/* testb.p */DEFINE SHARED FRAME x.FORM field1 field2 WITH FRAME x ACCUM.FOR EACH table1:DISPLAY field1 field2 (TOTAL) WITH FRAME x.END.When you specify a user-defined aggregate label, use the max-length parameter of the ACCUM option to specify a maximum aggregate label length in the frame phrases of shared frames. For more information, see the Aggregate phrase reference entry.
AT COLUMN column ROW rowX x Y yNote that for a frame parented by a window, you must specify an absolute position relative to the display area of the window. For a frame parented by another frame, you must specify a position relative to the display area of the parent frame. The default value for all AT phrase parameters is 1. ABL ignores the COLUMN or X option if you use the CENTERED option for the same frame. For more information on at-phrase, see the AT phrase reference entry.ATTR-SPACE NO-ATTR-SPACECANCEL-BUTTON button-nameSpecifies the cancel button for the frame. This is the button chosen when the ESC key code is applied to the frame in Windows. This button might also be chosen when the ESC key code is applied to a frame within the same frame family that does not have a cancel button. In such an event, the AVM searches the frame family in random order. The first cancel button found during this random search is chosen. The button-name argument must be a static button name.
expressionBGCOLORDCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionPFCOLOR expressionCOLOR DISPLAY color-phrasePROMPT color-phrase
COLUMN expressionThe expression is a constant, field name, variable name or expression whose value is the number of the column, relative to the window or parent frame in which you place the frame. The default value is 1. ABL ignores this option if you use the CENTERED option for the same frame.The AVM evaluates expression each time the frame comes into view or is printed at the top or bottom of a page (if the frame is a PAGE-TOP or PAGE-BOTTOM frame). For more information, see the expression option of the FORM statement.n COLUMNSFormats data fields into a specific number (n) of columns. Truncates labels to 16, 14, and 12 characters when the number of columns is 1, 2, or 3, respectively. ABL reserves a fixed number of positions in each column for labels. For n = 1, 16 positions are allowed for a label; for n = 2, 14 positions are allowed; and for n = 3, 12 positions are allowed. Label positions include room for a colon and a space after the label. Labels are right justified if they are short, and truncated if they are too long. By default, the AVM wraps fields across the frame for as many lines as required, placing labels above the fields.CONTEXT-HELP-FILE help-file-nameSpecifies the complete pathname of a help (.HLP) file associated with this frame. If CONTEXT-HELP-FILE is specified without CONTEXT-HELP, CONTEXT-HELP is assumed. This behavior can be overridden by setting the dialog box’s CONTEXT-HELP attribute to FALSE at run time. This option is valid in Windows GUI only. The pathname can contain Unicode characters. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for more information about Unicode.DEFAULT-BUTTON button-nameSpecifies a default button for the frame. This is the button chosen when the ENTER key code in Windows is invoked for the frame. This button might also be chosen when the ESC key code is applied to a frame within the same frame family that does not have a default button. In such an event, the AVM searches the frame family in random order. The first default button found during this random search is chosen. The button-name argument must be the name of a static button. This button must be defined with the DEFAULT option and cannot display an image.expression DOWNSpecifies that the frame is a down frame. A down frame is a frame that can display multiple occurrences of the set of fields defined in the frame. The expression is a constant, field name, variable name or expression whose value is the number of occurrences you want in the frame. If you specify 1 for expression, the frame is not a down frame.Down frames are typically specified for iterative blocks. On the first iteration of the block, the AVM displays the first set of data (a record, field, or variable value) as the first occurrence in the frame. After displaying the data, the AVM advances to the next occurrence in the frame on the second iteration of the block, and displays the second set of data there. The AVM continues advancing and displaying data for the number of occurrences specified by expression, and prompts to continue with another set of occurrences until all the data has been displayed. The AVM evaluates expression each time the frame comes into view or is printed at the top or bottom of a page (if the frame is a PAGE-TOP or PAGE-BOTTOM frame). If you do not specify expression, the AVM displays as many occurrences as can fit in the current window.If you do not use the DOWN option, ABL automatically makes certain frames down frames, unless you specify otherwise (1 DOWN). For more information on frames and down frames, see OpenEdge Getting Started: ABL Essentials.WIDGET-ID id-numberSpecifies a widget ID for a frame widget. The value of id-number must be an expression that evaluates to an even integer value between 2 and 65534, inclusive, and must be unique across all widget IDs in the window or dialog box.FONT expressionFRAME frameINHERIT-BGCOLOR NO-INHERIT-BGCOLORINHERIT-FGCOLOR NO-INHERIT-FGCOLOR
FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK:DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name.FOR EACH Order OF Customer NO-LOCK:DISPLAY Order.OrderNum.DISPLAY "hello" WITH FRAME b COLUMN 60 NO-HIDE.END.END.In Progress Version 7 and later, there are two syntax constructs that can enable a field for input without the compiler specifically knowing about it: ENABLE ALL and widget-name:SENSITIVE = YES.In the case of widget-name:SENSITIVE = YES, there is more potential for validation and help holes. Since the compiler cannot predict whether these statements are used, in effect, as input statements, no help or validation is compiled. USE-DICT-EXPS explicitly compiles in all validation expressions and help strings for a frame. For each frame that you use widget-name:SENSITIVE = YES, specify USE-DICT-EXPS. This closes any potential validation or help holes. To provide custom help or validation when using USE-DICT-EXPS, the HELP or VALIDATE option must appear in the first reference to that field. Typically, this is in the DEFINE FRAME or FORM statement.Table 42 shows how the PAGE-TOP and PAGE-BOTTOM options work depending on the kind of DISPLAY or VIEW.
