Namespace: Consultingwerk.Windows.Framework.Authorization
SmartGroupViewer Copy to Clipboard
Parent classes:
Inherits: Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Implements: Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataTarget, Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignGroupAssignSource, Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignViewerControl, Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.ISmartViewerControl, ICheckOkToClose, IHasDesignerVerbs, ISaveChangesOnDeactivateForm, ISmartDataTarget, ISmartGroupAssignSource, ISmartGroupAssignTarget, ISmartTableIOTarget, ISupportInitialize

Author(s):Marko Rüterbories / Consultingwerk Ltd.
Created:Fri Oct 12 18:09:27 CEST 2012

Top Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
# ActivateCurrentGridRow () Activates the current row in the linked Grid
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ ActivateEventHandler () Activates the Event Handlers for the contained controls
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AddRecord () Add a new record to the SmartDataSource. The Method CreateRecord of SmartViewerControl gets called to Handle this Task. This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the AddRecord Tool. Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AddSmartTableIOSource (ISmartTableIOSource) Adds a(nother) SmartTableIOSource to the SmartViewerControl instance
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# System.Windows.Forms.Control ApplyFocusToErrorField (character) Set's focus into a field that is related to an error
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# System.Windows.Forms.Control ApplyFocusToErrorField (IFieldValidationError) Set's focus into a field that is related to an error
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AttachBindingSource (BindingSource) This Method attaches a new BindingSource given as the Parameter poBindingSource to the Objects of the current Class. The new BindingSource may have been created by a DataAdapter or reused from a SmartBrowserControl
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ BeginInit () Invoked at the beginning of a Containers InitializeComponents method
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# BindingSourcePositionChanged (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the PositionChanged event of the BindingSource this Viewer is attached to
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ CancelUpdate () Reverts the changes to the current record.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# LOGICAL ControlFocus (Control) Calls the Focus() method for a .NET Control
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ CopyRecord () Copy the current record to a new one. The Method CreateRecord of SmartViewerControl gets called to Handle this Task. This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the corresponding Tool. Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# CreateRecord (logical) Creates a new record in the viewer. This Method is called by AddRecord and CopyRecord from the current Class but may be overridden.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# CreateVerbs () Creates Designer Verbs based on the DesignerVerbs property
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
# CustomInitializeControlHandler (Control) Overridable method that can be used to perform custom event subscriptions
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ DeactivateEventHandler () Deactivates the Event Handlers for the contained controls
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ DeleteRecord () Delete the current record.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ DeregisterSmartGroupAssignTarget (ISmartGroupAssignTarget) Deregister a SmartDataTarget with the SmartGroupAssignTarget Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ DisableFields () Disable all enabled controls of the SmartViewerControl. This Method is called from inside the SmartViewerControl. Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget or ISmartGroupAssignTarget.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# DisplayError (Error) Display ErrorMessages shows a predefined Error Dialog and is called from the Method SaveChanges () of the SmartViewerControl Class.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# DisplayError (Error, logical) Display ErrorMessages shows a predefined Error Dialog and is called from the Method SaveChanges () of the SmartViewerControl Class.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# EditorDropDownAfterCloseUpHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the AfterCloseUp event of an UltraDateTimeEditor. Clears the reference to the currently opened DataTime popup editor in the variable oEditorDropDownControl
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# EditorDropDownAfterDropDownHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the AfterDropDown event of an UltraDateTimeEditor. Stores a reference to the currently opened DataTime popup editor in the variable oEditorDropDownControl Required to be able to start the update process in the method TextChangedHandler (in this class)
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ EnableFields (character) Enables controls of the SmartViewerControl
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ EndInit () Invoked at the end of a Containers InitializeComponents method
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ EnsureVisible () Ensures that this SmartViewerControl is visible
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ EvaluateTableIOState () This Method sets the Property SmartTableIOState to a value according to the SmartDataSources state of the current class. Possible values for SmartTableIOState are defined in the TableIOStateEnum.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# FillBoundControlTable (Control) Populates the ttViewerBoundControls temp-table
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL FocusFirstEnabledEditorControl (Control) Focusses the first enabled EditorControl of the given Container Control
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# FormActivatedHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the Activate event of the owning Form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# FormClosedHandler (Object, EventArgs) Handles the FormClosed event of the containing Form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# FormDeactivatedHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the Deactivate event of the owning Form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents () Returns a List of all Components in the Form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
+ System.Windows.Forms.Control GetBoundControl (character) Returns the reference to the Control that is bound to the named field of the binding source
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control> GetBoundControls (character) Returns the list of Controls that is bound to the named field of the binding source
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ GetBoundControlTable (table) Populates a temp-table with information about all bound controls in the SmartViewerControl
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ CHARACTER GetControlEnabled (Control) Returns the Enable mode for a Control from the list of Controlthat will be enabled and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state @param poControl The Control for which the Enable mode should be returned @return The CHARACTER value representing the Control Enabled mode */
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ CHARACTER GetControlSecurityEnabled (Control) Returns the security Enable mode for a Control from the list of Controls that will be enabled and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state @param poControl The Control for which the Enable mode should be returned @return The CHARACTER value representing the security Control Enabled mode */
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character) Returns the reference to a Control in the Viewer identified by the Controls Name. This Method starts a recursive search for the Control.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character, Control) Recursively searches for the Control with the given name
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# ISmartGroupAssignTarget GetViewerForBoundControl (character) Returns the reference to the SmartGroupAssignTarget that contains a Control bound to the given field name
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# GroupAssignSmartTableIOStateChangedHandler (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs) Event handler for the SmartTableIOStateChanged event of the Groupassign Source
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ HandleValidationError (Error) Handles an error raised by validation routines
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL HasBoundControl (character, logical) Returns logical value indicating if the Viewer contains a Control that is bound to the named field
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
- InitializeComponent () Initializes the Visual Design
# InitializeControlEventHandler () Subscribe the EventHandler(s) to events of all controls added to the SmartViewerControl. The RecurseInitializeControlEventHandler is used to Handle this Task. This Method is called every Time a new Control is added to the SmartViewerControl.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# InitializeViewerLogicObject () Initializes the Viewer Logic Object
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# LOGICAL IsControlEnabled (character, character, logical) Determines if a Control should be enabeld based on the SecurityEnableMode and EnableMode
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL IsEditorControl (Control) Returns TRUE is the Controls is recognized as an Editor Control
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL IsOkToClose (logical, CloseReason) Check if it is ok to close the parent form. Returns TRUE when the form can be closed. Otherwise returns FALSE. Enforced by the Interface ICheckOkToClose.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# LOGICAL IsValueChanged (Object) Returns if the current (screen-value) of a Control in the SmartViewerControl derived class has changed in comparison to the underlying buffer vaule
