![]() |
Navigate to: Methods | Constructors | Events | Properties | ProDatasets | Temp-Tables
Options | Name | Purpose | |
# | AddChildTables (UltraTreeNode, character, character) |
Adds the child tables to the current UltraTreeNode |
+ | CHARACTER AddExistingField (rowid, character, character, logical) |
Add's am existing database Field to a Temp-Table |
+ | AddExistingField (TempTableShape, character, character, logical) |
Add's am existing database Field to a Temp-Table |
+ | AddExistingField (TempTableShape, character, character, logical, logical) |
Add's am existing database Field to a Temp-Table |
+ | CHARACTER AddNewField (TempTableShape) |
Add's a new Field to a Temp-Table |
+ | AddNewIndex (TempTableShape) |
Add's a new Index to a Temp-Table |
+ | AddSourceTable (handle, character, Model) |
Adds another source table to an existing temp-table |
# | AfterUpdateBusinessEntityRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Event handler for the AfterUpdateRecord event of the eBusinessEntity
Data Adapter |
# | AfterUpdateDataRelationRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Event handler for the AfterUpdateRecord event of the eRelation
Data Adapter |
# | AfterUpdateFieldRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Event handler for the AfterUpdateRecord event of the eField Data Adapter |
# | AfterUpdateIndexRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Event handler for the AfterUpdateRecord event of the eIndex Data Adapter |
# | AfterUpdateTableRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Event handler for the AfterUpdateRecord event of the eTable Data Adapter |
+ | AssignTempTablePath (character) |
Assigns a path and package to all temp-tables that do not have a
path or package assigned yet |
- | BeforeAssignRecordDataRelationHandler (Object, BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs) |
Event handler for the BeforeAssignRecord event handler of the DataRelation
Temp-Table Adapter |
- | BeforeAssignRecordTableHandler (Object, BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs) |
Event handler for the BeforeAssignRecord event handler of the Table
Temp-Table Adapter |
+ | CHARACTER BeforeTableName (character) |
Builds the name of the before table for the given temp-table |
# | BeforeUpdateBusinessEntityRecordHandler (Object, BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Event handler for the BeforeUpdateRecord event of the eBusinessEntity
Data Adapter |
# | BeforeUpdateFieldRecordHandler (Object, BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs) |
Event handler for the BeforeUpdateRecord event of the eField Data Adapter |
# | LOGICAL BufferNameExists (character) |
Checks if a Buffer is already used as a SourceBufferName |
# | BuildTreeView () |
Populates the Tree View of the DATA-RELATION's |
# | CHARACTER BuildUniqueBufferName (character) |
Returns a unique buffer name for a table |
+ | CHARACTER BuildUniqueFieldName (character, character) |
Returns a unique name for a temp-table field |
+ | CHARACTER BuildUniqueIndexName (character, character) |
Returns an unique name for an index |
+ | CHARACTER BuildUniqueTableName (character) |
Returns an unique name for a temp-table |
# | BusinessEntityDesignerSettingsSettingsChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the SettingsChanged event of the BusinessEntityDesignerSettings
object |
+ | LOGICAL CompileSource () |
Compiles the source of the generated business entity |
+ | CreateDataRelation (Model, character, character) |
Creates a Data-Relation on the model |
+ | CreateDataRelation (Model, character, character, logical) |
Creates a Data-Relation on the model |
+ | CHARACTER CreateIndex (character, character, logical, logical) |
Creates an index in the temp-table, ensures that all index fields
are part of the temp-table |
+ | CHARACTER CreateTempTable (character) |
Creates a new unmapped temp-table |
+ | CHARACTER CreateTempTable (Model, integer, integer) |
Creates a new unmapped temp-table |
+ | CHARACTER CreateTempTable (handle, Model, integer, integer) |
Creates a new temp-table in the design |
+ | CHARACTER CreateTempTable (handle, Model, integer, integer, logical, logical) |
Creates a new temp-table in the design |
# | DataRelationConnectorSelectedChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the SelectedChanged event of the data relation
connector instances |
+ | DeregisterConsumer (Object) |
Invoked by SmartBusinessEntityAdapter and SmartDatasetChildAdapter
instances when detaching from the Dataset of the DatasetController.
