Options |
Name |
Purpose |
AddBufferFieldsToList (handle, ListNameValuePair, logical)
Adds the fields from the given Buffer Handle to the given ListNameValuePair
CHARACTER AllFieldNames (handle)
Returns a comma-delimited list of the buffer column names
CHARACTER AllFieldsFindPredicate (handle)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of all fields
@param phBuffer The handle of the buffer
@return The QueryString predicate
CHARACTER BufferFieldSubstitute (handle, character, character)
Returns the result of a SUBSTITUTE function based on fields of a
buffer handle
CHARACTER BufferFieldSubstitute (handle, character, character, logical)
Returns the result of a SUBSTITUTE function based on fields of a
buffer handle
CHARACTER BufferFieldSubstituteFormatted (handle, character, character, character)
Returns the result of a SUBSTITUTE function based on formatted fields of a
buffer handle
HANDLE BufferHandle (BufferFieldName)
Returns the handle to the database buffer referenced by the
BufferFieldName object
CHARACTER BufferIndexByClause (handle, character, logical)
Returns the by clause mathing a buffer index
CHARACTER BufferIndexByClause (handle, character, logical, logical)
Returns the by clause mathing a buffer index
CHARACTER BufferIndexFields (handle, character)
Returns the list of fields referenced in an index
CHARACTER BufferLargeColumns (handle)
Returns the large columns from the given buffer handle
LOGICAL CanCreateDefaultRow (handle)
Validates that a record can be created using the default values
HANDLE CreateBuffer (BufferFieldName)
Creates and returns a dynamic buffer based on a BufferFieldName object
HANDLE CreateBuffer (handle)
Creates a Dynamic buffer on the fly
FindAfterBuffer (handle)
Finds the before buffer's after-buffer record
FindBeforeBuffer (handle)
Finds the after buffer's before-buffer record
FindDatabaseBuffer (handle, handle, character)
Finds the database record for a linked (ProDataset data-source) record
in a ProDataset.
GetFieldNameAndExtent (character, character, integer)
Returns the name and extent of the field name
Consultingwerk.Framework.Collections.CharacterDictionary GetFieldValues (handle, character)
Returns a dictionary with field values of the given buffer
LOGICAL HasField (handle, character)
Tests if the passed in buffer handle has a field with the
given name
LOGICAL IsDatabaseBuffer (handle)
Returns TRUE when the passed in Buffer Handle is a buffer handle for
a database table
LOGICAL IsUniqueFieldCombination (handle, character)
Returns if the provided list of field names is unqiue
CHARACTER NewGuidWhenEmpty (handle, character)
Assigns a new GUID value to a buffer field when the buffer field is
empty or ?
NullifyUniqueIndexFields (handle)
Nullify (?) all unique index field values
INTEGER NumRecords (handle)
Returns the number of records available in the Buffer
Consultingwerk.BufferFieldName ParseFieldName (character)
Parses a field name
ParseSaxAttributesToBuffer (handle, handle)
Assigns buffer field values from SAX-ATTRIBUTES
CHARACTER QualifiedTableName (handle)
Returns the qualified table name of a buffer
ShowBuffer (handle)
Shows buffer field values on the screen using the MESSAGE statement
ShowBuffer (handle, integer)
Shows buffer field values on the screen using the MESSAGE statement
INTEGER TotalNumberOfFields (handle)
Returns the total number of fields in a Buffer including Array
fields as individual columns
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicate (handle)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of primary unique columns
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicate (handle, character)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of primary unique columns
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicate (handle, CellsCollection)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of primary unique columns
Uses the buffer handle to determine the Unique Index fields, uses
an UltraGrid's cell collection (i.e. of an UltraGridRow) to access
the values
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicate (handle, CellsCollection, UltraGridRow, logical)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of primary unique columns
Uses the buffer handle to determine the Unique Index fields, uses
an UltraGrid's cell collection (i.e. of an UltraGridRow) to access
the field/cell values
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicate (handle, CellsCollection, logical)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of primary unique columns
Uses the buffer handle to determine the Unique Index fields, uses
an UltraGrid's cell collection (i.e. of an UltraGridRow) to access
the field/cell values
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicate (handle, CellsCollection, logical, logical)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of primary unique columns
Uses the buffer handle to determine the Unique Index fields, uses
an UltraGrid's cell collection (i.e. of an UltraGridRow) to access
the field/cell values
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicate (handle, logical)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of primary unique columns
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicateWithValueBuffer (handle, handle, character)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of primary unique columns
CHARACTER UniqueFindPredicateWithValueBuffer (handle, handle, CharacterDictionary, character)
Builds a QueryString predicate that can be used to (re)fetch a
record based on equality of primary unique columns
CHARACTER UniqueKeyFields (handle)
Returns the fields of the Unique Primary of the table
CHARACTER UniqueKeyFields (handle, logical)
Returns the fields of the Unique Primary of the table
CHARACTER UniqueKeyFields (handle, logical, logical)
Returns the fields of the Unique Primary of the table
CHARACTER UniqueRecordIdentifier (handle)
Builds and returns a unique record identifier composed from field
values of either the primary unique index or the first unqiue index
of the table
CHARACTER UniqueRecordIdentifier (handle, logical, character)
Builds and returns a unique record identifier composed from field
values of either the primary unique index or the first unqiue index
of the table