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
- LoginCompanyLookup_EditorButtonClick (Object, EditorButtonEventArgs)
- LoginCompanyLookup_TextChanged (Object, EventArgs) Set LookupKeyValue to be able to erase the selected LoginCompany
# OnAddedRecordModifiedChanged (EventArgs) Raises the AddedRecordModifiedChanged
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnAddingRecordChanged (EventArgs) Raises the AddingRecordChanged event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnAfterAddRecord (EventArgs) Raises the AfterAddRecord event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnAfterCancelUpdate (EventArgs) Raises the AfterCancelUpdate event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnAfterCopyRecord (EventArgs) Raises the AfterCopyRecord event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnAfterDeleteRecord (EventArgs) Raises the AfterDeleteRecord event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnAfterFieldsEnabled (EventArgs) Raises the AfterFieldsEnabled
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnAfterSaveChanges (EventArgs) Raises the AfterSaveChanges event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnBeforeAddRecord (CancelEventArgs) Raises the BeforeAddRecord event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnBeforeCancelUpdate (CancelEventArgs) Raises the BeforeCancelUpdate event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnBeforeCopyRecord (CancelEventArgs) Raises the BeforeCopyRecord event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnBeforeDeleteRecord (CancelEventArgs) Raises the BeforeDeleteRecord event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnBeforeEnableFields (CancelableEventArgs) Raises the BeforeEnableFields
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnBeforeSaveChanges (CancelEventArgs) Raises the BeforeSaveChanges event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnCopyingRecordChanged (EventArgs) Raises the CopyingRecordChanged
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnEnter (EventArgs) Raises the Enter event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnFieldsDisabled (EventArgs) Raises the FieldsDisabled event.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnFieldsEnabled (EventArgs) Raises the FieldsEnabled event.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnFocusControlOnAddChanged (EventArgs) Raises the FocusControlOnAddChanged event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnFocusControlOnUpdateChanged (EventArgs) Raises the FocusControlOnUpdateChanged event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnLoad (EventArgs) Raises the Load event
Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl:OnLoad (EventArgs)
# OnSmartDataSourceChanged (EventArgs) Publishes the SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnSmartGroupAssignSourceChanged (EventArgs) Publishes the SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnSmartTableIOSourceChanged (EventArgs) Publishes the SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# OnSmartTableIOStateChanged (SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs) Publishes the SmartTableIOStateChanged event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ OnVerbClicked (character) Event Handler method for Designer Verbs
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
# OnVisualValidating (EventArgs) Raises the VisualValidating event
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the FormDestroyed event of the owning Form
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
# RecurseInitializeControlEventHandler (Control) Subscribe the EventHandler(s) to events of all controls added to the SmartViewerControl. This Method is called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of the SmartViewerControl.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# System.Windows.Forms.Control RecurseLocateBindingControl (Control, character) Recurses through the Controls in this SmartViewerControl and nested controls searching for a Control that is bound to the named BindingProperty (a field attached to the ProBindingSource).
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RecurseLocateBindingControls (Control, Control>, character) Recurses through the Controls in this SmartViewerControl and nested controls searching for all Controls that are bound to the named BindingProperty (a field attached to the ProBindingSource).
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RecurseLookupStopTimer (Control) Stops the current timer of all Lookups
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RecursePerformLookup (Control) Performs the Lookup operation in all contained SmartLookup Controls
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RecurseReplaceBindingSource (Control, BindingSource) Internal method to replace the data bindings of all contained Controls with the actual binding source provided by a SmartDataSource.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RecurseRestoreCurrentValues (Control) Recurese Restore the Current Values of the Controls on the Viewer after a new DataRow is created. This Method is called by the internal Method RestoreValuesForCopy (). Parameters:
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RecurseStoreCurrentValues (Control) Recurese Store the Current Values of the Controls on the Viewer before a new DataRow is created. This Method is called by the internal Method StoreValuesForCopy ().
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ RegisterSmartGroupAssignTarget (ISmartGroupAssignTarget) Register a SmartDataTarget with the SmartGroupAssignTarget This Method is executed every time a new SmartGroupAssignSource is registered to the corresponding Property of a Class implementing the Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource. Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RemoveControlEnabled (Control) Removes a Control from the list of Controls that will be enabled and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state @param poControl The Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls */
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control) Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state @param poControl1 The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl2 The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls */
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control) Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state @param poControl1 The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl2 The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl3 The third Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls */
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control) Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state @param poControl1 The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl2 The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl3 The third Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl4 The fourth Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls */
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control) Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state @param poControl1 The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl2 The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl3 The third Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl4 The fourth Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls @param poControl5 The fifth Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls */
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ RemoveSmartTableIOSource (ISmartTableIOSource) Removes a SmartTableIOSource from the SmartDataAdapter instance
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ RestoreValuesForCopy () Restore the Current Values of all Controls on a SmartViewerControl and in all SmartGroupAssignTargets. This Method is called by CreateRecord from the current Class. Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignTarget.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SaveChanges () Saves the current changes to the database.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL SaveChangesOnDeactivateForm (logical) Saves pending changes when a Form is deactivated
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for a given Control inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for two given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for three given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for four given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control, character) Sets the Enable Mode for five given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl. Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SetModifyingState () Sets the TableIOState to ModifyingData
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SetOpenedEditorDropDownControl (Control) Set's the current opened EditorDropDownControl
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
- smartBusinessEntityLookup1_EditorButtonClick (Object, EditorButtonEventArgs)
- smartBusinessEntityLookup1_TextChanged (Object, EventArgs) Set LookupKeyValue to be able to erase the selected LoginCompany
+ StoreValuesForCopy () Store the Current Values of all Controls on a SmartViewerControl and do the same in all SmartGroupAssignTargets. This Method is called by CreateRecord from the current Class. Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignTarget.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ TextChangedEventHandler (Object, EventArgs) Event handler for the TextChangedEvent event of Editor Controls on the SmartViewerControl. Initiate switching to the ModifyinData Mode if the user enters data.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ VisualValidate () Validate data entered into the DataFields
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl

Top Constructor Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ SmartGroupViewer ()

