PROMPT-FOR — Prompts the user for data and puts that data into the screen buffer
ASSIGN — Moves data from the screen buffer to the record buffer
SETSTREAM stream STREAM-HANDLE handleUNLESS-HIDDENfield view-as-phrase format-phraseWHEN expressionTEXT ( field format-phrase )field = expressionconstant AT n TO n^SPACE ( n )SKIP ( n )GO-ON ( key-label )frame-phraseediting-phraseNO-ERROR
SET STREAM stream STREAM-HANDLE handle UNLESS-HIDDENrecord EXCEPT field frame-phraseNO-ERRORSTREAM streamSpecifies the name of a stream. If you do not name a stream, the AVM uses the unnamed stream. See the DEFINE STREAM statement reference entry and the chapter on alternate I/O sources in OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces for more information on streams.STREAM-HANDLE handleSpecifies the handle to a stream. If handle it is not a valid handle to a stream, the AVM generates a run-time error. Note that stream handles are not valid for the unnamed streams. See the chapter on alternate I/O sources in OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces for more information on streams and stream handles.In the case of array fields, array elements with constant subscripts are treated as any other field. Array fields with no subscripts are expanded as though you typed in the implicit elements. See the DISPLAY statement reference entry for information on how the AVM handles array fields with expressions as subscripts.Specifies the widget used to represent the field. For more information on view-as-phrase, see the VIEW-AS phrase reference entry.Specifies one or more frame attributes for a field, variable, or expression. For more information on format-phrase, see the Format phrase reference entry.WHEN expressionSets the field only when expression has a value of TRUE. An expression is a field name, variable name, or expression whose value is logical.Table 61 lists the keys you can use within a TEXT field, and their actions.
Table 61: field = expressionIndicates that the value of field is determined by evaluating the expression rather than having it entered on the screen or from a file. An assignment statement is embedded within the SET statement.constant AT nA constant value that you want to display in the frame. The n is the column in which you want to start the display.constant TO nA constant value that you want to display in the frame. The n is the column in which you want to end the display.
SET ^SPACE ( n )Identifies the number (n) of blank spaces to insert after the expression on the display. The n can be 0. If the number of spaces you specify is more than the spaces left on the current line of the frame, the AVM starts a new line and discards any extra spaces. If you do not use this option or do not use n, the AVM inserts one space between items in the frame.SKIP ( n )Identifies the number (n) of blank lines to be inserted after the expression is displayed. The n can be 0. If you do not use this option, a line is not skipped between expressions only if they do not fit on one line. If you use the SKIP option, but do not specify n, or if n is 0, a new line is started unless it is already at the beginning of a new line.GO-ON ( keylabel . . . )Tells the AVM to take the GO action when the user presses any of the keys listed. The keys you list are used in addition to keys that perform the GO action by default or because of ON statements. When you list a key label in the GO-ON option, you use the keyboard label of that key. For example, if you want the AVM to take the GO action when the user presses F1, you use the statement GO-ON(F1). If you list more than one key, separate them with spaces, not commas, as in GO-ON( F1 RETURN ).Specifies the overall layout and processing properties of a frame. For more information on frame-phrase, see the Frame phrase reference entry.Identifies processing to take place as each keystroke is entered. This is the syntax for the editing-phrase:
label: EDITING: statement END.To use SET with a record in a table defined for multiple databases, you must qualify the record’s table name with the database name. See the Record phrase reference entry for more information.Suppresses ABL errors or error messages that would otherwise occur and diverts them to the ERROR-STATUS system handle. If an error occurs, the action of the statement is not done and execution continues with the next statement. If the statement fails, any persistent side-effects of the statement are backed out. If the statement includes an expression that contains other executable elements, like methods, the work performed by these elements may or may not be done, depending on the order the AVM resolves the expression elements and the occurrence of the error.
Check if the ERROR-STATUS:NUM-MESSAGES attribute is greater than zero to see if the AVM generated error messages. ABL handle methods used in a block without a CATCH end block treat errors as warnings and do not raise ERROR, do not set the ERROR-STATUS:ERROR attribute, but do add messages to the ERROR-STATUS system handle. Therefore, this test is the better test for code using handle methods without CATCH end blocks. ABL handle methods used in a block with a CATCH end block raise ERROR and add messages to the error object generated by the AVM. In this case, the AVM does not update the ERROR-STATUS system handle.
Use ERROR-STATUS:GET-MESSAGE( message-num ) to retrieve a particular message, where message-num is 1 for the first message.EXCEPT fieldThe r-set.p procedure reads each Item record, displays the ItemNum and lets the user enter information for the ItemName, OnHand, Allocated, and Price fields. When you run this procedure, notice that it does not display existing values for the ItemName, OnHand, Allocated, and Price fields.
FOR EACH Item:DISPLAY Item.ItemNum.SET Item.ItemName Item.OnHand Item.Allocated Item.Price.END.On each iteration of the block, the FOR EACH statement reads a single record into the Item record buffer. The DISPLAY statement moves the ItemNum from the record buffer to the screen buffer where you can see it. The SET statement prompts for data, stores the data in screen buffers, and moves the data to the record buffer, overwriting whatever is already there. Therefore, even though the ItemName, OnHand, Allocated, and Price fields are put into the Item record buffer by the FOR EACH statement, you never see the values for those fields.The r-set2.p procedure displays the CustNum, Name, and CreditLimit for a Customer and lets you change the CreditLimit field. The HELP option in the SET statement displays help information at the bottom of the screen when you are changing the CreditLimit. The VALIDATE option in the SET statement makes sure that the CreditLimit value is greater than 0. If it is not, VALIDATE displays the message “Invalid credit limit.”
FOR EACH Customer:DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit.SET Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimitVALIDATE(Customer.CreditLimit > 0, "Invalid credit limit.")
HELP "Enter a positive credit-limit.".
REPEAT:CREATE Order.Order.CustNum = Customer.CustNum.SET Order.OrderNum Order.ShipDate VALIDATE(Order.ShipDate > TODAY,"Ship date too early.").
END.END.After you modify CreditLimit, the procedure creates an Order for the Customer and assigns the Customer.CustNum value to the CustNum field in the Order record. The SET statement lets you enter information for the OrderNum and ShipDate fields. The VALIDATE option in the SET statement makes sure that the Ship Date is greater than TODAY.
If any field is a field in a database record, the SET statement upgrades the record lock condition to EXCLUSIVE-LOCK before updating the record.
If any field is part of a record retrieved with a field list, the SET statement rereads the complete record before updating it.
If you use a single qualified identifier with the SET statement, the Compiler first interprets the reference as dbname.tablename. If the Compiler cannot resolve the reference as dbname.tablename, it tries to resolve it as tablename.fieldname.When using SET to set fields, you must use table names that are different from field names to avoid ambiguous references. See the Record phrase reference entry for more information.
In the context of the .NET blocking method, System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run( ), if you directly or indirectly execute the SET statement while displaying a non-modal ABL window, in certain contexts (such as within a user-defined function or non-VOID method) this statement execution raises the STOP condition. For more information on the .NET Application:Run( ), method, see the reference entry for the WAIT-FOR statement (.NET and ABL).
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