Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
# | ActivateSmartViewerEventHandler () |
Activates SmartViewer TextChanged/CheckedChanged Event Handlers
after a navigation (FetchFirst/FetchNext/FetchPrev/FetchLast) Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | AddRecordInUpdatableGrid () |
Ensures an updatable browser is in the correct adding state after
a record was created through the Binding Source event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | AddSmartNavigationSource (ISmartNavigationSource) |
Adds a(nother) SmartNavigationSource to the SmartDataAdapter
instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | AttachBindingSource (BindingSource) |
This Method is used to attach a new BindingSource to a SmartDataTarget.
Inside a SmartDataAdapter which can be a SmartDataTarget a new
BindingSource is created or borrowed from a Browser. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# A | AttachQueryToBindingSource () |
Attaches the Query/ProDataset to the BindingSource |
# | AttachSchemaToBindingSource (BindingSource) |
Attaches the schema to the BindingSource Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:AttachSchemaToBindingSource (BindingSource) |
+ | BeginInit () |
Invoked at the beginning of a Containers InitializeComponents
method Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ A | BeginTransactionState () |
Begins a transaction when starting update |
+ | BeginUpdateState (ISmartDataTarget) |
The Message to for instance Disable a Browser is send to all
SmartDataTargets except the calling one Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:BeginUpdateState (ISmartDataTarget) |
# | BeginUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event handler for the BeginUpdateState event of the SmartDataSource Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | CancelCreateRecord () |
Invoked from the SmartDataTarget to cancel the creation of a new
row Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:CancelCreateRecord () |
# | CancelCreateRowHandler (Object, CancelCreateRowEventArgs) |
Handler for the CancelCreateRow event of the ProBindingSource.
A Row that has been created using CreateRowHandler gets reverted. Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:CancelCreateRowHandler (Object, CancelCreateRowEventArgs) |
+ | CancelInDataTargets () |
Recursively invokes CancelUpdate in all DataTargets that are currently
updating |
+ | ClearPreviousQueryString (logical) |
Clears the PreviousQueryString information to ensure that the
ParentPositionChanged event handler does reopen the query regardless
of identical key values |
+ | CloseQuery () |
Empties the result set of this SmartDataAdapter. Used to clear grids Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:CloseQuery () |
+ | CHARACTER ColumnDataType (character) |
Returns the ABL data-type of the column Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | HANDLE ConnectService () |
Returns the handle of the AppServer partition associated with
this SmartDataAdapter Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | CreateBindingSource () |
CreateBindingSource is to be called inside the RetrieveData Method
if no valid BindingSource is present inside the SmartDataAdapter.
The newly created BindingSource is then registered to all
SmartDataTargets of this SmartDataAdapter. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | CreateParentRecord (character) |
Creates a parent record when needed for creating a record in a
SmartGroupCreateTarget |
+ | CreateRecord () |
Creates a new record Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:CreateRecord () |
# | CreateRowHandler (Object, CreateRowEventArgs) |
Event handler for the CreateRow event of the ProBindingSource. Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:CreateRowHandler (Object, CreateRowEventArgs) |
# | CreateVerbs () |
Creates Designer Verbs based on the DesignerVerbs property Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | DeactivateSmartViewerEventHandler () |
Activates SmartViewer TextChanged/CheckedChanged Event Handlers
after a navigation (FetchFirst/FetchNext/FetchPrev/FetchLast)
*/ Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | LOGICAL DeleteQueryRow () |
This protected method can be used to remove the current row from a
Query. This method calls DeleteQueryRow(FALSE). Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | LOGICAL DeleteQueryRow (logical) |
This protected method can be used to remove the current row from a
Query. The parameter is logical and controls if only the first
table (FALSE) or all rows shall be removed. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | DeleteRow () |
Deletes the current record from the EntityTable Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:DeleteRow () |
+ | DeregisterSmartDataTarget (ISmartDataTarget) |
Deregister a SmartDataTarget with the SmartDataSource. Usually done
when a SmartDataTarget is deleted and the SmartDataSource is still
running Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | DeregisterSmartGroupCreateTarget (ISmartGroupCreateTarget) |
Deregister a SmartGroupCreateTarget with the SmartGroupCreateSource
* |
# | DisposedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Disposed event of this instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | EndInit () |
Invoked at the end of a Containers InitializeComponents method Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | EndUpdateState (ISmartDataTarget) |
The Message to for instance enable a Browser is send to all
SmartDataTargets except the calling one. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | EndUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event handler for the EndUpdateState event of the SmartDataSource Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | EndUpdateStateInDataSource (ISmartDataTarget) |
Invokes EndUpdateState in the SmartDataSource of this SmartDataAdapter Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | CHARACTER EvaluateParentQuery () |
Evaluates the QueryString based on the Parent Filter Fields |
# | CHARACTER EvaluateParentQuery (logical) |
Evaluates the QueryString based on the Parent Filter Fields |
# A | CHARACTER EvaluateParentQueryAfterUpdate () |
Evaluates the QueryString based on the Parent Filter Fields after
UpdateRow |
+ | EvaluateTableIOState () |
This Method is enforced by the Interface ISmartDataTarget and is
only required for visual DataTargets. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL FetchFirst () |
This Method moves to the first DataRow inside the BindingSource. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL FetchLast () |
This Method moves to the last DataRow inside the BindingSource. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL FetchNext () |
This Method moves to the next DataRow inside the BindingSource. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL FetchPrev () |
This Method moves to the previous DataRow inside the BindingSource. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL FindLastRowWhere (character) |
Finds the last a row in the EntityTable and locates the BindingSource
to that row |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDatasetAdapter FindLinkedDatasetAdapterForEntityTable (character) |
Searches for a linked SmartDatasetAdapter with the given entity table |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataBrowser FindLinkedSmartDataBrowser () |
Returns the reference to the linked SmartDataBrowser, if any Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartTableIOTarget FindLinkedUpdatingSmartDataTarget () |
Returns the reference to the first linked ISmartDataTarget which is
also an ISmartTableIOTarget, that has a valid SmartTableIOSource assigned Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL FindRowWhere (character) |
Finds a row in the EntityTable and locates the BindingSource
to that row |
+ | AttributeCollection GetAttributes () |
Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a
component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | CHARACTER GetClassName () |
Returns the class name of this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | CHARACTER GetComponentName () |
Returns the name of this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | TypeConverter GetConverter () |
Returns a type converter for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | CHARACTER GetCurrentRecordKey () |
Returns a key identifying the current record |
# | ROWID GetCurrentRowid () |
Returns the Current Rowids |
+ | EventDescriptor GetDefaultEvent () |
Returns the default event for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | PropertyDescriptor GetDefaultProperty () |
Returns the default property for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# | CHARACTER GetDesignTimeDataSourceClassName () |
Returns the Class Name used for creating SmartBusinessEntityBindingSource
(or derived) components at design time (SCL-1000), using the
"Create BindingSource" designer verb |
+ | System.Object GetEditor (Type) |
Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a
component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents () |
Returns the events for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents (Attribute[]) |
Returns the events for this instance of a component using the
specified attribute array as a filter. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | CHARACTER GetFieldValues (character) |
Returns a CHR(1) delimited list of field values from the
DataSource Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:GetFieldValues (character) |
# | Consultingwerk.ListQueryExpressionByTable GetNewFilterValues () |
Builds an empty ListQueryExpressionByTable instance and raises the
CollectFilterValues event |
+ | PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties () |
Returns the properties for this instance of a component. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties (Attribute[]) |
Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the
attribute array as a filter. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | System.Object GetPropertyOwner (PropertyDescriptor) |
Returns an object that contains the property described by the
specified property descriptor. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# | CHARACTER GetRecordPosition () |
Evaluates the current record position property value Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL HasCopiedFromField () |
Returns if the first table of the Adapter provides a field
SmartCopiedFrom |
+ | LOGICAL HasFields (character) |