Top Event Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ AddedRecordModifiedChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler Raised when the value of the AddedRecordModified property changes
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AddingRecordChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the AddingRecord Property is changed
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AfterAddRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the viewer has successfully started an Add operation
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AfterCancelUpdate DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the viewer has successfully cancelled an update
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AfterCopyRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the viewer has successfully started a Copy operation
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AfterDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the viewer has successfully deleted a record.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AfterFieldsEnabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler Raised after the fields have been enabled
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ AfterSaveChanges DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the viewer has successfully saved changes
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ BeforeAddRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler Event fired when the Viewer starts adding a new record. This event is cancelable
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ BeforeCancelUpdate DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler Event fired when the Viewer begins cancelling an update. This event is cancellable
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ BeforeCopyRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler Event fired when the Viewer begins copying a record. This event is cancellable
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ BeforeDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler Event fired when the Viewer starts deleting a record. This event is cancellable
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ BeforeEnableFields (Object, CancelableEventArgs) Raised before the fields are enabled
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ BeforeSaveChanges DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler Event fired when the Viewer starts saving a record. This event is cancellable
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ CopyingRecordChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler Raised when the CopyingRecord property has changed
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ FieldsDisabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the fields of this viewer become disabled
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ FieldsEnabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the fields of this viewer become enabled
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ FocusControlOnAddChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the FocusControlOnAdd property changes
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ FocusControlOnUpdateChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the FocusControlOnUpdate property changes
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SmartDataSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the SmartDataSource Property is changed
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the SmartGroupAssignSource Property is changed
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SmartTableIOSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler Event fired when the SmartTableIOSource Property is changed
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ SmartTableIOStateChanged (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs) Event fired whenever the SmartTableIOState property has changed
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ VisualValidating DELEGATE System.EventHandler Raised when the Viewer performs Visual Validation
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl

Top Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
+ LOGICAL ActivateCurrentGridRowDuringEdit Gets and sets if the current Grid row should be Activated (highlighted) when starting to update in the Grid
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL AddedRecordModified Returns if a record being added was already modified by the user
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL AddingRecord Flag that indicates if we are currently in Add Mode. When CreateRecord () is called the value of the Property changes to TRUE. CancelUpdate ()or during initialization the call of EvaluateTableIOState () resets the value of the Property to FALSE.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL AllowCloseOfUnmodifiedNewRecord Controls if a Form containing this SmartViewerControl instance can be closed without a prompt to the user when a record has just been created but the user has not yet changed a single field
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL CancellingUpdate Returns if the Viewer is currently cancelling the update
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL CopyingRecord Returns if the Viewer is currently copying a record
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# CHARACTER DesignerVerbs Property that is used to generate Designer Verbs (actions for the Visual Designer)
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
+ LOGICAL DesignTime Propery flags if the current instance of the SmartBindingSource is running at design time or runtime.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
+ LOGICAL EventHandlerActive Returns if the EventHandlers that would enter Edit mode (TextChanged, CheckChanged) are activated or not
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ Control FocusControlOnAdd Get/Set the Control that will automatically become focussed on Add or Copy
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ Control FocusControlOnUpdate Get/Set the Control that will automatically become focussed on Update
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# CHARACTER HiddenProperties Property that is used to mark properties (comma-delimited list) that will be excluded from the .NET TypeDescriptor properties list
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
+ LOGICAL Initializing Indicated that the SmartViewerControl is currrently being Initialized
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource Represents the SmartDataSource property casted to a .NET Interface
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignGroupAssignSource LinkGroupAssignSource Represents the SmartGroupAssignSource property casted to a .NET Interface
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignTableIOSource LinkTableIOSource Represents the SmartTableIOSource property casted to a .NET Interface
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties Property that is used to mark properties (comma-delimited list) that should not show up in the Visual Designers Property Grid
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
# SmartViewerOptionalFeatures OptionalFeatures /*- Purpose: Reference to the SmartViewerOptionalFeaturesInstance that allows to toggle on or off optional features of the SmartViewerControl Notes: */
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed Returns if the FormDestroyed evengt of the containing Form has been subscribed
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
+ LOGICAL ReadOnlyDisabled Gets and sets if Infragistics Text Editor Controls should be set ReadOnly instead of Enabled = FALSE when update is not active
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL SaveMode Controls if the Viewer's field remain Enabled after Save or Cancel
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ LOGICAL SavingChanges Returns if the Viewer is currently saving the changes
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ CHARACTER SecurityKey Gets and sets the Toolbar Security Key
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource Get/Set the SmartDataSource of the current Class. The SmartDataSource can be set to any class implementing the Interface ISmartDataSource. This Property is set by the developer when initializing a Control implementing the Interface ISmartDataTarget. Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ ISmartGroupAssignSource SmartGroupAssignSource Property to register a SmartGroupAssignSource for the SmartViewerControl a backward handshake to the Source is done. A SmartGroupAssignSource can be every class implementing the Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource. This Property is set programatically by the developer.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ ListISmartGroupAssignTarget SmartGroupAssignTargets Returns the list of SmartGroupAssignTargets as a generic list
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ ISmartTableIOSource SmartTableIOSource Get and Set the current SmartTableIOSource of the SmartViewerControl. This Property is set by the developer when initializing a Control implementing the Interface ISmartDataTarget. Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ CHARACTER SmartTableIOState The SmartTableIOState property reflects the operationmode of the SmartViewerControl. Value changes of this Property are only made in the Class SmartViewerControl. Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget or ISmartGroupAssignTarget.
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
# LOGICAL TextChangedHandlerSuspended Gets and sets if text TextChangedHandler is (temporarily) suspended
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ UpdateStateEnum UpdateState Returns the Update State of the Viewer
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ CHARACTER ViewerLogicClass Gets and sets the class name of the ViewerLogic class
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
+ ISmartViewerLogic ViewerLogicObject Returns the reference to the ISmartViewerLogic instance that provides logic for this instance
Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl

Method Detail

PROTECTED ActivateCurrentGridRow ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Activates the current row in the linked Grid


PUBLIC ActivateEventHandler ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Activates the Event Handlers for the contained controls


PUBLIC AddRecord ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Add a new record to the SmartDataSource. The Method CreateRecord of
SmartViewerControl gets called to Handle this Task.
This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController
or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the AddRecord Tool.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.


