Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
# | AfterQueryPositionChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Activates the current query row (on add and delete) |
+ | AfterRetrieveDataCallback (ISmartDataSource) |
Invoked as a callback from DataAdapter, after Data has been retrieve. |
+ | AttachBindingSource (BindingSource) |
This Method attaches a new BindingSource given as the Parameter
poBindingSource to the Objects of the current Class. The new
BindingSource may be created by a DataAdapter or borrowed from a
It is called by the SmartDataAdapter Class when creating a new
BindingSource or when a new SmartDataSource is registered to the
Class implementing the Interface ISmartDataTarget. |
- | BeforeRowActivateHandler (Object, RowEventArgs) |
Event handler for the BeforeRowActivateHandler |
# | BeginUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event handler for the BeginUpdateState event of the data source |
# | BindingSourceListChangedHandler (Object, ListChangedEventArgs) |
Handles the ListChanged event of the BindingSource |
# | CollectFilterValuesHandler (Object, CollectFilterValuesEventArgs) |
Event handler for the CollectFilterValues event of the ISmartFilterTarget |
# | DeleteRecord () |
This Method is a dispatcher to call DeleteRow inside of the
SmartDataSource of the current Class.
It is called by the SmartTableIOSources SmartToolbarController or
SmartToolStripContainer if the tool to delete a record is pressed
and by the SmartDataBrowser if the AfterRowsDeleted Event fires. |
# | DeregisterBindingSourceEvents () |
Deregister events of the BindingSource |
# | DisableForUpdate (ISmartDataTarget) |
Disable the Controls during an Update.
This Method is called by the SmartDataAdapter by a call to
BeginUpdateState () which is defined in the Interface ISmartDataSource. |
# | DisposedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the Disposed event of the SmartBrowserControl |
# | EnableAfterUpdate () |
Enable the Controls after an Update.
This Method is called by the SmartDataAdapter when setting the
SmartDataSourceState Property to Navigatable.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget. |
# | EndUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs) |
Event handler for the EndUpdateState event of the data source |
+ | EvaluateTableIOState () |
Updatable Browsers are not supported by this class but the Method
is enforced by the Interface ISmartDataTarget. |
- | InitializeLayoutHandler (Object, InitializeLayoutEventArgs) |
Event handler for the InitializeLayout event of the UltraGrid (parent
class). |
+ | LOGICAL IsOkToClose (logical, CloseReason) |
Check if it is ok to close the parent form. |
# | OnAfterDeleteRecord (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterDeleteRecord event |
# | OnBeforeDeleteRecord (CancelEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeDeleteRecord event |
# | OnBeginInit () |
Invoked at the beginning of a Containers InitializeComponents
method |
# | OnEndInit () |
Invoked at the end of a Containers InitializeComponents method |
# | OnEnter (EventArgs) |
Raises the Enter event |
# | OnHandleCreated (EventArgs) |
Raises the HandleCreated event |
# | OnSmartBrowserListChanged (SmartBrowserListChangedEventArgs) |
Raises the SmartBrowserListChanged |
# | ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the FormDestroyed event of the owning Form |
+ | LOGICAL RaiseToolbarAction (Object, ToolClickEventArgs, character) |
Executes a Toolbar Action |
# | RegisterBindingSourceEvents () |
Registers events of the BindingSource |
+ | SelectAllRows () |
Selects all rows in the Grid |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | SmartBrowserControl () |
Constructor for the SmartBrowserControl class |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | AfterDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler |
Event fired when the viewer has successfully deleted a record. |
+ | BeforeDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler |
Event fired when the Viewer starts deleting a record.
This event is cancellable |
+ | SmartBrowserListChanged (Object, SmartBrowserListChangedEventArgs) |
Raised when the ListChanged event of the BindingSource of the SmartBrowserControl
is raised |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | LOGICAL DeleteDataSourceOnFormClosed |
+ | LOGICAL DeselectRowsOnActivate |
# | LOGICAL DesignTime |
+ | LOGICAL Initializing |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignToolbarSource LinkToolbarSource |
# | LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyed |
# | LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartToolbarSource SmartToolbarSource |
PROTECTED AfterQueryPositionChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterRetrieveDataCallback (ISmartDataSource)
PUBLIC AttachBindingSource (BindingSource)
PRIVATE BeforeRowActivateHandler (Object, RowEventArgs)
PROTECTED BeginUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PROTECTED BindingSourceListChangedHandler (Object, ListChangedEventArgs)
PROTECTED CollectFilterValuesHandler (Object, CollectFilterValuesEventArgs)
PROTECTED DeleteRecord ()
PROTECTED DeregisterBindingSourceEvents ()
PROTECTED DisableForUpdate (ISmartDataTarget)
PROTECTED DisposedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED EnableAfterUpdate ()
PROTECTED EndUpdateStateHandler (Object, DataSourceUpdateStateEventArgs)
PUBLIC EvaluateTableIOState ()
PRIVATE InitializeLayoutHandler (Object, InitializeLayoutEventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsOkToClose (logical, CloseReason)
PROTECTED OnAfterDeleteRecord (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeDeleteRecord (CancelEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeginInit ()
PROTECTED OnEnter (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnHandleCreated (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnSmartBrowserListChanged (SmartBrowserListChangedEventArgs)
PROTECTED ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL RaiseToolbarAction (Object, ToolClickEventArgs, character)
PROTECTED RegisterBindingSourceEvents ()
PUBLIC SelectAllRows ()
PUBLIC SmartBrowserControl ()
PUBLIC AfterDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler
PUBLIC BeforeDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler
PUBLIC SmartBrowserListChanged (Object, SmartBrowserListChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL DeleteDataSourceOnFormClosed
PUBLIC LOGICAL DeselectRowsOnActivate
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignToolbarSource LinkToolbarSource
PROTECTED LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartToolbarSource SmartToolbarSource