VIEW-AScombo-box-phraseeditor-phraseFILL-INNATIVEsize-phraseTOOLTIP tooltipradio-set-phraseselection-list-phraseslider-phraseTEXTsize-phraseTOOLTIP tooltipTOGGLE-BOXsize-phraseTOOLTIP tooltip
VIEW-AS combo-box-phrase TOGGLE-BOXSpecifies that a field or variable is viewed as a combo box widget. You can use a combo box to represent a value of any data type. This is the syntax for combo-box-phrase:
COMBO-BOXLIST-ITEMS item-list LIST-ITEM-PAIRS item-pair-listINNER-LINES lines SORTDROP-DOWN DROP-DOWN-LISTMAX-CHARS charactersAUTO-COMPLETION UNIQUE-MATCHFor more information, see the COMBO-BOX phrase reference entry.
EDITORsize-phraseINNER-CHARS char INNER-LINES linesBUFFER-CHARS charsBUFFER-LINES linesLARGEMAX-CHARS charactersNO-BOXNO-WORD-WRAPSCROLLBAR-HORIZONTALSCROLLBAR-VERTICALTOOLTIP tooltipFor more information, see the EDITOR phrase reference entry.FILL-IN [ NATIVE ] [ size-phrase ]Note that Windows allows a user to transfer focus to the fill-in field by pressing ALT and one of the letters in the label. For more information on specifying a label using the LABEL option, see the Format phrase reference entry.Specifies that the field or variable is viewed as a radio set widget. A radio button set is a series of buttons, of which only one can be TRUE at a time. When the user sets one of the buttons to TRUE, the others are set to FALSE. You can specify a radio-set-phrase for any group of CHARACTER, INT64, INTEGER, DECIMAL, DATE, or LOGICAL values (with or without extents). This is the syntax for radio-set-phrase:
RADIO-SETHORIZONTAL EXPAND VERTICALsize-phraseRADIO-BUTTONS label , value , label, valueTOOLTIP tooltipFor more information, see the RADIO-SET phrase reference entry.Specifies that the field or variable is viewed as a selection list widget. You can only specify the selection-list-phrase for a character-string value. A selection list is a scrollable list of CHARACTER values. If the field is enabled for input, the user can select one or more values from the list. This is the syntax for selection-list-phrase:
SELECTION-LISTSINGLE MULTIPLENO-DRAGLIST-ITEMS item-listSCROLLBAR-HORIZONTALSCROLLBAR-VERTICALsize-phrase INNER-CHARS cols INNER-LINES rowsSORTTOOLTIP tooltipFor more information, see the SELECTION-LIST phrase reference entry.Specifies that the field or variable is viewed as a slider. Specify the slider-phrase for an integer value only. A slider is a graphical representation of a numeric range. It is composed of a rectangular area that contains a trackbar. You can change the current value within a defined range by moving the pointer that resides on the trackbar. This is the syntax for slider-phrase:
VIEW-AS SLIDERMAX-VALUE max-value MIN-VALUE min-valueHORIZONTAL VERTICALNO-CURRENT-VALUELARGE-TO-SMALLTIC-MARKSNONE TOP BOTTOM LEFT RIGHT BOTHFREQUENCY nTOOLTIP tooltipsize-phraseFor more information, see the SLIDER phrase reference entry.TEXT [ size-phrase ]TOGGLE-BOX [ size-phrase ]Note that Windows allows a user to select a toggle-box item by pressing ALT and one of the letters in the side label. For more information on specifying a label using the LABEL option, see the Format phrase reference entry.For toggle-box browse columns, the toggle-box always appears whether it is enabled or not. A solid outline appears to indicate that a cell in a toggle-box column currently has focus. The toggle-box is always centered within the column. You cannot specify size-phrase for toggle-box browse columns.TOOLTIP tooltipYou can add or change the TOOLTIP option at any time. If TOOLTIP is set to "" or the Unknown value (?), then the ToolTip is removed. No ToolTip is the default. The TOOLTIP option is supported in Windows only.
DEFINE VARIABLE test AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO INITIAL "Now is the time"FORMAT "x(30)".DISPLAY test VIEW-AS TEXT LABEL "Labels cannot be changed"WITH FRAME a SIDE-LABELS.PAUSE.UPDATE test VIEW-AS FILL-IN LABEL "But fillins can, please enter a new value"WITH FRAME b SIDE-LABELS.UPDATE test VIEW-AS EDITOR INNER-CHARS 16 INNER-LINES 2 MAX-CHARS 70LABEL "As can editors, please enter a new value:"WITH FRAME c.DISPLAY test VIEW-AS TEXT FORMAT "x(70)" LABEL "The final value is:"WITH FRAME d.For additional examples, see the COMBO-BOX phrase, EDITOR phrase, RADIO-SET phrase, SELECTION-LIST phrase, and SLIDER phrase reference entries.The AVM looks for these fonts in the current environment, which may be the registry (Windows only) or an initialization file. If the current environment does not define these fonts, the AVM uses the system default fixed and proportional fonts. For more information on environments, see OpenEdge Deployment: Managing ABL Applications.
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