PUBLIC AddSmartTableIOSource (ISmartTableIOSource)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Adds a(nother) SmartTableIOSource to the SmartViewerControl
Notes: Enables multiple SmartTableIOSources to the SmartViewerControl

poSmartTableIOSource ISmartTableIOSource
The SmartTableIOSource instance to add to the list of TableIO Sources of this Control

PROTECTED System.Windows.Forms.Control ApplyFocusToErrorField (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Set's focus into a field that is related to an error
Notes: Proteced method, so behaviour can be customized
Returns the focussed Control, so that visual hints may be added

The name of the field to apply Focus to
Returns System.Windows.Forms.Control
The Control that the focus was applied to

PROTECTED System.Windows.Forms.Control ApplyFocusToErrorField (IFieldValidationError)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Set's focus into a field that is related to an error
Notes: Proteced method, so behaviour can be customized
Returns the focussed Control, so that visual hints may be added

e IFieldValidationError
The IFieldValidationError instance that contains the information about which Contrl/Field to focus
Returns System.Windows.Forms.Control
The Control that the focus was applied to

PUBLIC AttachBindingSource (BindingSource)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: This Method attaches a new BindingSource given as the Parameter
poBindingSource to the Objects of the current Class. The new
BindingSource may have been created by a DataAdapter or reused from a
Notes: Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.
It is called by the SmartDataAdapter Class when creating a new
BindingSource or when a new SmartDataSource is registered to the
Class implementing the Interface ISmartDataTarget.
This method is also called from the SmartViewerControl destructor (while
a form is closed) to de-attach from the Binding Source. In this case
the poBindingSource reference is passed in as the unknown value.

poBindingSource Progress.Data.BindingSource
The BindingSource to be attached to the Controls contained in the Viewer

PUBLIC BeginInit ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Invoked at the beginning of a Containers InitializeComponents
Notes: Enforced by System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize


PROTECTED BindingSourcePositionChanged (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event handler for the PositionChanged event of the BindingSource
this Viewer is attached to
Notes: Cancels the pending timer of all Lookups contained on the Viewer

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC CancelUpdate ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Reverts the changes to the current record.
Notes: This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController
or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the corresponding Tool.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.


PROTECTED LOGICAL ControlFocus (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Calls the Focus() method for a .NET Control
Notes: SCL-659 : A customer was setting the SET-WAIT-STATE("GENERAL") using
the WaitStateManager around all TableIO Operations - with the consequence,
that all Focus() operations on
- error message putting focus to error field
- FocusControlOnAdd, etc.
were not working anymore. Seems that .NET Controls ignore the Focus()
during the WAIT-STATE. In order to workaround those situation we have
moved all calls to the Focus() method of Viewer Controls to the
overriable method ControlFocus() that receives the Control reference
as the input parameter. This overridable method can be extended by
customers to make sure no WAIT-STATE is active anymore before the
Control:Focus() Focus() is called.

poControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the .NET Control that should receive Focus
Logical value indicating if the input focus request was successful

PUBLIC CopyRecord ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Copy the current record to a new one. The Method CreateRecord of
SmartViewerControl gets called to Handle this Task.
This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController
or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the corresponding Tool.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.


PROTECTED CreateRecord (logical)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Creates a new record in the viewer.
This Method is called by AddRecord and CopyRecord from the current
Class but may be overridden.

Logical value indicating if the method has been called from AddRecord or CopyRecord, FALSE = Add new record, TRUE = Copy existing record

PROTECTED CreateVerbs ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
Purpose: Creates Designer Verbs based on the DesignerVerbs property


PROTECTED CustomInitializeControlHandler (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Overridable method that can be used to perform custom event
Notes: Empty method, needs to be overridden in a custom viewer class

poControl Control
The reference to the Control

PUBLIC DeactivateEventHandler ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Deactivates the Event Handlers for the contained controls


PUBLIC DeleteRecord ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Delete the current record.
Notes: The Method DeleteRow of the SmartDataSource is called to perform
this Task. This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController
or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the corresponding Tool.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.


PUBLIC DeregisterSmartGroupAssignTarget (ISmartGroupAssignTarget)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Deregister a SmartDataTarget with the SmartGroupAssignTarget
Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource.

poSmartGroupAssignTarget ISmartGroupAssignTarget
The SmartGroupAssignTarget to deregister from this SmartViewerControl instance

PUBLIC DisableFields ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Disable all enabled controls of the SmartViewerControl.
This Method is called from inside the SmartViewerControl.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget or ISmartGroupAssignTarget.


PROTECTED DisplayError (Error)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Display ErrorMessages shows a predefined Error Dialog and is called
from the Method SaveChanges () of the SmartViewerControl Class.

e Progress.Lang.Error
The error instance to visualize

PROTECTED DisplayError (Error, logical)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Display ErrorMessages shows a predefined Error Dialog and is called
from the Method SaveChanges () of the SmartViewerControl Class.

e Progress.Lang.Error
The error instance to visualize
plEnsureVisible LOGICAL
Logical flag indicating if the viewer should ensure it's visible

PROTECTED EditorDropDownAfterCloseUpHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event handler for the AfterCloseUp event of an
UltraDateTimeEditor. Clears the reference to the currently opened
DataTime popup editor in the variable oEditorDropDownControl

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED EditorDropDownAfterDropDownHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event handler for the AfterDropDown event of an
UltraDateTimeEditor. Stores a reference to the currently opened
DataTime popup editor in the variable oEditorDropDownControl
Required to be able to start the update process in the
method TextChangedHandler (in this class)

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC EnableFields (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Enables controls of the SmartViewerControl
Notes: This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController
or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the Tools for Add or Edit Data.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget or ISmartGroupAssignTarget.

The EnableFieldsEnum value indicating if the fields are enabled for Add or Update

PUBLIC EndInit ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Invoked at the end of a Containers InitializeComponents method
Notes: Enforced by System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize


PUBLIC EnsureVisible ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Ensures that this SmartViewerControl is visible


PUBLIC EvaluateTableIOState ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: This Method sets the Property SmartTableIOState to a value according
to the SmartDataSources state of the current class. Possible values
for SmartTableIOState are defined in the TableIOStateEnum.
Notes: This Method is called by the SmartDataAdapter when the
PositionChangedHandler is fired or inside the SmartViewerControl if
a new BindingSource is attached.
Enforced by ISmartDataTarget


PROTECTED FillBoundControlTable (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Populates the ttViewerBoundControls temp-table
Notes: Internal method, populates records for a single control container at
a time

poContainer System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the current control container

PUBLIC LOGICAL FocusFirstEnabledEditorControl (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Focusses the first enabled EditorControl of the given Container
FIELD RecordOwner AS Progress.Lang.Object
FIELD ChildControl AS Progress.Lang.Object
INDEX RecordOwner RecordOwner TabOrder .

poControl Control
The reference to the container control
Logical value indicating the success of this method

PROTECTED FormActivatedHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event handler for the Activate event of the owning Form
Notes: Notes, this Event Handler is only subscribed to the Activate event
of the containing Form when the Viewer's event handlers are activated,
i.o.w the Viewer is active.