Returns a logical value indicating if the SmartDataAdapter can provide
the given fields Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL HasUpdatingDataTarget () |
Returns if the SmartDataAdapter has a SmartDataTarget that
is currently modifying data Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ A | InitializeAdapter () |
Initializes the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter |
+ A | InitializeAdapter (logical) |
Initializes the SmartBusinessEntityAdapter |
+ A | Progress.Lang.Object InvokeMethod (character, dataset-handle, ISerializable) |
Invokes a method in the backend OERA business entity |
+ A | Progress.Lang.Object InvokeMethod2 (character, dataset-handle, Object) |
Invokes a method in the backend OERA business entity |
# | InvokeParentPositionChanged (Object, EventArgs) |
Invokes the ParentPositionChanged event handler in all connected
SmartDataAdapter instances Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL IsRowUncommittedAdd () |
Returns if the current record of the EntityTable is an uncommitted
Add (that is ROW-STATE = ROW-CREATED) |
+ | LOGICAL IsUpdating (logical) |
Returns if if this Adapter or any of it's Data-Target Adapters are
updating (a Data-Target with SmartTableIOState:ModifyingData) Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | CHARACTER MergeQueryStrings (character, ListQueryExpressionByTable) |
Merges two Query Strings |
# | OffEndHandler (Object, OffEndEventArgs) |
Event handler for the OffEnd event of the ProBindingSource object Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnAfterAssignRecord (AfterAssignRecordEventArgs) |
Raises the AfterAssignRecord event |
# | OnAfterCancelCreateRecord (AfterCancelCreateRecordEventArgs) |
Raises the AfterCancelCreateRecord event |
# | OnAfterCreateRecord (AfterCreateRecordEventArgs) |
Raises the AfterCreateRecord event |
# | OnAfterDeleteRecord (AfterDeleteRecordEventArgs) |
Raises the AfterDeleteRecord event |
# | OnAfterQueryPositionChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterQueryPositionChanged event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnAfterRetrieveData (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterRetrieveData event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnAfterUpdateRecord (AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Raises the AfterUpdateRecord event |
# | OnAssignForeignFields (AssignForeignFieldsEventArgs) |
Raises the AssignForeignFields |
# | OnAssignKeyFieldError (AssignKeyFieldErrorEventArgs) |
Raises the AssignKeyFieldError |
# | OnAssignKeyFields (AssignKeyFieldsEventArgs) |
Raises the AssignKeyFields event |
# | OnBeforeAssignRecord (BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs) |
Raise the BeforeAssignRecord event |
# | OnBeforeCancelCreateRecord (BeforeCancelCreateRecordEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeCancelCreateRecord event |
# | OnBeforeCreateRecord (BeforeCreateRecordEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeCreateRecord event |
# | OnBeforeCreatingRecord (CancelableEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeCreatingRecord |
# | OnBeforeDeleteRecord (BeforeDeleteRecordEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeDeleteRecord event |
# | OnBeforeRetrieveData (CancelEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeRetrieveData event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnBeforeUpdateRecord (BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeUpdateRecord event |
# | OnBeginUpdateState (DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Raises the BeginUpdateState event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnBindingSourceChanged (BindingSourceChangedEventArgs) |
Raises the BindingSourceChanged event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnCollectFilterValues (CollectFilterValuesEventArgs) |
Raises the CollectFilterValues event |
# | OnCurrentChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the CurrentChanged event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnDatasetControllerChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the DatasetControllerChanged event |
# | OnEndUpdateState (DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Raises the EndUpdateState event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnNonUpdatableColumnsChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the NonUpdatableColumnsChanged event |
# | OnQueryClosed (EventArgs) |
Raises the QueryClosed Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnRepositionAfterUpdateRow (RepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs) |
Raises the RepositionAfterUpdateRow |
# | OnSmartDataSourceChanged (EventArgs) |
Publishes the SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnSmartNavigationTargetPositionChanged (SmartNavigationTargetPositionChangedEventArgs) |
Raises the SmartNavigationTargetPositionChanged event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnSmartNavigationTargetStateChanged (SmartNavigationTargetStateChangedEventArgs) |
Raises the SmartNavigationTargetStateChanged event Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | OnUnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRow (UnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs) |
Raises the UnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRow |
+ | OnVerbClicked (character) |
Event Handler method for Designer Verbs Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | ParentBindingSourceChangedHandler (Object, BindingSourceChangedEventArgs) |
Event Handler for the BindingSourceChanged event of the
SmartDataSource Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | ParentPositionChanged (Object, EventArgs) |
This Method is invoked by the ParentPositionChangedBase Event Handler
of the SmartDataAdapters base class when the PositionChanged Event of
the SmartDataSources BindingSource is fired. Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:ParentPositionChanged (Object, EventArgs) |
+ F | ParentPositionChangedBase (Object, EventArgs) |
Handler for the PositionChanged Event of the SmartDataSources
BindingSource. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | PositionChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the PositionChanged event of the BindingSource
object Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:PositionChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
# A | PrepareDataBinding () |
Abstract method used to prepare the BindingSource:Handle object
(either a QUERY or a ProDataset). |
# | RaiseUnableToCommitError (ISmartTableIOTarget) |
Raises the error when the transaction connect be committed |
# | RaiseUnableToRejectError (ISmartTableIOTarget) |
Raises the error when the transaction connect be rejected |
+ | RefetchCurrentRow () |
Refetches the current row from the backend and merges it with the
frontend dataset |
+ A | RefetchCurrentRow (character) |
Refetches the current row from the backend and merges it with the
frontend dataset |
+ | Refresh (logical) |
Refreshes the SmartDatasetAdapter |
+ | RefreshAfterRejectTransaction (rowid[]) |
Reopens the query and refreshes the BindingSource after a transaction
has been rejected |
+ | RefreshAfterRejectTranscation (rowid[]) |
Deprecated - use method RefreshAfterRejectTransaction instead |
+ | RegisterSmartDataTarget (ISmartDataTarget) |
Register a SmartDataTarget with the SmartDataSource.
This Method is called by Classes implementing the ISmartDataTarget
Interface when a new SmartDataSource is set. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | RegisterSmartGroupCreateTarget (ISmartGroupCreateTarget) |
Register a SmartGroupCreateTarget with the SmartGroupCreateSource
This Method is executed every time a new SmartGroupCreateSource is
registered to the corresponding Property of a Class implementing the
Interface ISmartGroupCreateSource. |
+ | RemoveSmartNavigationSource (ISmartNavigationSource) |
Removes a SmartNavigationSource from the SmartDataAdapter
instance Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | RepositionAfterUpdateRow (rowid, logical) |
Repositions to the updated record after update |
# | RepositionCurrentRow () |
Repositions the Adapters Query to the current row |
+ | RepositionToRowid (character) |
Repositions to a Rowid list from a character Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | RepositionToRowid (rowid) |
Repositions to a single Rowid Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | RepositionToRowid (rowid[]) |
Repositions to a Rowid Array Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:RepositionToRowid (rowid[]) |
# | ResetCurrentRowid () |
Allows to reset the stored current ROWID's |
+ A | LOGICAL RetrieveData () |
RetrieveData is an abstract method - that means that it needs
to be overridden in a class that inherits from this base class.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataSource. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL RetrieveData (character) |
Retrieves Data from the Backend or opens the query and sets |
+ | SaveFromGroupCreateTarget (ISmartGroupCreateTarget) |
Saves the data in this ISmartGroupCreateSource related updating
ISmartDataTarget so that before saving a new child record, that
parent record is created |
+ | SaveInDataTargets () |
Recursively invokes SaveChanges in all DataTargets that are currently
updating |
# A | SetQuerySort (character) |
Overridable Setter for QuerySort property |
+ A | SetSavingData (logical) |
Assigns if the SmartDatasetAdapter is currently saving data |
# | SetSmartDataSource (ISmartDataSource) |
SetSmartDataSource sets the SmartDataSource of the current instance
of the SmartDataAdapter. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | SetTrackingChanges (logical) |
Sets the tracking changes property of all temp-tables |
+ | StoreCopiedFrom (character) |
Stores the source record key information with the new record (copy) |
+ | SubmitChanges () |
Saves the Dataset changes to the backend using the parent
SmartDataAdapter |
+ | SubscribeAfterRetrieveData (IAfterRetrieveDataSubscriber) |
Subscribes an instance of an object to the AfterRetrieveData
callback. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | CHARACTER ToString () |
Returns a String representation of this object instance |
+ | UpdateRow () |
UpdateRow submits the changes to a buffer into the Database.
Called by SmartViewerControl
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataSource. Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter:UpdateRow () |
+ | UpdateRow (logical) |
UpdateRow submits the changes to a buffer into the Database.