Allows event un-subscription etc. |
# | DeselectShapes () |
Deselects all Shapes |
+ | DrawShapes () |
(Re)draws the Model |
+ | DrawShapes (Diagram) |
(Re)draws the Model |
+ | DuplicateTable (TempTableShape) |
Duplicates the given table |
+ | EditFields (character) |
Invokes the Field Editor Form |
# | CHARACTER EnsureUniqueFieldName (character, character, character) |
Creates a unique field name in a temp-table |
# | FieldEditorForm_BeforeDeleteRecord (Object, BeforeDeleteRecordEventArgs) |
Handler for the FieldEditorForm BeforeDeleteRecord event |
# | CHARACTER FieldSerializeName (character, character, character) |
Returns the serialize-name for a temp-table field |
+ | FieldsReorder (TempTableShape) |
Shows a dialog that allows the user to reorder the fields of the
temp-table |
# | FillCustomProperties (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum) |
Stores the ttCustomProperties records for the given scope |
+ | LOGICAL GenerateSource () |
Generates the actual source code. |
+ | Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList GetCustomPropertyNames (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum) |
Returns the list of the custom property names for the given scope |
+ | Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList GetCustomPropertyValues (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum, character, character) |
Returns the list of possible values for the given property |
+ | CHARACTER GetDefaultFileName () |
Builds the default file name to save the .bedgm file to |
+ | CHARACTER GetDefaultFolderName () |
Returns the name of the folder representing the Business Entity Package |
+ | CHARACTER GetEntityPackageNameForTable (character) |
Provides package information for the Entity Class of a temp-table |
- | CHARACTER GetFilePath (character, character, character) |
Returns the filepath to a class given as package and class name |
# | CHARACTER GetIndexDataTypes (character, character) |
Returns a comma delimited list of data types of the index fields |
# | CHARACTER GetSourceBufferName (character, character, character) |
Raises the GetSourceBufferName event and returns the Source Buffer Name for the current database table |
+ | Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.UI.Shapes.TempTableShape GetTableByKey (character) |
Returns the TempTableShape with the given key |
+ | LOGICAL HasActiveParentRelation (character) |
Returns TRUE if the given temp-table has an active parent data relation |
+ | LOGICAL HasParentRelation (character) |
Returns TRUE if the given temp-table has a parent data relation |
+ | LOGICAL HasSourceTable (TempTableShape, character) |
Determines if the given temp-table contains the
database table as a source table |
+ | LOGICAL HasTableWithKey (character) |
Returns TRUE if the model already contains a Table with the given key |
+ | ImportTableFromFile (character) |
Imports Table(s) from the given source code file |
+ | ImportTableFromLongChar (longchar) |
Imports a code block (clip-board) as a temp-table into the model |
- | CHARACTER InitializeExistingField (character, character, character, character, logical) |
Add's am existing database Field to a Temp-Table |
+ | LOGICAL IsExtentField (character) |
Returns TRUE when the field with the given Tag is an Extend field |
- | MoveClass (character, character, handle) |
Moves a class after replacing references to include-files |
- | MoveFile (character, character) |
Moves a file from a path to another path |
- | MoveIncludeFile (character, character, character, table) |
Moves an include file |
+ | LOGICAL New () |
Creates a new Business Entity Design |
+ | LOGICAL New (Model) |
Creates a new Business Entity Design |
- | CHARACTER NormalizeFilePath (character) |
Returns a normalized version of the given filename |
# | OnAfterCompileSource (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterCompileSource event |
# | OnAfterFileNew (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterFileNew event |
# | OnAfterFileOpen (FileEventArgs) |
Raises the AfterFileOpen event |
# | OnAfterFileSave (FileEventArgs) |
Raises the AfterFileSave event |
# | OnAfterGenerateSource (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterGenerateSource event |
# | OnAfterRegenerateSource (EventArgs) |
Raises the AfterRegenerateSource event |