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED FormClosedHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Handles the FormClosed event of the containing Form
Notes: Notes, this Event Handler is only subscribed to the FormClosed event
of the containing Form when the Viewer's event handlers are activated,
iow the Viewer is active.

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED FormDeactivatedHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event handler for the Deactivate event of the owning Form
Notes: Notes, this Event Handler is only subscribed to the Deactivated event
of the containing Form when the Viewer's event handlers are activated,
iow the Viewer is active.

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component> GetAllComponents ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
Purpose: Returns a List of all Components in the Form
Notes: Supported on OpenEdge 11 only, due to dependency to the ComponentsCollection
list not available on 10.2B

Returns System.Collections.Generic.List <System.ComponentModel.Component>
The List of Components in the Form

PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Control GetBoundControl (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns the reference to the Control that is bound to the named field
of the binding source

pcBindingPropertyName CHARACTER
The name of the field in the ProBindingSource
Returns System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the resulting Control

PUBLIC System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control> GetBoundControls (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns the list of Controls that is bound to the named field
of the binding source
Notes: Returns all Controls in the viewer and also GroupAssignLinked viewers

pcBindingPropertyName CHARACTER
The name of the field in the ProBindingSource
Returns System.Collections.Generic.List <System.Windows.Forms.Control>
The List of bound Controls

PUBLIC GetBoundControlTable (table)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Populates a temp-table with information about all bound controls
in the SmartViewerControl
Notes: Also processes GroupAssignTarget Viewers

ttViewerBoundControls TABLE
INPUT-OUTPUT TABLE with the data binding information, from Consultingwerk\SmartComponents\Base\ttViewerBoundControls.i

PUBLIC CHARACTER GetControlEnabled (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns the Enable mode for a Control from the list of Controlthat will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state

poControl Control
The Control for which the Enable mode should be returned
The CHARACTER value representing the Control Enabled mode

PUBLIC CHARACTER GetControlSecurityEnabled (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns the security Enable mode for a Control from the list of Controls
that will be enabled and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer

poControl Control
The Control for which the Enable mode should be returned
The CHARACTER value representing the security Control Enabled mode

PUBLIC System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns the reference to a Control in the Viewer identified by the Controls
Name. This Method starts a recursive search for the Control.
Notes: The Method is called by the SmartLookupControls to set values to
the Controls after the Lookup Dialog has been closed.

pcControlName CHARACTER
Name of the Control to search
Returns System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the Control or the unknown value

PROTECTED System.Windows.Forms.Control GetViewerField (character, Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Recursively searches for the Control with the given name
Notes: This Method is called by the Method GetViewerField (pcControlName AS CHARACTER)
of the SmartViewerControl Class.

pcControlName CHARACTER
Name of the Control to search
poControl Control
The parent control to search in
Returns System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the Control or the unknown value

PROTECTED ISmartGroupAssignTarget GetViewerForBoundControl (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns the reference to the SmartGroupAssignTarget that contains
a Control bound to the given field name

The name of the field
Returns ISmartGroupAssignTarget
The reference to the SmartGroupAssignTarget that contains a Control bound to the given field name

PROTECTED GroupAssignSmartTableIOStateChangedHandler (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event handler for the SmartTableIOStateChanged event of the
Groupassign Source

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs
The SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC HandleValidationError (Error)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Handles an error raised by validation routines
Notes: Displays the Error message and focusses the field that caused the error

poError Progress.Lang.Error
The reference to the validation error instance

PUBLIC LOGICAL HasBoundControl (character, logical)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns logical value indicating if the Viewer contains a Control
that is bound to the named field
Notes: Optionally includes Group Assigned viewers

pcBindingPropertyName CHARACTER
The name of the field in the ProBindingSource
plIncludeGroupAssignTargets LOGICAL
Logical value indicating if the method should also look in GroupAssign Target Viewers
Logical value indicating if a bound control exists

PRIVATE InitializeComponent ()

Purpose: Initializes the Visual Design


PROTECTED InitializeControlEventHandler ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Subscribe the EventHandler(s) to events of all controls added to
the SmartViewerControl. The RecurseInitializeControlEventHandler is
used to Handle this Task.
This Method is called every Time a new Control is added to the


PROTECTED InitializeViewerLogicObject ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Initializes the Viewer Logic Object
Notes: The SmartViewerControl will initialize the ViewerLogicClass during
EndInit when the property ViewerLogicClass is set and the Viewer
does not have a SmartGroupAssignSource
The Viewer Logic Object will also not initialized when the ViewerLogicObject
instance is already set
Registers the ViewerLogicObject also for the SmartGroupAssignTargets


PROTECTED LOGICAL IsControlEnabled (character, character, logical)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Determines if a Control should be enabeld based on the SecurityEnableMode
and EnableMode

pcSecurityEnableMode CHARACTER
The security enable mode of the current control
pcEnableMode CHARACTER
The enable mode of the current control
Logical value indicating if the viewer is in Add (true) or Update (false) mode
Logical value indicating if the control is supposed to be enabeld or not

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsEditorControl (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns TRUE is the Controls is recognized as an Editor Control
Notes: That is a Control the user normally enters Text

poControl Control
The reference to the Control to test
Logical valud indicating if the Control is a known Editor Control

PUBLIC LOGICAL IsOkToClose (logical, CloseReason)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Check if it is ok to close the parent form.
Returns TRUE when the form can be closed. Otherwise returns FALSE.
Enforced by the Interface ICheckOkToClose.

plShowMessage LOGICAL
When TRUE a message is Shown explaining why it is not ok to close the parent form
poCloseReason System.Windows.Forms.CloseReason
The System.Windows.Forms.CloseReason passed from then OnFormClosing Method of the parent form giving the reason why the form is closed
Logical value indicating if the parent Form may be closed

PROTECTED LOGICAL IsValueChanged (Object)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns if the current (screen-value) of a Control in the SmartViewerControl
derived class has changed in comparison to the underlying buffer vaule
Notes: Currently compares based on Value, Text, CheckedState or LookupKeyValue
bound values

poControl System.Object
The reference to the Control (type is System.Object for convenience of passing in the sender of a .NET event handler)
Logical value indicating if the current value has changed