Called by SmartViewerControl, SmartUpdatableBrowser
Data is updated into the Dataset from the BindingSource. After this
the Datasets changes are submitted to the OERA Backend, merged into
the Dataset and the BindingSource gets refreshed. |
# | ValidateForeignFields () |
Validates the value of the ForeignFields property when during the
first ParentPositionChanged event |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | SmartDatasetAdapter () |
Constructor for the SmartDatasetAdapter component |
+ | SmartDatasetAdapter (IContainer) |
Constructor for the SmartDatasetAdapter component |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | AfterAssignRecord (Object, AfterAssignRecordEventArgs) |
Event raised after a record has been assigned |
+ | AfterCancelCreateRecord (Object, AfterCancelCreateRecordEventArgs) |
Event fired after the creation of a record has been cancelled |
+ | AfterCreateRecord (Object, AfterCreateRecordEventArgs) |
Event fired after a record has been created |
+ | AfterDeleteRecord (Object, AfterDeleteRecordEventArgs) |
Event raised after a record has been deleted |
+ | AfterQueryPositionChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired whenever the QueryPosition has changed (i.e. Add or
Delete and Grids etc. need to update the current position) Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | AfterRetrieveData DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired whenever the SmartDataAdapter has opened a new query Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | AfterUpdateRecord (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Event raised after a record has been updated |
+ | AssignForeignFields (Object, AssignForeignFieldsEventArgs) |
Raised while creating a new record in a child SmartDatasetAdapter |
+ | AssignKeyFieldError (Object, AssignKeyFieldErrorEventArgs) |
Raised when the SmartDatasetAdapter catches an error while assigning
the fields from the BindingSource |
+ | AssignKeyFields (Object, AssignKeyFieldsEventArgs) |
Event raised when a ISmartGroupCreateSource needs to create a
record to allow creation of a child record in a ISmartGroupCreateTarget
instance. |
+ | BeforeAssignRecord (Object, BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs) |
Event raised before assigning to a record |
+ | BeforeCancelCreateRecord (Object, BeforeCancelCreateRecordEventArgs) |
Raised before the creation of the record will be cancelled |
+ | BeforeCreateRecord (Object, BeforeCreateRecordEventArgs) |
Raised before the a record is created |
+ | BeforeCreatingRecord (Object, CancelableEventArgs) |
Raised before the SmartDatasetAdapter is about to create a new record
in the CreateRecord method |
+ | BeforeDeleteRecord (Object, BeforeDeleteRecordEventArgs) |
Raised before the a record is deleted |
+ | BeforeRetrieveData DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler |
Event fired before the SmartDataAdapter is about to open a new query Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | BeforeUpdateRecord (Object, BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Raised before the a record is updated |
+ | BeginUpdateState (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event raised when a ISmartDataTarget of this SmartDataAdapter instance
begins the update state Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | BindingSourceChanged (Object, BindingSourceChangedEventArgs) |
Event fired whenever the SmartDataAdapters BindingSource property
changes Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | CollectFilterValues (Object, CollectFilterValuesEventArgs) |
Event raised to collect Filter Values from Filter Sources |
+ | CurrentChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Raised whenever the Data Adapter is positioned on a new row. Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | DatasetControllerChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Raised when the DatasetController property is changed |
+ | EndUpdateState (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event raised when a ISmartDataTarget of this SmartDataAdapter instance
ends the update state Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | NonUpdatableColumnsChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Raised when the NonUpdatableColumns property is changed |
+ | QueryClosed DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Raised when the CloseQuery method is called Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | RepositionAfterUpdateRow (Object, RepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs) |
Raised before the SmartDatasetAdapter is attempting to reposition
to the updated row. Allows customized handling of repositioning to
the updated row (e.g. open the query with different arguments), allows
to prevent the error on repositioning when e.g. the query needs to
be opened with a different query string to match the new row |
+ | SmartDataSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the SmartDataSource Property is changed Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | SmartNavigationTargetPositionChanged (Object, SmartNavigationTargetPositionChangedEventArgs) |
Event fired whenever the RecordPosition properties has changed Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | SmartNavigationTargetStateChanged (Object, SmartNavigationTargetStateChangedEventArgs) |
