Interfaces | ||
IDatasetControllerConsumer | Interface for objects that expose a DatasetController using a property |
IDynamicBrowser | |
IDynamicBrowseRendererCustomizer | Service interface that allows extension of the DynamicBrowserRenderer |
IDynamicBrowserRenderer | |
ISmartBusinessEntityAdapter | |
ISmartBusinessEntityAdapterEvents | |
ISmartDataBrowserColumnCustomizer | |
ISmartDataFieldForeignFieldsClient | Interface describing methods how the SmartDataFieldForeignFieldsHandler interacts with the SmartComboEditor or SmartBusinessEntityLookup |
ISupportsFetchAll | Interface for SmartDataAdapter's that support a FetchAll method to retrieve the remaining records from the backend |
Classes | ||
AfterAssignRecordEventArgs | Event argument class for the AfterAssignRecord event of the SmartTempTableAdapter and the SmartDatasetAdapter (SmartBusinessEntityAdapter and SmartDatasetChildAdapter) classes |
AfterCancelCreateRecordEventArgs | Event argument for the AfterCreateRecord event |
AfterCreateRecordEventArgs | Event argument for the AfterCreateRecord event |
AfterDeleteRecordEventArgs | Event handler for the AfterCreateRecord event |
AfterGetChangesEventArgs | Event handler for the AfterGetChanges event |
AfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapterEventArgs | Event argument for the AfterInitializeBusinessEntityAdapter event of the SmartBusinessEntityLookup Controls |
AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs | Event argument for the AfterUpdateRecord event |
AsyncRequestPendingException | Thrown for requests issued during a pending asynchronous request |
BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs | Event argument for the BeforeAssignRecord event |
BeforeCancelCreateRecordEventArgs | Event argument for the BeforeCreateRecord event |
BeforeCreateRecordEventArgs | Event argument for the BeforeCreateRecord class |
BeforeDeleteRecordEventArgs | Event argument for the BeforeDeleteRecord event |
BeforeGetChangesEventArgs | Event argument for the BeforeGetChanges event |
BeforeLookupDialogShownEventArgs | Event argument for the BeforeLookupDialogShown event of the SmartBusinessEntityLookup control |
BeforeSubmitChangesToBackendEventArgs | |
BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs | Event argument for the BeforeUpdateRecord event |
BrowserCollectFilterValuesEventArgs | |
ClientValidationError | |
CollectFilterValuesEventArgs | |
ControlValidateFailedException | Error raised from Group Assign Target Viewers, when the Control:ValidateChildren Method returns false |
DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs | Event argument for the BeginUpdateStateEvent |
DynamicBrowseButtonColumnEventHandler | |
DynamicBrowserRenderer | Rendering engine for SmartDynamicBrowser and SmartDynamicUpdatableBrowser controls |
FilterColumnValueChangedEventArgs | |
FindDataAdapterForCommitErrorHandlingEventArgs | Argument for the FindDataAdapterForCommitErrorHandling event of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter |
FindUpdatingTableIOTargetForCommitErrorHandlingEventArgs | Argument for the FindUpdatingTableIOTargetForCommitErrorHandling event of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter |
FocusErrorFieldEventArgs | |
GetFilterDefaultOperatorEventArgs | |
HandleValidationErrorEventArgs | Event argument for the |
InvalidDatasetControllerTypeException | |
KeepAliveService | Service that performs keep alive AppServer calls |
ListISmartToolbarTarget | |
ListSmartDataBrowser | |
ListTableIOTargetControl | |
LookupDialogFormClosingEventArgs | |
LookupDialogShownEventArgs | |
LookupResultEventArgs | |
MergeChangesEventArgs | Event Argument for the BeforeMergeChanges and AfterMergeChanges events of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter |
MethodNotImplementedException | |
NewFetchDataRequestEventArgs | Event argument class for the NewFetchDataRequest event of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter class |
OpenDetailFormEventArgs | |
ProvideForeignFieldValueEventArgs | Event argument for the ProvideForeignFieldValue event of the SmartDataFieldForeignFieldHandler |
SetQueryOpenAfterCommitEventArgs | Event Argument for the SetQueryOpenAfterCommit event of the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter |
SmartBindingSource | |
SmartBusinessEntityAdapter | |
SmartBusinessEntityAdapterException | Error class for assertions |
SmartBusinessEntityAdapterSettings | Helper class for the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter class to avoid the usage of static in the hybrid type |
SmartBusinessEntityBindingSource | Provides Design Time support for OERA Business Entities |
SmartBusinessEntityLookup | Lookup implementation with Support for OERA Business Entities |
SmartBusinessEntityPopupLookup | |
SmartComboEditor | Extension to the Infragistics UltraComboEditor |
SmartComboEditorRetrieveDataException | Exception thrown by the SmartComboEditor:RetrieveData method |
SmartDataBrowser | |
SmartDataBrowserSaveViewParameter | Parameter class for saving a SmartDataBrowser view |
SmartDataBrowserSearchProvider | SmartDataBrowser specific extension of the UltraGridSearchProvider |
SmartDataBrowserSettings | Helper class for the SmartDataBrowser class to avoid the usage of static in the hybrid type |
SmartDataBrowserViewManagerControl | Manages views of the SmartDataBrowser using the ISmartDataBrowserViewManagerService |
SmartDataCombo | |
SmartDataFieldForeignFieldsHandler | Provides support for handling Foreign Fields for SmartComboEditor and SmartBusinessEntityLookup controls |
SmartDataObjectAdapter | |
SmartDataObjectBindingSource | |
SmartDataObjectLookup | |
SmartDataObjectValidationError | Error class for validation errors returned from an ADM2 SmartDataObject |
SmartDatasetChildAdapter | |
SmartDesignerSupportComponent | Component which provides the "Insert UserControl" verb and can be used on any Form or UserControl |
SmartDynamicBrowser | Implementation of a SmartDataBrowser (UltraGrid derived Control) that receives it layout at runtime from a repository service |
SmartDynamicFilterControl | Dynamic SmartFilter implementation |
SmartDynamicPanelController | |
SmartDynamicUpdatableBrowser | Implementation of a SmartUpdatableBrowser (UltraGrid derived Control) that receives it layout at runtime from a repository service |
SmartDynamicViewer | A dynamic viewer that can be styled by end users at runtime |
SmartGenericLookup | A generic Lookup implementation useful for any allowing lookups on any ISmartDataSource implementation |
SmartMultiSelectionBusinessEntityLookup | |
SmartNavigationPanel | A simple navigation panel in Windows Vista / Windows 7 Explorer style |
SmartPanelController | Panel with TableIO and Navigation Buttons |
SmartRadDataBrowser | SmartDataBrowser implementation based on the Telerik RadDataView Control |
SmartRadRibbonBarController | Enhances RabRibbonBar (or RadRibbonForm) with runtime and design time functionality of the SmartComponent Library |
SmartTempTableAdapter | A SmartDataAdapter implementation that can be used to navigate and update any temp-table using the SmartComponent Library classes |
SmartToolbarController | Main Toolbar/Ribbon Component of the SmartComponent Library Provides controls for NavigationSource, TableIOSource and CommitSource functions |
SmartToolbarControllerSettings | Defaults for the SmartToolbarController class |
SmartToolbarStateController | State controller for SmartToolbarController and SmartRadRibbonController. Extracted the state handling logic from the SmartToolbarController to ensure the same state model is implemented in both Ribbon style Smart Toolbars |
SmartUpdatableBrowser | Updatable browser implementation |
TableIOTargetControl | Controls enabled Table IO Tools for the SmartToolbarController |
UnableToActivateLinkTargetException | |
UnableToInvokeMethodException | |
UnableToRefreshCurrentRowExcepiton | Depricated (typo in class name). Please use UnableToRefreshCurrentRowException |
UnableToRefreshCurrentRowException | Exception thrown from the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter:RefetchCurrentRow method when the current row is modified |
ValidationException | Error raised for validation errors received from the backend |
ViewerFieldMap | Helper class which may be used to deal with .NET Controls through CHARACTER'ized handle variables in the same way as ABL Widgets can be |
Enums | ||
DetailFormOperationEnum | Enum for operating mode of DetailForm launched by updatable browser |
RetrieveDataStatusEnum | |