# | OnBeforeAddingFieldToNewTable (BeforeAddingFieldToNewTableEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeAddingFieldToNewTable |
# | OnBeforeAddingIndexToNewTable (BeforeAddingIndexToNewTableEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeAddingIndexToNewTable |
# | OnBeforeCompileSource (CancelableEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeCompileSource event |
# | OnBeforeFileNew (CancelableEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeFileNew event |
# | OnBeforeFileOpen (CancelableFileEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeFileOpen event |
# | OnBeforeFileSave (CancelableFileEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeFileSave event |
# | OnBeforeGenerateSource (CancelableEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeGenerateSource event |
# | OnBeforeRegenerateSource (CancelableEventArgs) |
Raises the BeforeRegenerateSource event |
# | OnClassRenamedMoved (ClassRenamedMovedEventArgs) |
Raises the RenameMove event |
# | OnCustomPropertiesUpdated (CustomPropertiesUpdatedEventArgs) |
Raises the CustomPropertiesUpdated |
# | OnGetCustomPropertyNames (GetCustomPropertyNamesEventArgs) |
Raises the GetCustomPropertyNames |
# | OnGetCustomPropertyValues (GetCustomPropertyValuesEventArgs) |
Raises the GetCustomPropertyValues |
# | OnGetSourceBufferName (GetSourceBufferNameEventArgs) |
Raises the GetSourceBufferName event |
# | OnNewTempTableAdded (NewTempTableAddedEventArgs) |
Raises the NewTempTableAdded |
# | OnTableItemSelected (EventArgs) |
Raises the TableItemSelected |
# | OnUnsavedChangesChanged (EventArgs) |
Raises the UnsavedChangesChanged event |
# | OnValidateDesign (EventArgs) |
Raises the ValidateDesign |
+ | LOGICAL Open (character, Model) |
Opens an existing Business Entity Design |
# | PrepareCustomPropertiesScope (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum, handle, handle) |
Prepares the query for accessing the ttCustomProperties records
for the given scope |
+ | refresh () |
Refreshes the Model on the Screen |
+ | RefreshAllTempTablesFromInclude () |
Refreshes all Temp-Table definitions from the include file |
+ | CHARACTER RefreshTable (TempTableShape, DatabaseSchemaDatasetController) |
Updates a temp-table from the database schema |
+ | CHARACTER RefreshTableFromInclude (TempTableShape) |
Refreshes a Temp-Table definition from the include file |
+ | LOGICAL RegenerateSource () |
ReGenerates source code |
+ | RegisterConsumer (Object) |
Invoked by SmartBusinessEntityAdapter and SmartDatasetChildAdapter
instances when attaching to the Dataset of the DatasetController.
Allows event subscription etc. |
# | CHARACTER RemoveInvalidXmlCharacters (character) |
Converts a temp-table field name to an XML Field name |
+ | RemoveRelation (Model, DataRelationConnector) |
Removes a Data-Relation from the Design |
# | RemoveSelectedField (TempTableShape) |
Removes the currently selected field of the selected table |
# | RemoveSelectedIndex (TempTableShape) |
Removes the currently selected index of the selected table |
+ | RemoveTable (Model, TempTableShape) |
Removes a Table from the Model |
+ | RenameFieldInIndexes (character, character, character) |
Renames a field in any index |
+ | CHARACTER RenameMove () |
Shows a RenameMoveDialog and applies the chosen operations |
+ | RenameTable (character, character) |
Renames the temp-table |
# | ReorderFields (character) |
Reorders the fields in the named temp-table |
# | ReorderIndexes (character) |
Reorders the indexes in the named temp-table |
# | RestoreRecordPosition () |
Restored a previously saved record position |
+ | LOGICAL Save (character) |
Saves the current Business Entity Design |
+ | CHARACTER ShortTableName (character) |
Returns a shortened table name, without the DB part, when present |
# | ShowLog (character) |
Displays a string with log information |
# | SmartTableIOStateChangedHandler (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs) |
Event handler for the SmartTableIOStateChanged event of the five
property viewers in the Business Entity Designer |
+ | SplitExtentField (character, character) |
Splits an Extent field into multiple individual fields |
# | StoreCustomProperties (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum) |
Stores the ttCustomProperties records for the given scope |
# | StoreRecordPosition () |
Stores the current record position |
# | StoreTablePosition () |
Stores the position on the design canvas for each table. |
# | TableSelectedItemChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the SelectedItemChanged event of the TempTableShapes |
# | TableShapeSelectedChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs) |
Event handler for the SelectedChanged event of the TempTableShapes |
+ | UpdateCustomProperties (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum, character) |
Updates the custom properties for the currently selected object of
the given scope |
+ | UpdateDataRelationFields () |
Uses DataRelationFieldPickerForm to update the fields of a DATA-RELATION |
+ | ValidateDesign () |
Validates the design |
+ | LOGICAL VerifyModified (character) |
