CHARACTER
Comma delimited list of YES and NO that indicates if the Entity View tables should be joined in the query
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles
The query handle

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles PrepareBindingQuery (character, character, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Builds the Data Binding Query

pcEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity
pcEntityTable CHARACTER
The entity table name
pcEntityView CHARACTER
The entity view table names
pcEntityJoin CHARACTER
Comma delimited list of YES and NO that indicates if the Entity View tables should be joined in the query
pcDatasetControllerType CHARACTER
The dataset controller type
OUTPUT Comma delimited list of field names that will be excluded from the BindingSource
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles
The query handle

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles PrepareBindingQuery (character, character, character, character, character)

Purpose: Builds the Data Binding Query

pcEntityName CHARACTER
The name of the Business Entity
pcEntityTable CHARACTER
The entity table name
pcEntityView CHARACTER
The entity view table names
pcEntityJoin CHARACTER
Comma delimited list of YES and NO that indicates if the Entity View tables should be joined in the query
OUTPUT Comma delimited list of field names that will be excluded from the BindingSource
Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Support.BindingSourceDataHandles
The query handle

PUBLIC HANDLE PrepareBindingQuery (handle, character, character, character)

Purpose: Builds the Data Binding Query

phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset
pcEntityTable CHARACTER
The entity table name
pcEntityView CHARACTER
The entity view table names
pcEntityJoin CHARACTER
Comma delimited list of YES and NO that indicates if the Entity View tables should be joined in the query
Returns HANDLE
The query handle

PUBLIC HANDLE PrepareBindingQuery (handle, character, character, character, logical, logical, character)

Purpose: Builds the Data Binding Query

phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset
pcEntityTable CHARACTER
The entity table name
pcEntityView CHARACTER
The entity view table names
pcEntityJoin CHARACTER
Comma delimited list of YES and NO that indicates if the Entity View tables should be joined in the query
plOuterJoin LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the query should use an OUTER-JOIN
plCreateDistinctBuffer LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if distinct buffers should be created for the tables in the query
pcExceptList CHARACTER
OUTPUT Comma delimited list of field names that will be excluded from the BindingSource
Returns HANDLE
The query handle

PUBLIC HANDLE PrepareBindingQuery (handle, character, character, character, logical, character)

Purpose: Builds the Data Binding Query

phDataset HANDLE
The handle of the ProDataset
pcEntityTable CHARACTER
The entity table name
pcEntityView CHARACTER
The entity view table names
pcEntityJoin CHARACTER
Comma delimited list of YES and NO that indicates if the Entity View tables should be joined in the query
plOuterJoin LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the query should use an OUTER-JOIN
pcExceptList CHARACTER
OUTPUT Comma delimited list of field names that will be excluded from the BindingSource
Returns HANDLE
The query handle

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