PRIVATE LoginCompanyLookup_EditorButtonClick (Object, EditorButtonEventArgs)


sender System.Object
Reference to the Object which is calling the method
e Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorButtonEventArgs
An EventArgs that contains the Event specific data

PRIVATE LoginCompanyLookup_TextChanged (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Set LookupKeyValue to be able to erase the selected LoginCompany

sender System.Object
Reference to the Object which is calling the method
e System.EventArgs
An EventArgs that contains no Event data

PROTECTED OnAddedRecordModifiedChanged (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the AddedRecordModifiedChanged

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for the event

PROTECTED OnAddingRecordChanged (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the AddingRecordChanged event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnAfterAddRecord (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the AfterAddRecord event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnAfterCancelUpdate (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the AfterCancelUpdate event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnAfterCopyRecord (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the AfterCopyRecord event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnAfterDeleteRecord (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the AfterDeleteRecord event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnAfterFieldsEnabled (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the AfterFieldsEnabled

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for the event

PROTECTED OnAfterSaveChanges (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the AfterSaveChanges event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnBeforeAddRecord (CancelEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the BeforeAddRecord event

e System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs
The CancelEventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnBeforeCancelUpdate (CancelEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the BeforeCancelUpdate event

e System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs
The CancelEventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnBeforeCopyRecord (CancelEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the BeforeCopyRecord event

e System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs
The CancelEventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnBeforeDeleteRecord (CancelEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the BeforeDeleteRecord event

e System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs
The CancelEventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnBeforeEnableFields (CancelableEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the BeforeEnableFields

e CancelableEventArgs
The CancelableEventArgs with the data for the event

PROTECTED OnBeforeSaveChanges (CancelEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the BeforeSaveChanges event

e System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs
The CancelEventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnCopyingRecordChanged (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the CopyingRecordChanged

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for the event

PROTECTED OnEnter (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the Enter event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnFieldsDisabled (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the FieldsDisabled event.

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnFieldsEnabled (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the FieldsEnabled event.

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnFocusControlOnAddChanged (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the FocusControlOnAddChanged event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnFocusControlOnUpdateChanged (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the FocusControlOnUpdateChanged event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnLoad (EventArgs)

Overrides Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl:OnLoad (EventArgs)
Purpose: Raises the Load event
Notes: Subscribes the FormDestroyed event from the ParentForm

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnSmartDataSourceChanged (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Publishes the SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnSmartGroupAssignSourceChanged (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Publishes the SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnSmartTableIOSourceChanged (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Publishes the SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED OnSmartTableIOStateChanged (SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Publishes the SmartTableIOStateChanged event

e SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC OnVerbClicked (character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
Purpose: Event Handler method for Designer Verbs
Notes: This method is intended to be overridden

pcDesignerVerb CHARACTER
The name (Label) of the Designer Verb that was invoked

PROTECTED OnVisualValidating (EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raises the VisualValidating event

e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for the event

PROTECTED ParentFormDestroyedHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
Purpose: Event handler for the FormDestroyed event of the owning Form

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PROTECTED RecurseInitializeControlEventHandler (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Subscribe the EventHandler(s) to events of all controls added to
the SmartViewerControl.
This Method is called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler ()
of the SmartViewerControl.

poParentControl Control
The The Parent Control (THIS-OBJECT), nested Container

PROTECTED System.Windows.Forms.Control RecurseLocateBindingControl (Control, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Recurses through the Controls in this SmartViewerControl and nested
controls searching for a Control that is bound to the named
BindingProperty (a field attached to the ProBindingSource).

poParentControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the ParentControl
pcBindingPropertyName CHARACTER
The name of the field in the ProBindingSource
Returns System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the resulting Control

PROTECTED RecurseLocateBindingControls (Control, Control>, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Recurses through the Controls in this SmartViewerControl and nested
controls searching for all Controls that are bound to the named
BindingProperty (a field attached to the ProBindingSource).
Notes: The controls will be added to the list

poParentControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The reference to the ParentControl
poList System.Collections.Generic.List
The list to add the control references to
pcBindingPropertyName CHARACTER
The name of the field in the ProBindingSource

PROTECTED RecurseLookupStopTimer (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Stops the current timer of all Lookups
Notes: Invoked when a PositionChanged event occurs

poParentControl System.Windows.Forms.Control
The parent Control of the current iteration

PROTECTED RecursePerformLookup (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Performs the Lookup operation in all contained SmartLookup Controls
Notes: Called at the begin of a Save operations

poParentControl Control
The parent Control for the current iteration

PROTECTED RecurseReplaceBindingSource (Control, BindingSource)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Internal method to replace the data bindings of all contained
Controls with the actual binding source provided by a SmartDataSource.
Notes: Initially called by the Method AttachBindingSource () of the
This method also applies field security from the IFieldAuthorizationProvider
implementation. When a Control is hidden, the label is also hidden. The
Label for a Control is located using the GetNextControl method of the
parent control, thus it's required that the label is standing exactly
before the Control in the Tab-Order of the Viewer.

poParentControl Control
Current Container to perform Action on
poBindingSource Progress.Data.BindingSource
New BindingSource Instance passed to the Class

PROTECTED RecurseRestoreCurrentValues (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Recurese Restore the Current Values of the Controls on the Viewer
after a new DataRow is created.
This Method is called by the internal Method RestoreValuesForCopy ().

poParentControl Control
The parent control of the current iteration

PROTECTED RecurseStoreCurrentValues (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Recurese Store the Current Values of the Controls on the Viewer
before a new DataRow is created.
This Method is called by the internal Method StoreValuesForCopy ().

poParentControl Control
The parent Control of the current iteration

PUBLIC RegisterSmartGroupAssignTarget (ISmartGroupAssignTarget)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Register a SmartDataTarget with the SmartGroupAssignTarget
This Method is executed every time a new SmartGroupAssignSource is
registered to the corresponding Property of a Class implementing the
Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource.
Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource.

poSmartGroupAssignTarget ISmartGroupAssignTarget
The SmartGroupAssignTarget to register with this SmartViewerControl instance

PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Removes a Control from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state

poControl Control
The Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls

PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state

poControl1 Control
The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl2 Control
The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls

PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state

poControl1 Control
The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl2 Control
The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl3 Control
The third Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls

PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state

poControl1 Control
The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl2 Control
The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl3 Control
The third Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl4 Control
The fourth Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls

PROTECTED RemoveControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Removes multiple Controls from the list of Controls that will be enabled
and disabled by the Viewer based on the current Viewer state

poControl1 Control
The first Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl2 Control
The second Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl3 Control
The third Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl4 Control
The fourth Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls
poControl5 Control
The fifth Control which shall be removed from the list of managed Controls

PUBLIC RemoveSmartTableIOSource (ISmartTableIOSource)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Removes a SmartTableIOSource from the SmartDataAdapter
Notes: Enables multiple SmartTableIOSource to the SmartDataAdapter.

poSmartTableIOSource ISmartTableIOSource
The SmartTableIOSource to remove from the Viewer

PUBLIC RestoreValuesForCopy ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Restore the Current Values of all Controls on a SmartViewerControl
and in all SmartGroupAssignTargets.
This Method is called by CreateRecord from the current Class.
Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignTarget.