Verifies if the model has changes |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | BusinessEntityDatasetController () |
Default Constructor of the BusinessEntityDatasetController class |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | AfterCompileSource (Object, EventArgs) |
Event raised after the source code has been compiled |
+ | AfterFileNew (Object, EventArgs) |
Event raised after a new file is created |
+ | AfterFileOpen (Object, FileEventArgs) |
Event raised after a file is opened |
+ | AfterFileSave (Object, FileEventArgs) |
Event raised after a file is opened |
+ | AfterGenerateSource (Object, EventArgs) |
Event raised after the source code is generated |
+ | AfterRegenerateSource (Object, EventArgs) |
Event raised after the source code is re-generated |
+ | BeforeAddingFieldToNewTable (Object, BeforeAddingFieldToNewTableEventArgs) |
Raised for every field while adding a new Database Table to the design
canvas |
+ | BeforeAddingIndexToNewTable (Object, BeforeAddingIndexToNewTableEventArgs) |
Raised for every Index while adding a new Database Table to the design
canvas |
+ | BeforeCompileSource (Object, CancelableEventArgs) |
Event raised before the source code has been compiled |
+ | BeforeFileNew (Object, CancelableEventArgs) |
Event raised before a new file is created |
+ | BeforeFileOpen (Object, CancelableFileEventArgs) |
Event raised before a file is opened |
+ | BeforeFileSave (Object, CancelableFileEventArgs) |
Event raised before a file is opened |
+ | BeforeGenerateSource (Object, CancelableEventArgs) |
Event raised before the source code is generated |
+ | BeforeRegenerateSource (Object, CancelableEventArgs) |
Event raised before the source code is re-generated |
+ | ClassRenamedMoved (Object, ClassRenamedMovedEventArgs) |
Raised after a Rename/Move operation to allow plugins to make the same changes |
+ | CustomPropertiesUpdated (Object, CustomPropertiesUpdatedEventArgs) |
Raised when the custom properties have been updated |
+ | GetCustomPropertyNames (Object, GetCustomPropertyNamesEventArgs) |
Raised to allow plugins to return names of available custom property
names |
+ | GetCustomPropertyValues (Object, GetCustomPropertyValuesEventArgs) |
Raised to allow plugins to return possible values for custom properties |
+ | GetSourceBufferName (Object, GetSourceBufferNameEventArgs) |
Raised to allow customization of the Source Buffer Name |
+ | NewTempTableAdded (Object, NewTempTableAddedEventArgs) |
Raised when a new temp-table is added to the design |
+ | TableItemSelected (Object, EventArgs) |
Raised an item in a Table Shape is selected |
+ | UnsavedChangesChanged (Object, EventArgs) |
Event raised when the UnsavedChanges property changes |
+ | ValidateDesign (Object, EventArgs) |
Raised to validate the current design |
Options | Name | Purpose | |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl BusinessEntityViewerControl |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl DataRelationViewerControl |
+ | HANDLE DatasetHandle |
+ | Crainiate.Diagramming.Forms.Diagram Diagram |
+ | Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager DockManager |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl FieldViewerControl |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl IndexViewerControl |
+ | Crainiate.Diagramming.Model Model |
+ | Consultingwerk.Framework.IServiceContainer ServiceContainer |
+ | LOGICAL SuppressQuestionAboutDefaultPackage |
+ | Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl TableViewerControl |
+ | Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTree TreeView |
+ | LOGICAL UnsavedChanges |
PROTECTED AddChildTables (UltraTreeNode, character, character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER AddExistingField (rowid, character, character, logical)
PUBLIC AddExistingField (TempTableShape, character, character, logical)
PUBLIC AddExistingField (TempTableShape, character, character, logical, logical)
PUBLIC CHARACTER AddNewField (TempTableShape)
PUBLIC AddNewIndex (TempTableShape)
PUBLIC AddSourceTable (handle, character, Model)
PROTECTED AfterUpdateBusinessEntityRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED AfterUpdateDataRelationRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED AfterUpdateFieldRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED AfterUpdateIndexRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED AfterUpdateTableRecordHandler (Object, AfterUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC AssignTempTablePath (character)
PRIVATE BeforeAssignRecordDataRelationHandler (Object, BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs)
PRIVATE BeforeAssignRecordTableHandler (Object, BeforeAssignRecordEventArgs)
PUBLIC CHARACTER BeforeTableName (character)