Event fired whenever the SmartDataSourceState property has changed Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | UnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRow (Object, UnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs) |
Raised when the SmartDatasetAdapter is unable to reposition to the
updated row after update (typically the key values of the record
have changed so that it does no longer match the query criteria) |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | CHARACTER AppServerPartition |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL Available |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | CHARACTER BindableProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | Progress.Data.BindingSource BindingSource |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | CHARACTER BindingSourceExcludeFields |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | CHARACTER BindingSourceIncludeFields |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ A | CHARACTER BindTo |
+ | HANDLE BufferHandle |
+ | LOGICAL CancellingCreateRecord |
# | CHARACTER CategorizedProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# | CHARACTER CategoryProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | LOGICAL CloseQueryOnParentCreate |
+ | LOGICAL CloseQueryOnParentCreateDefault |
+ A | LOGICAL CreateDistinctBuffer |
+ | LOGICAL CreatingRecord |
+ A | HANDLE DataSet |
+ A | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.IDatasetController DatasetController |
+ | Progress.Data.BindingSource DataSourceBindingSource |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | CHARACTER DescribedProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# | CHARACTER DescriptionProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# | LOGICAL DesignerHostLoading |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# | CHARACTER DesignerVerbs |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# | CHARACTER DesignerVisibilityAttributes |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# | CHARACTER DesignerVisibilityProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | LOGICAL DesignTime |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# | LOGICAL DesingerHostLoading |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
# A | CHARACTER EntityJoin |
+ A | CHARACTER EntityName |
+ A | CHARACTER EntityTable |
+ A | CHARACTER EntityView |
+ | Consultingwerk.ListQueryExpressionByTable FetchFilterValues |
# | CHARACTER FetchQueryString |
# | LOGICAL FirstTime |
+ | CHARACTER ForeignFields |
+ | LOGICAL GetInitialValues |
# | CHARACTER HiddenProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | LOGICAL Initializing |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignFilterSource LinkFilterSource |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignNavigationSource LinkNavigationSource |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
# | CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartComponent |
+ | CHARACTER NonUpdatableColumns |
+ | LOGICAL NullifyAllUniqueIndexFieldsOnCreate |
# | INTEGER PreviousPosition |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | HANDLE QueryHandle |
+ | CHARACTER QuerySort |
+ A | CHARACTER QueryString |
+ | CHARACTER RecordPosition |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL SelectTables |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL SmartDataSourceActive |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | CHARACTER SmartDataSourceState |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.ListISmartDataTarget SmartDataTargets |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartFilterSource SmartFilterSource |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.ListISmartGroupCreateTarget SmartGroupCreateTargets |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartNavigationSource SmartNavigationSource |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL ThrowErrorsFromRetrieveData |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataTarget UpdatingSmartDataTarget |
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDataAdapter |
+ | LOGICAL ValidateForeignFields |
PROTECTED ActivateSmartViewerEventHandler ()
PROTECTED AddRecordInUpdatableGrid ()
PUBLIC AddSmartNavigationSource (ISmartNavigationSource)
PUBLIC AttachBindingSource (BindingSource)
PROTECTED AttachQueryToBindingSource ()
PROTECTED AttachSchemaToBindingSource (BindingSource)
PUBLIC BeginInit ()
PUBLIC BeginTransactionState ()
PUBLIC BeginUpdateState (ISmartDataTarget)
PROTECTED BeginUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PUBLIC CancelCreateRecord ()
PROTECTED CancelCreateRowHandler (Object, CancelCreateRowEventArgs)
PUBLIC CancelInDataTargets ()
PUBLIC ClearPreviousQueryString (logical)
PUBLIC CloseQuery ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER ColumnDataType (character)
PROTECTED HANDLE ConnectService ()
PROTECTED CreateBindingSource ()
PUBLIC CreateParentRecord (character)
PUBLIC CreateRecord ()
PROTECTED CreateRowHandler (Object, CreateRowEventArgs)
PROTECTED CreateVerbs ()
PUBLIC DeactivateSmartViewerEventHandler ()
PROTECTED LOGICAL DeleteQueryRow (logical)
PUBLIC DeleteRow ()
PUBLIC DeregisterSmartDataTarget (ISmartDataTarget)
PUBLIC DeregisterSmartGroupCreateTarget (ISmartGroupCreateTarget)
PROTECTED DisposedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC EndInit ()
PUBLIC EndUpdateState (ISmartDataTarget)
PROTECTED EndUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PROTECTED EndUpdateStateInDataSource (ISmartDataTarget)