PUBLIC SaveChanges ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Saves the current changes to the database.
Notes: This Method is called by the Toolbar Classes SmartToolbarController
or SmartToolStripContainer by pressing the corresponding Tool.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget or ISmartGroupAssignTarget.


PUBLIC LOGICAL SaveChangesOnDeactivateForm (logical)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Saves pending changes when a Form is deactivated

plShowMessage LOGICAL
When TRUE a message is asking the user if values should be saved. When FALSE values will be saved silently
True when the user did choose not to save or the save was successful, False when the control remains in Update state

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for a given Control inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl Control
The Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for two given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl1 Control
The first Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl2 Control
The second Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for three given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl1 Control
The first Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl2 Control
The second Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl3 Control
The third Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for four given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl1 Control
The first Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl2 Control
The second Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl3 Control
The third Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl4 Control
The forth Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetControlEnabled (Control, Control, Control, Control, Control, character)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Sets the Enable Mode for five given Controls inside the SmartViewerControl.
Called by the Method InitializeControlEventHandler () of a
SmartViewerControl derived Class.
Notes: Possible Values for pcEnabled (ControlEnabledEnum):
Add, Always, Never, Update, UpdateOnly

poControl1 Control
The first Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl2 Control
The second Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl3 Control
The third Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl4 Control
The forth Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
poControl5 Control
The fifth Control which shall be set to the passed in Mode
Mode to be set as defined in ControlEnabledEnum

PUBLIC SetModifyingState ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Sets the TableIOState to ModifyingData
Notes: Useful when modifying Viewer values through custom event handlers


PUBLIC SetOpenedEditorDropDownControl (Control)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Set's the current opened EditorDropDownControl
Notes: See Bug 1878 for details

poControl Control
The reference to the Control that currently has the list dropped down

PRIVATE smartBusinessEntityLookup1_EditorButtonClick (Object, EditorButtonEventArgs)


sender System.Object
Reference to the Object which is calling the method
e Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorButtonEventArgs
An EventArgs that contains the Event specific data

PRIVATE smartBusinessEntityLookup1_TextChanged (Object, EventArgs)

Purpose: Set LookupKeyValue to be able to erase the selected LoginCompany

sender System.Object
Reference to the Object which is calling the method
e System.EventArgs
An EventArgs that contains no Event data

PUBLIC StoreValuesForCopy ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Store the Current Values of all Controls on a SmartViewerControl
and do the same in all SmartGroupAssignTargets.
This Method is called by CreateRecord from the current Class.
Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignTarget.


PUBLIC TextChangedEventHandler (Object, EventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event handler for the TextChangedEvent event of Editor Controls on
the SmartViewerControl.
Initiate switching to the ModifyinData Mode if the user enters data.
Notes: This Method is executed every time data changes in the EditorControls
of a SmartViewerControl.
Enforced by Interface ISmartGroupAssignSource.

sender System.Object
The reference to the object that raised the event
e System.EventArgs
The System.EventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC VisualValidate ()

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Validate data entered into the DataFields
Notes: This is a placeholder that can be overridden in a viewer control
inheriting from SmartViewerControl
Due to limitations with the .NET Visual Designer environment, this
method cannot be market ABSTRACT

Constructor Detail

PUBLIC SmartGroupViewer ()

Event Detail

PUBLIC AddedRecordModifiedChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raised when the value of the AddedRecordModified property changes

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC AddingRecordChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the AddingRecord Property is changed

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC AfterAddRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the viewer has successfully started an Add
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC AfterCancelUpdate DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the viewer has successfully cancelled an update
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC AfterCopyRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the viewer has successfully started a Copy operation
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC AfterDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the viewer has successfully deleted a record.
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC AfterFieldsEnabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raised after the fields have been enabled

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC AfterSaveChanges DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the viewer has successfully saved changes
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC BeforeAddRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the Viewer starts adding a new record.
This event is cancelable
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

PUBLIC BeforeCancelUpdate DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the Viewer begins cancelling an update.
This event is cancellable
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

PUBLIC BeforeCopyRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the Viewer begins copying a record.
This event is cancellable
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

PUBLIC BeforeDeleteRecord DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the Viewer starts deleting a record.
This event is cancellable
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

PUBLIC BeforeEnableFields (Object, CancelableEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raised before the fields are enabled

sender Progress.Lang.Object
The object that raised the BeforeEnableFields event
e CancelableEventArgs
The CancelableEventArgs with the data for the event

PUBLIC BeforeSaveChanges DELEGATE System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the Viewer starts saving a record.
This event is cancellable
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler

PUBLIC CopyingRecordChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raised when the CopyingRecord property has changed

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC FieldsDisabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the fields of this viewer become disabled
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC FieldsEnabled DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the fields of this viewer become enabled
Notes: This event is defined using a .NET delegate, so it will show in
the PropertyGrid of the VisualDesigner

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC FocusControlOnAddChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the FocusControlOnAdd property changes

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC FocusControlOnUpdateChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the FocusControlOnUpdate property changes

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC SmartDataSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the SmartDataSource Property is changed

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC SmartGroupAssignSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the SmartGroupAssignSource Property is changed

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC SmartTableIOSourceChanged DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired when the SmartTableIOSource Property is changed

Delegate: System.EventHandler

PUBLIC SmartTableIOStateChanged (Object, SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs)

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Event fired whenever the SmartTableIOState property has changed

sender System.Object
The object that raised the event
e SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs
The SmartTableIOStateChangedEventArgs with the data for this event

PUBLIC VisualValidating DELEGATE System.EventHandler

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Raised when the Viewer performs Visual Validation
Notes: May be used by Subscribers to corrent screen values before validation

Delegate: System.EventHandler

Property Detail

PUBLIC LOGICAL ActivateCurrentGridRowDuringEdit

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Gets and sets if the current Grid row should be Activated (highlighted)
when starting to update in the Grid