Table 42: RETAIN nSpecifies the number of frame iterations to retain when the frame scrolls on the screen. The n must be a constant. For example, RETAIN 2 causes the AVM to display the last two iterations in a down frame at the top of the frame. If you are using UP to scroll up a window, those two lines are displayed at the bottom of the window. Do not use the SCROLL option in a Frame phrase in which you also use the RETAIN option. By default, the AVM does not retain any iterations in the window that have already been displayed.ROW expressionThe expression is a constant, field name, variable name, function reference, or expression whose value is the row, relative to the window or parent frame in which you place the frame. If you are displaying a frame on a device other than a terminal, this option has no effect. By default, the AVM displays a root frame at the next available row of the window and displays a child frame at row 1 of the parent frame.The AVM evaluates expression each time the frame comes into view or is printed at the top or bottom of a page (if the frame is a PAGE-TOP or PAGE-BOTTOM frame).SCREEN-IO STREAM-IOSCROLL nDisplays a scrolling frame rather than a paging frame. The value n is a constant that specifies the number of frame iterations to scroll when the frame scrolls in the window. For example, if a procedure uses a DISPLAY or DOWN statement when a scrolling frame is full, the data in the frame scrolls up n iterations (rather than clearing and repainting the frame as it would without the SCROLL option).
width BY heightSIZE SIZE-CHARS SIZE-PIXELSSTREAM streamSTREAM-HANDLE handleSpecifies the handle to a stream. If handle it is not a valid handle to a stream, the AVM generates a run-time error. Note that stream handles are not valid for the unnamed streams. See the chapter on alternate I/O sources in OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces for more information on streams and stream handles.Displays a title as part of the top line of the box around a display frame. Following is the syntax for the title-phrase:
TITLEBGCOLOR expressionDCOLOR expressionFGCOLOR expressionCOLOR color-phraseFONT expression title-stringThe title-string is a constant, field name, variable name, or expression whose result is a character value. The expression is the value you want to display as a title. If title-string is a constant character string, it must be surrounded by quotes (""). The AVM automatically centers title-string in the top line of the frame box.Indicates that no other frame can overlay this frame. If you do not use this option, other frames that use the OVERLAY option can overlay this frame. If the AVM has to display an OVERLAY frame and by doing so will partially obscure a TOP-ONLY frame, it first hides the TOP-ONLY frame. See also the OVERLAY attribute reference entry.V6FRAME USE-REVVIDEO USE-UNDERLINEFor more information on the environment for an ABL session, see OpenEdge Deployment: Managing ABL Applications.Specifies that the frame is displayed as a dialog box. A dialog box is a modal, one-down frame with many of the properties of a window. Like a window, a dialog box can be moved and programmatically resized, and it acquires scroll bars when it is resized smaller than its original frame dimensions. Unlike a window, it cannot be minimized or maximized; nor can it have a menu bar. As a frame-level widget, it is owned by a window and can contain a frame family, but it cannot be owned by another frame or dialog box. Because it is modal, a dialog box must be disabled before any other widgets in the application can be accessed by the user. For more information on the properties of a dialog box, and to compare them with the properties of a frame, see the “Widget Reference” section.WIDTH nSpecifies the number (n) of columns in a frame. If you do not use size-phrase or the WIDTH option, the width of the frame is based on the fields you are displaying, the position of the frame, and the width of the current or specified window.IN WINDOW windowSpecifies the window in which the frame is displayed. The value window must be the handle of a window. This option is not allowed in a DISABLE statement. By default, the AVM displays the frame in the current window.The r-frame.p procedure displays the CustNum, Name, and Phone number for each Customer record. The frame phrase (starting with the word WITH) describes the frame being used to display that information.
FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK:FORM HEADER"No-box, No-Underline, No-labels, 5 DOWN" SKIP"Centered" SKIP(2)WITH NO-BOX NO-UNDERLINE NO-LABELS CENTERED 5 DOWN.DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Phone.END.The r-frame2.p procedure produces a Customer report, using Customer List as the header for each page of the report and using Customer List Continued On Next Page as the footer for each page of the report. The OUTPUT TO statement directs all output to the file phone.lst. After running the r-frame2.p procedure, you can press GET then type the name of the file to view the contents of phone.lst.
You cannot specify the VIEW-AS DIALOG-BOX option for a frame used as a DDE frame. For information on DDE frames, see OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces.
If you have enabled application-defined widget IDs in your ABL GUI application, by specifying the Use Widget ID (–usewidgetid) startup parameter, then the AVM uses the value specified in the WIDGET-ID option to set the WIDGET-ID attribute for this widget when it creates the widget at run time, instead of using the widget ID it normally generates by default. If you have not enabled application-defined widget IDs, then the AVM ignores this option setting at run time.For more information about the WIDGET-ID attribute, see its reference entry in the “Handle Attributes and Methods Reference” section. For more information about the Use Widget ID (–usewidgetid) startup parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
See OpenEdge Getting Started: ABL Essentials for more information on frames.
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