Options |
Name |
Purpose |
Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Controls.ApplyCellLeaveToBrowseEnum ApplyCellLeaveToBrowse
Gets and sets if the LEAVE Event should be APPLY'd to the browse widget
and if the leave event should be published on Deactivate or EndUpdate
of the cell
LOGICAL ApplyEntryOnEnter
Gets and sets if the Enter event of the RenderedBrowserControl will
APPLY ENTRY to the Browse widget
Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Controls.ApplyFunctionKeyEventsEnum ApplyFunctionKeyEvents
Gets and sets where Function Key events will be APPLY'd to
LOGICAL ApplyIterationChanged
Gets and sets if the RenderedBrowseControl will APPLY the ITERATION-CHANGED
event together with the VALUE-CHANGED Event
LOGICAL ApplyRowDisplayBeforeDisplayFields
Gets and sets if the instance to the RenderedBrowseControl is should
Apply the ROW-DISPLAY Evnt to the Browser before (TRUE) or after (FALSE)
running the WindowDisplayFieldsIn... hook procedure
LOGICAL ApplyRowEntryOnBeforeEnterEditMode
Gets and sets if the instance of the RenderedBrowseControl should
APPLY ROW-ENTRY to the Progress Browse OnBeforeEnterEditMode
LOGICAL ApplyRowEntryOnRowActivate
Gets and sets if the instance of the RenderedBrowseControl should
APPLY ROW-ENTRY to the Progress Browse OnRowActivate
LOGICAL ApplyRowLeaveOnLeave
Gets and sets if the instance of the RenderedBrowseControl should
APPLY ROW-LEAVE to the Progress browse OnLeave
LOGICAL ApplyRowLeaveOnRowDeactivate
Gets and sets if the instance of the RenderedBrowseControl should
APPLY ROW-LEAVE to the Progress Browse OnBeforeRowDeactivate
LOGICAL AssignBindingSourceOnRowDeactivate
Gets and sets if the BindingSource fields should be Assign-ed to the
buffer during handling the OnRowDeactivate
LOGICAL Batching
Gets and sets if the instance to the RenderedBrowseControl is using Batching
CHARACTER BindingSourceFieldList
Gets and sets the List of fields that will be exposed to the
ProBindingSource used by the RenderedBrowseControl
Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Controls.BindingSourceFieldsEnum BindingSourceFields
Gets and sets the BindingSourceFieldsEnum value indicating which
fields will be added to the ProBindingSource of the RenderedBrowseControl
HANDLE BrowseHandle
Gets and sets the handle of the original browse widget
HANDLE CallBackProcedure
Gets and sets the handle of the Procedure to use for call-backs
CHARACTER ColorCodingColumnNames
Gets and sets a list of column keys to be used for the automatic processing
of color coding (ROW-DISPLAY Trigger)
CHARACTER ColumnLabels
Gets and sets the labels of the Visible Columns as an override to
the currnetly visible browse columns
CHARACTER ColumnWidths
Gets and sets the widths of the Visible Columns as an override to
the currnetly visible browse columns
Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Controls.CursorKeyNavigationInEditEnum CursorKeyNavigationInEdit
Get's and sets if the CursorKeyNavigation during update is used
CHARACTER CustomCalculatedColumnNames
Gets and sets a list of column keys to be used for the additional
automatic processing of of calculated fields (ROW-DISPLAY Trigger)
LOGICAL DisableCalculatedFieldsAndColor
Gets and sets if the InitializeRow and ListChanged events should
execute code to handle ABL calculated fields and value based color
based on synchronizing the ROW-DISPLAY trigger
LOGICAL DisableOutlookGroupBy
Gets and sets if the RenderedBrowseControl should disable the
OutlookGroupBy even when Batching is not used
System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle Dock
Gets and sets the inital value for the Dock property of the grid
LOGICAL DynamicColumns
Gets and sets of the Browser has dynamic columns
Consultingwerk.WindowIntegrationKit.Forms.IEmbeddedWindowForm EmbeddedWindowForm
Gets and sets the reference to the IEmbeddedWindowForm that should
contain the RenderedBrowseControl
LOGICAL EnableSearch
Gets and sets if search capabilities should be enabled for the
current browse instance.
Gets and sets the name that should be set to the RenderedBrowseControl
INTEGER MaxDataGuess
MaxDataGuess value for the RenderedBrowseControl instance, used only
when batching
LOGICAL MonitorBrowseCellEntry
Gets and sets if the RenderedBrowseControl should subscribe to the
ENTRY event of the Browse Cells
System.Windows.Forms.Control Parent
Gets and sets the reference to the .NET Control that should be used
as the parent for the RenderedBrowseControl instance
Gets and sets key used as the base key when getting user settings
from the ISettingsService implementation
CHARACTER VisibleColumns
Gets and sets the names of the browse columns that are supposed to
be visible as an override to the currently visible browse columns