PUBLIC LOGICAL AddedRecordModified

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns if a record being added was already modified by the user



Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Flag that indicates if we are currently in Add Mode.
When CreateRecord () is called the value of the Property changes to
TRUE. CancelUpdate ()or during initialization the call of
EvaluateTableIOState () resets the value of the Property to FALSE.
Notes: To Differenciate from Modifying data


PUBLIC LOGICAL AllowCloseOfUnmodifiedNewRecord

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Controls if a Form containing this SmartViewerControl instance can
be closed without a prompt to the user when a record has just been
created but the user has not yet changed a single field


PUBLIC LOGICAL CancellingUpdate

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns if the Viewer is currently cancelling the update
Notes: Useful in Leave event handlers of the fields contained in the



Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns if the Viewer is currently copying a record
Notes: Only true when AddingRecord is also true



Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
Purpose: Property that is used to generate Designer Verbs (actions for the
Visual Designer)



Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
Purpose: Propery flags if the current instance of the SmartBindingSource
is running at design time or runtime.
Notes: Set during constructor using a check at the


PUBLIC LOGICAL EventHandlerActive

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns if the EventHandlers that would enter Edit mode (TextChanged,
CheckChanged) are activated or not


PUBLIC Control FocusControlOnAdd

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Get/Set the Control that will automatically become focussed on Add
or Copy
Notes: This property is filled automatically during initialization

Returns Control

PUBLIC Control FocusControlOnUpdate

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Get/Set the Control that will automatically become focussed on Update
Notes: This property is filled automatically during initialization

Returns Control


Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
Purpose: Property that is used to mark properties (comma-delimited list) that
will be excluded from the .NET TypeDescriptor properties list



Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Indicated that the SmartViewerControl is currrently being


PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource LinkDataSource

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Represents the SmartDataSource property casted to a .NET Interface
Notes: Implementation of Interface in Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.dll
SCL-725 - code moved from LinkDataSource.i directly into class file

Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignDataSource

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignGroupAssignSource LinkGroupAssignSource

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Represents the SmartGroupAssignSource property casted to a .NET Interface
Notes: Implementation of Interface in Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.dll
SCL-725 - code moved from LinkGroupAssignSource.i directly into class file

Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignGroupAssignSource

PUBLIC Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignTableIOSource LinkTableIOSource

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Represents the SmartTableIOSource property casted to a .NET Interface
Notes: Implementation of Interface in Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.dll
SCL-725 - code moved from LinkTableIOSource.i directly into class file

Returns Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Interfaces.Design.IDesignTableIOSource

PROTECTED CHARACTER NonBrowsableProperties

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
Purpose: Property that is used to mark properties (comma-delimited list) that
should not show up in the Visual Designers Property Grid


PROTECTED SmartViewerOptionalFeatures OptionalFeatures

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Reference to the SmartViewerOptionalFeaturesInstance that allows
to toggle on or off optional features of the SmartViewerControl

Returns SmartViewerOptionalFeatures

PROTECTED LOGICAL ParentFormDestroyedSubscribed

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartUserControl
Purpose: Returns if the FormDestroyed evengt of the containing Form has been



Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Gets and sets if Infragistics Text Editor Controls should be set
ReadOnly instead of Enabled = FALSE when update is not active
Notes: Effective for Controls inheriting from Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraWinEditorMaskedControlBase
and Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.TextEditorControlBase



Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Controls if the Viewer's field remain Enabled after Save or Cancel
Notes: When the user is using the SaveMode the fields are basically always
enabled as long as there is a record available. As soon as the user
starts entering values in the fields of the viewer, the update
operation is starting, resulting in a change of enabled buttons in the
viewer and the disablement of linked grids.



Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns if the Viewer is currently saving the changes
Notes: Useful in Leave event handlers of the fields contained in the



Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Gets and sets the Toolbar Security Key


PUBLIC ISmartDataSource SmartDataSource

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Get/Set the SmartDataSource of the current Class. The SmartDataSource
can be set to any class implementing the Interface ISmartDataSource.
This Property is set by the developer when initializing a Control
implementing the Interface ISmartDataTarget.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.
Notes: If a new SmartDataSource is set the DataBinding of all fields is updated.

Returns ISmartDataSource

PUBLIC ISmartGroupAssignSource SmartGroupAssignSource

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Property to register a SmartGroupAssignSource for the SmartViewerControl
a backward handshake to the Source is done.
A SmartGroupAssignSource can be every class implementing the Interface
This Property is set programatically by the developer.

Returns ISmartGroupAssignSource

PUBLIC ListISmartGroupAssignTarget SmartGroupAssignTargets

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns the list of SmartGroupAssignTargets as a generic list

Returns ListISmartGroupAssignTarget

PUBLIC ISmartTableIOSource SmartTableIOSource

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Get and Set the current SmartTableIOSource of the SmartViewerControl.
This Property is set by the developer when initializing a Control
implementing the Interface ISmartDataTarget.
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget.
Notes: Cannot be changed while the SmartViewerControl is in ModifyingData mode.

Returns ISmartTableIOSource


Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: The SmartTableIOState property reflects the operationmode of the
Value changes of this Property are only made in the Class
Enforced by Interface ISmartDataTarget or ISmartGroupAssignTarget.
Notes: Possible values (TableIOStateEnum):
- AddCopyAllowed
- FieldsDisabled
- FieldsEnabled
- ModifyingData
- NoDataSource
- NoParentRecordAvailable


PROTECTED LOGICAL TextChangedHandlerSuspended

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Gets and sets if text TextChangedHandler is (temporarily) suspended
Notes: The TextChangedHandler controls setting the SmartTableIOState of the
SmartViewerControl to modifying data. There may be situations in
custom control developement where this might need to be turned off
temporarily. Setting this flag to TRUE is less work, than calling
the DeactivateEventHandler and ActivateEventHandler


PUBLIC UpdateStateEnum UpdateState

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns the Update State of the Viewer
Notes: Possible values are Add, Copy, Update or View

Returns UpdateStateEnum


Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Gets and sets the class name of the ViewerLogic class
Notes: This property should only be set for independent SmartViewerControl
instances of the source of a group assign link. The value of the
property will be ignored for group assign targets
The class named here, needs to implement the


PUBLIC ISmartViewerLogic ViewerLogicObject

Inherited from Consultingwerk.SmartComponents.Base.SmartViewerControl
Purpose: Returns the reference to the ISmartViewerLogic instance that provides
logic for this instance

Returns ISmartViewerLogic

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