PROTECTED CHARACTER EvaluateParentQuery ()
PROTECTED CHARACTER EvaluateParentQuery (logical)
PROTECTED CHARACTER EvaluateParentQueryAfterUpdate ()
PUBLIC EvaluateTableIOState ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL FindLastRowWhere (character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartDatasetAdapter FindLinkedDatasetAdapterForEntityTable (character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataBrowser FindLinkedSmartDataBrowser ()
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartTableIOTarget FindLinkedUpdatingSmartDataTarget ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL FindRowWhere (character)
PUBLIC AttributeCollection GetAttributes ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetComponentName ()
PUBLIC TypeConverter GetConverter ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetCurrentRecordKey ()
PROTECTED ROWID GetCurrentRowid ()
PUBLIC EventDescriptor GetDefaultEvent ()
PUBLIC PropertyDescriptor GetDefaultProperty ()
PROTECTED CHARACTER GetDesignTimeDataSourceClassName ()
PUBLIC System.Object GetEditor (Type)
PUBLIC EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents ()
PUBLIC EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents (Attribute[])
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetFieldValues (character)
PROTECTED Consultingwerk.ListQueryExpressionByTable GetNewFilterValues ()
PUBLIC PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties ()
PUBLIC PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties (Attribute[])
PUBLIC System.Object GetPropertyOwner (PropertyDescriptor)
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasCopiedFromField ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasFields (character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasUpdatingDataTarget ()
PUBLIC InitializeAdapter ()
PUBLIC InitializeAdapter (logical)
PUBLIC Progress.Lang.Object InvokeMethod (character, dataset-handle, ISerializable)
PUBLIC Progress.Lang.Object InvokeMethod2 (character, dataset-handle, Object)
PROTECTED InvokeParentPositionChanged (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsRowUncommittedAdd ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsUpdating (logical)
PROTECTED CHARACTER MergeQueryStrings (character, ListQueryExpressionByTable)
PROTECTED OffEndHandler (Object, OffEndEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterAssignRecord (AfterAssignRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterCancelCreateRecord (AfterCancelCreateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterCreateRecord (AfterCreateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterDeleteRecord (AfterDeleteRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterQueryPositionChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterRetrieveData (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterUpdateRecord (AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAssignForeignFields (AssignForeignFieldsEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAssignKeyFieldError (AssignKeyFieldErrorEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAssignKeyFields (AssignKeyFieldsEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeAssignRecord (BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeCancelCreateRecord (BeforeCancelCreateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeCreateRecord (BeforeCreateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeCreatingRecord (CancelableEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeDeleteRecord (BeforeDeleteRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeRetrieveData (CancelEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeUpdateRecord (BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeginUpdateState (DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBindingSourceChanged (BindingSourceChangedEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnCollectFilterValues (CollectFilterValuesEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnCurrentChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnDatasetControllerChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnEndUpdateState (DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnNonUpdatableColumnsChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnQueryClosed (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnRepositionAfterUpdateRow (RepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnSmartDataSourceChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnSmartNavigationTargetPositionChanged (SmartNavigationTargetPositionChangedEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnSmartNavigationTargetStateChanged (SmartNavigationTargetStateChangedEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnUnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRow (UnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs)
PUBLIC OnVerbClicked (character)
PUBLIC ParentBindingSourceChangedHandler (Object, BindingSourceChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC ParentPositionChanged (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC ParentPositionChangedBase (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED PositionChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED PrepareDataBinding ()
PROTECTED RaiseUnableToCommitError (ISmartTableIOTarget)
PROTECTED RaiseUnableToRejectError (ISmartTableIOTarget)
PUBLIC RefetchCurrentRow ()
