Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | ActivateSmartNavigationTarget (ISmartNavigationTarget) |
Activate the given SmartNavigationTarget if it is registered with
the SmartNavigationSource. |
- | BtnFirst_Click (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Click event of BtnFirst |
- | BtnLast_Click (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Click event of BtnLast |
- | BtnNext_Click (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Click event of BtnNext |
- | BtnPrev_Click (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Click event of BtnPrev |
# | CreateVerbs () |
Creates Designer Verbs based on the DesignerVerbs property Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | DeregisterSmartNavigationTarget (ISmartNavigationTarget) |
Deregisters a SmartNavigationTarget from the SmartNavigationSource. |
+ | LOGICAL DisableTool (character) |
Disables the tool with the given Key when it exists in this instance.
Invoked by DisableTools. |
+ | DisableTools (character) |
Disables a list of tools when they exist in this instance.
This Method is called from within the Toolbar depending on what
action has been performed and what actions are possible with the
current SmartTableIOTarget and SmartNavigationTarget. |
+ | LOGICAL EnableTool (character) |
Enables the tool with the given Key when it exists in this instance. |
+ | EnableTools (character) |
Enables a list of tools when they exist in this instance. |
+ | System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents () |
Returns a List of all Components in the Form Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
- | InitializeComponent () |
Initializes the Visual Design |
# | OnLoad (EventArgs) |
Raises the Load event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | OnVerbClicked (character) |
Event Handler method for Designer Verbs Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the FormDestroyed event of the owning Form Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | RegisterSmartNavigationTarget (ISmartNavigationTarget) |
Registers a SmartNavigationTarget with the SmartNavigationSource. |
+ | SubscribeParentFormDestroyed () |
Subscribes the ParentFormDestroyed event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | SubscribeUserControlEvents () |
Allows for custom event subscriptions during OnLoad() Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | UpdateSmartNavigationTargetPosition (ISmartNavigationTarget, character) |
Handles the update of a Position from the SmartNavigationTarget.
This Method is called from the SmartDataAdapter derived Classes
if the PositionChangedHandler is executed or from inside the
ISmartNavigationSource implementing class when the Method
UpdateSmartNavigationTargetState or RegisterSmartNavigationTarget
are executed. |
+ | UpdateSmartNavigationTargetPosition (Object, SmartNavigationTargetPositionChangedEventArgs) |
Event handler for the SmartNavigationTargetPositionChanged event of the SmartNavigationTarget |
# | UpdateSmartNavigationTargetState (ISmartNavigationTarget, character) |
Handles the update of a State from the SmartNavigationTarget.
This Method is called from the SmartDataAdapter derived Classes
if the Property setter of SmartDataSourceState is executed. |
+ | UpdateSmartNavigationTargetState (Object, SmartNavigationTargetStateChangedEventArgs) |
Event handler for the SmartNavigationTargetStateChanged event |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | SmartNavigationPanel () |
Constructor for the SmartToolbarController class |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
# | CHARACTER DesignerVerbs |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
+ | LOGICAL DesignTime |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | CHARACTER HiddenProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
# | LOGICAL UserControlEventsSubscribed |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl |
PUBLIC ActivateSmartNavigationTarget (ISmartNavigationTarget)
PRIVATE BtnFirst_Click (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE BtnLast_Click (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE BtnNext_Click (Object, EventArgs)
PRIVATE BtnPrev_Click (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED CreateVerbs ()
PUBLIC DeregisterSmartNavigationTarget (ISmartNavigationTarget)
PUBLIC LOGICAL DisableTool (character)
PUBLIC DisableTools (character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL EnableTool (character)
PUBLIC EnableTools (character)
PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents ()
PRIVATE InitializeComponent ()
PROTECTED OnLoad (EventArgs)
PUBLIC OnVerbClicked (character)
PROTECTED ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC RegisterSmartNavigationTarget (ISmartNavigationTarget)
PUBLIC SubscribeParentFormDestroyed ()
PROTECTED SubscribeUserControlEvents ()
PROTECTED UpdateSmartNavigationTargetPosition (ISmartNavigationTarget, character)
PUBLIC UpdateSmartNavigationTargetPosition (Object, SmartNavigationTargetPositionChangedEventArgs)
PROTECTED UpdateSmartNavigationTargetState (ISmartNavigationTarget, character)
PUBLIC UpdateSmartNavigationTargetState (Object, SmartNavigationTargetStateChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC SmartNavigationPanel ()
PROTECTED CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties
PROTECTED LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed
PROTECTED LOGICAL UserControlEventsSubscribed