Note: FRAME frameThis is the syntax for form-item:
field format-phraseconstant at-phrase TO nBGCOLOR expressionDCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionFONT expressionPFCOLOR expressionVIEW-AS TEXTWIDGET-ID id-numberSPACE ( n )SKIP ( n )
Specifies one or more frame attributes for a field or variable. For more information on format-phrase, see the Format phrase reference entry.
AT X x X-OF reference-point Y y Y-OF reference-pointCOLON-ALIGNED LEFT-ALIGNED RIGHT-ALIGNED
AT nFor more information, see the AT phrase reference entry.TO nThe number (n) of the column where you want the right edge of the value. The TO option does not right justify the data; it simply indicates the placement of the data area.BGCOLOR expressionDCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionFONT expressionPFCOLOR expressionWIDGET-ID id-numberSpecifies a widget ID for a field-level widget or value to display in a frame. The value of id-number must be an expression that evaluates to an even integer value between 2 and 65534, inclusive, and must be unique across all widget IDs in the window or dialog box.SPACE ( n )Identifies the number (n) of blank spaces to insert after the expression displays. The n can be 0. If the number of spaces you specify is more than the spaces left on the current line of the frame, the AVM starts a new line and discards extra spaces. If you do not use this option or you do not use n, the AVM inserts one space between items in the frame.SKIP ( n )Identifies the number (n) of blank lines to insert after the expression is displayed. The number of blank lines can be 0. If you do not use this option, the AVM does not skip a line between expressions unless the expressions do not fit on one line. If you use the SKIP option but do not specify n, or if n is 0, the AVM starts a new line unless it is already at the beginning of a new line.EXCEPT field . . .
expression format-phraseconstant at-phrase TO nBGCOLOR expressionDCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionFONT expressionVIEW-AS TEXTWIDGET-ID id-numberSPACE ( n )SKIP ( n )
This is exactly the same as the syntax for a form-item, except that a head-item can be an expression and does not include the PFCOLOR option. If you use an expression in a HEADER or BACKGROUND phrase, the expression is evaluated each time the frame is viewed. If you give the PAGE-TOP or PAGE-BOTTOM option for the frame, the expression is evaluated for each page. This lets you include a reference to the PAGE-NUMBER function in the frame header.Specifies additional options for the frame, including the VIEW-AS DIALOG-BOX option to define the frame as a dialog box. For more information on frame and dialog box options, see the Frame phrase reference entry.The following example, r-deffrm.p, uses the DEFINE FRAME statement to set up the format of a frame. It then scopes that frame to a FOR EACH block.The following example defines three frames. The cust-info frame is scoped to the trigger for the b_next button where it is first referenced. Similarly, the cust-dtl frame is scoped to the b_dtl trigger. The butt-frame frame is scoped to the outer procedure block.Following is the r-shrfrm.i include file:After the r-shrfrm.p procedure displays the Customer information, it calls the r-updord.p procedure.The r-updord.p procedure defines the variable, frame, and buffer that were originally defined in the r-shrfrm.p procedure. However, in this second reference to the items, the keyword NEW is omitted. The r-updord.p procedure displays, and lets you update, the Order information for the Customer displayed in the cust-frame. The Order information is displayed in the same frame.The following example, r-fof1.p, creates a dialog box to display Customer information from a query. The dialog box contains three child frames to display Customer contact information (FRAME cont-fr), Customer account information (FRAME acct-fr), and control buttons for moving through the query results list (FRAME ctrl-fr).
You cannot define a SHARED or NEW SHARED frame widget in a class definition (.cls) file. If you do, ABL generates a compilation error.
The frame-phrase options specified in a DEFINE NEW SHARED FRAME statement are carried over to all corresponding DEFINE SHARED FRAME statements and cannot be overridden.
If you have enabled application-defined widget IDs in your ABL GUI application, by specifying the Use Widget ID (–usewidgetid) startup parameter, then the AVM uses the value specified in the WIDGET-ID option to set the WIDGET-ID attribute for this widget when it creates the widget at run time, instead of using the widget ID it normally generates by default. If you have not enabled application-defined widget IDs, then the AVM ignores this option setting at run time.For more information about the WIDGET-ID attribute, see its reference entry in the “Handle Attributes and Methods Reference” section. For more information about the Use Widget ID (–usewidgetid) startup parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
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