PUBLIC RefetchCurrentRow (character)
PUBLIC Refresh (logical)
PUBLIC RefreshAfterRejectTransaction (rowid[])
PUBLIC RefreshAfterRejectTranscation (rowid[])
PUBLIC RegisterSmartDataTarget (ISmartDataTarget)
PUBLIC RegisterSmartGroupCreateTarget (ISmartGroupCreateTarget)
PUBLIC RemoveSmartNavigationSource (ISmartNavigationSource)
PROTECTED RepositionAfterUpdateRow (rowid, logical)
PROTECTED RepositionCurrentRow ()
PUBLIC RepositionToRowid (character)
PUBLIC RepositionToRowid (rowid)
PUBLIC RepositionToRowid (rowid[])
PROTECTED ResetCurrentRowid ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL RetrieveData ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL RetrieveData (character)
PUBLIC SaveFromGroupCreateTarget (ISmartGroupCreateTarget)
PUBLIC SaveInDataTargets ()
PROTECTED SetQuerySort (character)
PUBLIC SetSavingData (logical)
PROTECTED SetSmartDataSource (ISmartDataSource)
PROTECTED SetTrackingChanges (logical)
PUBLIC StoreCopiedFrom (character)
PUBLIC SubmitChanges ()
PUBLIC SubscribeAfterRetrieveData (IAfterRetrieveDataSubscriber)
PUBLIC UpdateRow ()
PUBLIC UpdateRow (logical)
PROTECTED ValidateForeignFields ()
PUBLIC SmartDatasetAdapter ()
PUBLIC SmartDatasetAdapter (IContainer)
PUBLIC AfterAssignRecord (Object, AfterAssignRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterCancelCreateRecord (Object, AfterCancelCreateRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterCreateRecord (Object, AfterCreateRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterDeleteRecord (Object, AfterDeleteRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterQueryPositionChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC AfterRetrieveData DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC AfterUpdateRecord (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC AssignForeignFields (Object, AssignForeignFieldsEventArgs)
PUBLIC AssignKeyFieldError (Object, AssignKeyFieldErrorEventArgs)
PUBLIC AssignKeyFields (Object, AssignKeyFieldsEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeAssignRecord (Object, BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeCancelCreateRecord (Object, BeforeCancelCreateRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeCreateRecord (Object, BeforeCreateRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeCreatingRecord (Object, CancelableEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeDeleteRecord (Object, BeforeDeleteRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeRetrieveData DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler
PUBLIC BeforeUpdateRecord (Object, BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeginUpdateState (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PUBLIC BindingSourceChanged (Object, BindingSourceChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC CollectFilterValues (Object, CollectFilterValuesEventArgs)
PUBLIC CurrentChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC DatasetControllerChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC EndUpdateState (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PUBLIC NonUpdatableColumnsChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC QueryClosed DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC RepositionAfterUpdateRow (Object, RepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs)
PUBLIC SmartDataSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC SmartNavigationTargetPositionChanged (Object, SmartNavigationTargetPositionChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC SmartNavigationTargetStateChanged (Object, SmartNavigationTargetStateChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC UnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRow (Object, UnableToRepositionAfterUpdateRowEventArgs)
PUBLIC Progress.Data.BindingSource BindingSource
PUBLIC CHARACTER BindingSourceExcludeFields
PUBLIC CHARACTER BindingSourceIncludeFields
PUBLIC LOGICAL CancellingCreateRecord
PROTECTED CHARACTER CategorizedProperties
PUBLIC LOGICAL CloseQueryOnParentCreate
PUBLIC LOGICAL CloseQueryOnParentCreateDefault
PUBLIC LOGICAL CreateDistinctBuffer
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.IDatasetController DatasetController
PUBLIC Progress.Data.BindingSource DataSourceBindingSource
PROTECTED CHARACTER DescriptionProperties
PROTECTED CHARACTER DesignerVisibilityAttributes
PROTECTED CHARACTER DesignerVisibilityProperties
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.ListQueryExpressionByTable FetchFilterValues
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignFilterSource LinkFilterSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignNavigationSource LinkNavigationSource
PROTECTED CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties
PUBLIC CHARACTER NonUpdatableColumns
PUBLIC LOGICAL NullifyAllUniqueIndexFieldsOnCreate
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource
PUBLIC LOGICAL SmartDataSourceActive
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.ListISmartDataTarget SmartDataTargets
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartFilterSource SmartFilterSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.ListISmartGroupCreateTarget SmartGroupCreateTargets
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartNavigationSource SmartNavigationSource
PUBLIC LOGICAL ThrowErrorsFromRetrieveData
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataTarget UpdatingSmartDataTarget
PUBLIC LOGICAL ValidateForeignFields