PROTECTED BeforeUpdateBusinessEntityRecordHandler (Object, BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED BeforeUpdateFieldRecordHandler (Object, BeforeUpdateRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED LOGICAL BufferNameExists (character)
PROTECTED BuildTreeView ()
PROTECTED CHARACTER BuildUniqueBufferName (character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER BuildUniqueFieldName (character, character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER BuildUniqueIndexName (character, character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER BuildUniqueTableName (character)
PROTECTED BusinessEntityDesignerSettingsSettingsChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL CompileSource ()
PUBLIC CreateDataRelation (Model, character, character)
PUBLIC CreateDataRelation (Model, character, character, logical)
PUBLIC CHARACTER CreateIndex (character, character, logical, logical)
PUBLIC CHARACTER CreateTempTable (character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER CreateTempTable (Model, integer, integer)
PUBLIC CHARACTER CreateTempTable (handle, Model, integer, integer)
PUBLIC CHARACTER CreateTempTable (handle, Model, integer, integer, logical, logical)
PROTECTED DataRelationConnectorSelectedChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC DeregisterConsumer (Object)
PROTECTED DeselectShapes ()
PUBLIC DrawShapes ()
PUBLIC DrawShapes (Diagram)
PUBLIC DuplicateTable (TempTableShape)
PUBLIC EditFields (character)
PROTECTED CHARACTER EnsureUniqueFieldName (character, character, character)
PROTECTED FieldEditorForm_BeforeDeleteRecord (Object, BeforeDeleteRecordEventArgs)
PROTECTED CHARACTER FieldSerializeName (character, character, character)
PUBLIC FieldsReorder (TempTableShape)
PROTECTED FillCustomProperties (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum)
PUBLIC LOGICAL GenerateSource ()
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList GetCustomPropertyNames (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterList GetCustomPropertyValues (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum, character, character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetDefaultFileName ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetDefaultFolderName ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER GetEntityPackageNameForTable (character)
PRIVATE CHARACTER GetFilePath (character, character, character)
PROTECTED CHARACTER GetIndexDataTypes (character, character)
PROTECTED CHARACTER GetSourceBufferName (character, character, character)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.BusinessEntityDesigner.UI.Shapes.TempTableShape GetTableByKey (character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasActiveParentRelation (character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasParentRelation (character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasSourceTable (TempTableShape, character)
PUBLIC LOGICAL HasTableWithKey (character)
PUBLIC ImportTableFromFile (character)
PUBLIC ImportTableFromLongChar (longchar)
PRIVATE CHARACTER InitializeExistingField (character, character, character, character, logical)
PUBLIC LOGICAL IsExtentField (character)
PRIVATE MoveClass (character, character, handle)
PRIVATE MoveFile (character, character)
PRIVATE MoveIncludeFile (character, character, character, table)
PRIVATE CHARACTER NormalizeFilePath (character)
PROTECTED OnAfterCompileSource (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterFileNew (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterFileOpen (FileEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterFileSave (FileEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterGenerateSource (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnAfterRegenerateSource (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeAddingFieldToNewTable (BeforeAddingFieldToNewTableEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeAddingIndexToNewTable (BeforeAddingIndexToNewTableEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeCompileSource (CancelableEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeFileNew (CancelableEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeFileOpen (CancelableFileEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeFileSave (CancelableFileEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeGenerateSource (CancelableEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnBeforeRegenerateSource (CancelableEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnClassRenamedMoved (ClassRenamedMovedEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnCustomPropertiesUpdated (CustomPropertiesUpdatedEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnGetCustomPropertyNames (GetCustomPropertyNamesEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnGetCustomPropertyValues (GetCustomPropertyValuesEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnGetSourceBufferName (GetSourceBufferNameEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnNewTempTableAdded (NewTempTableAddedEventArgs)
PROTECTED OnTableItemSelected (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnUnsavedChangesChanged (EventArgs)
PROTECTED OnValidateDesign (EventArgs)
PUBLIC LOGICAL Open (character, Model)
PROTECTED PrepareCustomPropertiesScope (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum, handle, handle)
PUBLIC refresh ()
PUBLIC RefreshAllTempTablesFromInclude ()
PUBLIC CHARACTER RefreshTable (TempTableShape, DatabaseSchemaDatasetController)
PUBLIC CHARACTER RefreshTableFromInclude (TempTableShape)
PUBLIC LOGICAL RegenerateSource ()
PUBLIC RegisterConsumer (Object)
PROTECTED CHARACTER RemoveInvalidXmlCharacters (character)
PUBLIC RemoveRelation (Model, DataRelationConnector)
PROTECTED RemoveSelectedField (TempTableShape)
PROTECTED RemoveSelectedIndex (TempTableShape)
PUBLIC RemoveTable (Model, TempTableShape)
PUBLIC RenameFieldInIndexes (character, character, character)
PUBLIC RenameTable (character, character)
PROTECTED ReorderFields (character)
PROTECTED ReorderIndexes (character)
PROTECTED RestoreRecordPosition ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL Save (character)
PUBLIC CHARACTER ShortTableName (character)
PROTECTED ShowLog (character)
PROTECTED SmartTableIOStateChangedHandler (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs)
PUBLIC SplitExtentField (character, character)
PROTECTED StoreCustomProperties (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum)
PROTECTED StoreRecordPosition ()
PROTECTED StoreTablePosition ()
PROTECTED TableSelectedItemChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PROTECTED TableShapeSelectedChangedHandler (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC UpdateCustomProperties (CustomPropertiesScopeEnum, character)
PUBLIC UpdateDataRelationFields ()
PUBLIC ValidateDesign ()
PUBLIC LOGICAL VerifyModified (character)
PUBLIC BusinessEntityDatasetController ()
PUBLIC AfterCompileSource (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterFileNew (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterFileOpen (Object, FileEventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterFileSave (Object, FileEventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterGenerateSource (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC AfterRegenerateSource (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeAddingFieldToNewTable (Object, BeforeAddingFieldToNewTableEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeAddingIndexToNewTable (Object, BeforeAddingIndexToNewTableEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeCompileSource (Object, CancelableEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeFileNew (Object, CancelableEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeFileOpen (Object, CancelableFileEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeFileSave (Object, CancelableFileEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeGenerateSource (Object, CancelableEventArgs)
PUBLIC BeforeRegenerateSource (Object, CancelableEventArgs)
PUBLIC ClassRenamedMoved (Object, ClassRenamedMovedEventArgs)
PUBLIC CustomPropertiesUpdated (Object, CustomPropertiesUpdatedEventArgs)
PUBLIC GetCustomPropertyNames (Object, GetCustomPropertyNamesEventArgs)
PUBLIC GetCustomPropertyValues (Object, GetCustomPropertyValuesEventArgs)
PUBLIC GetSourceBufferName (Object, GetSourceBufferNameEventArgs)
PUBLIC NewTempTableAdded (Object, NewTempTableAddedEventArgs)
PUBLIC TableItemSelected (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC UnsavedChangesChanged (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC ValidateDesign (Object, EventArgs)
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl BusinessEntityViewerControl
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl DataRelationViewerControl
PUBLIC Crainiate.Diagramming.Forms.Diagram Diagram
PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager DockManager
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl FieldViewerControl
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl IndexViewerControl
PUBLIC Crainiate.Diagramming.Model Model
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.Framework.IServiceContainer ServiceContainer
PUBLIC LOGICAL SuppressQuestionAboutDefaultPackage
PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl TableViewerControl
PUBLIC Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTree TreeView
Temp-Table ttFileMovementDefined in: |